Super Finding App

Chapter 1576: Meet God and Kill God

The testament is a very important thing for anyone.

In other words, to the person writing the testament, the testament is proof that they are living in this world, but to others, the testament is important or not, but they do n’t care.

Such as Anthony and John Jones.

They didn't even care what was written in the testament entrusted to Mr. Yang by this survivor tribe. They didn't care what the testament was entrusted to. The testament was only a tool for them to accomplish their purpose. It's just Yang Yang's handle.

But it is undeniable that they are threatened. This handle is really very effective.

After all, up to now, the art of veteran Yang really can be said to be very important and quite important, even for the posthumous writings can not leave the ship branch factory.

But this is absolutely not allowed for Yang Zi.

The thought of Yang Zi raised her head and twisted her head to look at Feng Zhifan's eyes, but there was a trace of sadness, and he bit his teeth gently and said

"It's been 20 years. It's been 20 years. Feng Zhifan, you know very well. I've been searching for my father for 20 years. I thought that finding him could only be a wreck. Even so, I hope he can Find, at least know where he will eventually be "

"The main thing is that I want to know why my father would leave. I would have left me and my mother. Originally, I thought I would be very angry after seeing him, and hate him quite a lot. I thought he was Abandoned me and my mother to live outside, but the reality tells me that this is not the case at all, my father did not leave me, but stayed in this survivor camp, staying here with no access Within a ship cemetery "

"My mother has died. Before my mother was dying, I promised my mother that I would definitely find my father, and I would surely take him out, at least to let my father see his mother's tombstone, so I absolutely cannot It is absolutely forbidden to allow my father to remain in the ship's cemetery, and as long as there is any possibility, I will never allow it. "

No one knows better than Yang Zi, what exactly did he suffer as a single parent in his childhood?

There were times when she did not want to go to school, was tired of school, skipped classes, and even rebelled, no doubt because others had sound parents, but she had only a mother and no father.

This incident hit him a lot in school. Maybe adults won't tell it, but children will.

The ridicule, the ridicule, made Yang Zi full of sadness and even negative emotions.

But every time it was her mother who wanted to drag her back from the crooked way.

Yang Zi knew very well that without her own mother, she would not have her current self.

Once upon a time, she also discussed with her mother, hoping that her mother could find a man to marry again, and forget the irresponsible father, but every time the mother smiled, always told her kindly, father He did not leave them, he must have left something in the distance, and one day he will return.

Someday he will return to this home.

He wants to guard the house for him, even if he has been guarding it for more than 20 years, until he died.

She hates it very much, quite hate it!

For him, the thought of his father is more hatred and disgust, even hatred. If it is not for the father's departure, the mother will definitely not leave early because of overwork.

If it weren't for the father's departure, their home would definitely not be like this, and the mother would never die so early.

But all the hatreds and aversions have long since turned into nothingness.

Instead of abandoning his family, his father was trapped in the ship's cemetery for a full 20 years.

Even so, he did not forget himself, and he did not forget his mother.

So she must take her father back to the outside world to meet her mother.

Father must not be left in the ship's cemetery.

Tall and handsome Feng Zhifan nodded gently. As Yang Zi's boyfriend, he knew quite well the situation at Yang Zi's house.

I also understand Yang Zi very well, otherwise how could she accompany Yang Zi for ten years.

Looked up and said

"Relax, Yang Zi, I understand what you mean. In that case, the only thing we can do is find the testament. As long as we can find the testament, the uncle has absolutely no reason to stay in the ship's cemetery. As for the testament? Mr. Cheng has made it very clear that we can use the super finder app "

Yang Zi was shocked all over, raising her exquisite face

"I understand, I understand, and of course I want to use the Super Finding App, but using the Super Finding App requires belief points, and my belief points are not enough."

Feng Zhifan shrugged his shoulders and said

“Even if it ’s not enough, there ’s no problem at all. Do n’t forget that Cheng Yiping said that we can use pious search for things. Although I do n’t know whether this pious search is true or false and can be found, but for us now this It ’s the only chance. If it does n’t work, I can pray to the prayer page of the Super Hidden App, hoping to earn enough faith points. ”

"Honestly, I used to think that this super-hunting app had no use at all. I didn't expect to find this belief point so important now."

The tears in Yang Zi's beautiful eyes fell to the ground like pearls, with pear blossoms on her face.

She knew that Feng Zhifan had many suitors in front of her, and she would never follow her to this ship cemetery if she did not do it for herself.

Regardless of whether Feng Zhifan is rich or poor, at least he is willing to accompany himself to find his father for a full ten years. This alone has left other men alone.

Maybe he is not as tall as other boys, not handsome as other men, and no one else is rich, but Yang Zi knows that he loves himself more deeply than any other man.

Thinking of here, she shook her head gently, and a smile of happiness appeared on her face.

"Feng Zhifan, thank you, so, if I can really find a suicide note and take my father away from the ship's cemetery, I will agree to your request."

"You promise me?"

"any request"

Feng Zhifan's aggression looked a little puzzled at this moment. He didn't know what he wanted. Looking down at Yang Zi with a shameful color, a flash of light flashed through his head, as if thinking of something, showing an ecstatic look.

"Yang Zi, Yang Zi is it true? Really? Can you really agree to my request, can you really agree to my request?"

Talking while holding Yang Zi tightly.

Yang Zi struggled hard and pushed him away

"I said, if my father can leave the ship cemetery I will promise you otherwise, I will have to test you again, it depends on my mood."

Feng Zhifan's excited head and rattle

"You can rest assured, you can rest assured, as long as I can marry my baby Yang Zi home, no matter what the requirements, I will definitely do it, meet God and kill God, meet Buddha and kill Buddha."

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