Super Finding App

Chapter 1577: Feng Zhifan

What exactly is faith?

Cheng Yiping is not clear. Some people say that faith is that you wholeheartedly believe in one thing. This is faith.

Just like the Kingdom of Heaven and Tang Dynasty, many people say that people in the Kingdom of Heaven and Tang Dynasty do n’t believe in God. They only believe in one thing, that is, money. Although this is a bit extreme, it also shows in some ways that the belief is It changes according to human needs.

Belief can also be said to be the will of a person, something that a person adheres to, or something he wants to think about.

It is not a so-called fanatic, it is not a so-called cult that will let you do whatever you want, let you die, let you die, let you live, you live. Faith really should be able to believe one thing from one's heart and long for one thing.

More like a desire-like ability.

For Feng Zhifan now, he has never believed in the gods and gods of the sky, nor has he ever believed in the **** of the so-called super-hunting app, but he believes that if there is really a so-called For the first time, he sincerely hopes that the **** of object can come and help him.

Because as long as he can help him, as long as the **** of seeking things comes and helps him find the place of the will, he can be with Yang Zi.

This is the greatest pursuit of his life.

At this moment, Feng Zhifan was sitting quietly in the room, holding a black mobile phone in his hand. The devotional search page on the mobile phone ’s super-searching app, Faith and Searching, is opening. The rotating and bright starry sky is infinite. The deep and distant one-eyed pupil closed her eyes tightly, and asked the four characters in a sincere question.

At this moment, Feng Zhifan closed his eyes tightly and stared directly at the pious page of the Super Hidden App in front of him. He was praying with great reverence, praying that there could be the so-called God of Hidden Object.

It really helped him find what he was looking for.

What Feng Zhifan didn't notice is that with his thoughts, an invisible light beam in his mind connected to the page of the god-seeking APP on the desktop.

The beam was originally only very weak, even the so-called believers could not reach it, and then gradually became thicker and heavier, and even a golden light burst out.

"Loss, loss. This is a loss-of-sale deal. The next time you ca n’t do this old, I'm afraid if you go on like this, let alone save enough faith points to find two pieces of the super-hunting app. I do n’t have enough faith points to find things in the future, so I lose a lot.

At this time, Cheng Yiping, remembered by others, was lamenting in his room, watching the faith-seeking point of the super-seeking APP in his mind dripping blood.

"Help Tan Xueqing find the expensive faith points needed for the International Luxury Cruise of Shuiyue, and then use the property search to spend another 500 faith points, and then find out how to leave the ship's cemetery again. To consume faith points, even if I find a person to be a seeker, I am afraid that it will still be uncertain if I can earn this faith.

"But in general this sale is a big loss."

Cheng Yiping thought while showing a bitter smile. After all, even if there are more faith points, can there be more than 500 faith points? Is this impossible?

In other words, this time the Super Hidden App, faith-seeking is a 100% loss.

"Yang Zi even hoped that I would help her to find the posthumous testament that Lao said. Just kidding. I have already made a loss-making sale. Would you like me to do another loss-making sale?"

"I would never do this kind of thing. If they have enough faith points, then look for a suicide note. If they don't have enough faith points, then it's a matter of fart."

Cheng Yiping gritted his teeth and said, although he believed that if it really came to the last minute, this old Yang stayed in the ship's cemetery for the testament, Cheng Yiping didn't know if he would be unkind at that time.

But at least now Cheng Yiping is really heartbroken.

Suddenly, suddenly.

In my mind, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared, this is the light of faith!

And the light of this belief was thicker and bigger in the past, and it was leveled up in an instant.

"What's going on? What's going on? How can there be such a strong light of faith, and the light of faith should be so rough, even worse than fanatics, what is going on?"

"Are there believers other than fanatics?"

Cheng Yiping's eyes lighted up instantly. This was a situation he had never encountered before, but now that he knew it, of course he had to find out what was going on.

Thinking that Cheng Yiping didn't say anything, he immediately connected to the past through the light of faith in his mind. He wanted to see who it was and was able to emit such a strong light of faith.

next moment

His face became abnormally dignified and tangled, or it should be weird.

"Feng Zhifan, how could this intense belief light be emitted by Feng Zhifan? How is this possible?"

Cheng Yiping's eyes widened, heaven and earth conscience, Feng Zhifan he clearly remembered that when he first met, Feng Zhifan's belief in the Super Object Finding App was so small that it almost didn't exist.

Now all of a sudden it has become so enthusiastic, with such a thick light of faith, no matter how I think, this is not a normal thing.

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping shook his head and frowned, and found that what Feng Zhifan was looking for and prayed was Yang Lao's posthumous writing, which made Cheng Yiping even more puzzled and puzzled.

"Fang Zhifan ’s last will, Yang Zhifan so desperately for Yang Lao ’s will, and it has reached a more intense light of faith than fanatics. This is really strange. Is this posthumous book really important to Feng Zhifan? No way? "

Cheng Yiping touched his head and was really puzzled and puzzled, but after thinking about it, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to accept it.

"Although I don't know why Feng Zhifan suddenly became a fanatic of the Super Find App, no, even more powerful than the fanatics, but there is a way to have money and not make money. That's a bastard. Since Feng Zhifan is so strong Light of faith, then when helping him find this suicide note, he should definitely get a lot of faith points. "

"Interesting, then let me take a look. Why is this posthumous note so important to Feng Zhifan? How many faith points can a situation like yours give me?"

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he laughed lightly, sat on his bed, took a deep breath, adjusted his breath, held his breath and closed his eyes. If an outsider came in, he would only think that Cheng Yiping was lying in bed or saying During the rest, I didn't know that Cheng Yiping had already transmitted his thoughts through the rays of faith to Feng Zhifan's room not far away.

"The great God of finding things, please be sure to help me, be sure to help me, my future happiness depends on you"

"" The great **** of finding things, please help me, please help me, I will all rely on you for my future happiness "

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