Super Finding App

Chapter 1579: The horror of Super Hidden Object APP (2)

Tan Xueqing shook his head gently, wiped the sweat on his face and said

"His Royal Highness Princess said so, but I think it should not be so easy. The Super Hidden App needs belief points. This belief point is not what ordinary people can get, and according to the required items, The more faith points you need, the more these faith points can be earned by more than just money. "

"These faith points can only be obtained by prayerfully praying for the Super Finding App. The most important thing is that these belief points cannot be traded. It is precisely because of this that this greatly restricts the current Super Finding App. effect"

As Tan Xueqin said, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a tangled look on his face:

She thought of the horror of the super group app at night, but also thought that this super finder app was not available and owned by ordinary people.

Just fall

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, bit her forehead gently, and a more solemn look appeared on the delicate face.

"Tan Xueqing, what you said does have some truth, and it is because of this, that countries will not be very enthusiastic about this super finder app. If the belief points of this super finder app can be traded, I am afraid that at this moment, all the super-finding apps will definitely be brought into the control stage, but it seems that even so, we seem to have some of them too underestimated.

"Hear Your Royal Highness Princess, you mean ..."

Tan Xueqing opened her eyes slightly and seemed to think of something.

"Yes, faith can be made artificially."

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the kingdom of heaven, shook her head gently, revealing a bit of bitter smile.

With a solemn look

"Throughout history, countless people believe in ghosts and gods. In ancient times, they also claimed to be the reincarnation of the Buddha. Even today, there are still various cults. These cults claim to have supernatural powers. As a result, many people believe, and some are more advanced intellectuals. Do you think that if some people deliberately use the Super Find App as a **** and use him to build a sect, these people will get How many faith points? Will they become devout believers in the Super Find App? "

"And will anyone use them to find what they are looking for."

The second princess of the Kingdom of Heaven, Tang Xuanyu's voice, had just fallen, and when Tan Xueqing could not help but took a sigh of cold air, with a look of astonishment on his face.

He believes that such things will definitely happen, if it is true, it is really creepy and shuddering.

"It seems that after returning to China this time, we must strengthen the management and crackdown on domestic cults. We must never put the Super Hidden App in the hands of caring people, otherwise the consequences will be unthinkable."

"Well, there are a lot of secrets in this world, and as a country, the secrets of the state are even more numerous. Under such circumstances, the original state can be spared. After all, in some places it is hidden quite deeply. Ordinary people don't know it at all, even if other countries want some way to find it out.

"Various security measures and passwords can hide secrets in the dark, even forever."

But now the emergence of the Super Hidden Object APP may break all of this.

"No matter what kind of security measures you have, no matter where you hide things, and no matter if your secret is ancient, or if no one knows at all, as long as you have a super finder app, as long as you have enough You can find everything you are looking for "

"What did it say? This shows that it is absolutely creepy. For ordinary people, this is of course a good thing. Since the Super Find App, they will never be afraid of losing things, but it ’s more for the country. It ’s creepy and scary. "

"After all, for the country, there are quite a lot of secrets, and some secrets can only be hidden in the dark."

"I see, I see"

Tan Xueqing nodded heavily

"I will report this matter to the Ministry of Public Security immediately, and then I will intensify the search in the country, and will definitely not let people use the Super Find App to make trouble."

Tang Xuan, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, nodded heavily in rain, the dignity in her eyes was more dignified.

In the Kingdom of Heaven and Tang, they can control it, but in other countries of Mercury Star, they cannot help.

Tang Xuanyu believes that after this incident, I am afraid that most of the people on the Shuiyue International luxury cruise ship will definitely develop vigorously after returning to China, or to promote the super finder app, or even to artificially cultivate the super finder Believers in aPP.

In order to get faith points.

Being able to find what they want, I am afraid that the entire Mercury Star will not be settled in the future.

Fortunately, the Super Find App is just a search function. In other words, even if you know where things are, whether you can get them is another matter.

And this super finder app is not to say that after you find it, you can take things out and appear in front of yourself

"If that super-hunting app can be called an artifact, but even 100% help to find things is already going against the sky."

Thinking of the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Xuanyu took a deep breath, turned her head, and looked at Tan Xueqing solemnly.

"After Cheng Yiping returned, he raised Cheng Yiping's security level by three levels."

"As long as there is any requirement for Cheng Yiping, if it is not excessive, it is within the scope of the law or even if it is played by the law. It is necessary to support Cheng Yiping and at least have a good relationship with Cheng Yiping . "

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, paused after speaking

"By the way, is n’t Cheng Yiping very close to my sister? My sister often talks too, hoping to be with Cheng Yiping, and later Cheng Yiping can often go in and out of the palace, and I My sister is together, even. As long as there is a sister who wants to meet Cheng Yiping in the future, there is no need to block it. They can meet frequently, and there is no problem at all. "

"What does it mean?"

Ying Xue's mouth was open and Tan Xueqing's mouth opened with a doubtful look.

You have to know that Tang Xuanyu, the second princess, does not want her sister Tang Tangxuan Xue to meet with Cheng Yiping.

After all, Cheng Yiping and Doudou belong to people in two worlds. It is definitely possible to make Tang Xuanyu very dissatisfied with Doudou even with Cheng Yiping.

But now Tang Xuanyu's attitude has undergone a big change of 180 degrees.

This is too strange, right?

"Is it because of the Super Find App?"

Tan Xueqing felt very strange. Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, also seemed to notice Tan Xueqing's doubts, and turned to look

He did feel very weird and said

"His Royal Highness Princess, you have always opposed Cheng Yiping and Princess Doudou together. Now that you know how to change your attitude, I am really very surprised. Is it because of the Super Pathfinding App?" Such as

"If it's really because of the Super Hidden App, I will use some tough methods."

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