Super Finding App

Chapter 1580: Tough and draw

The heroic Tan Xueqing and Cheng Yiping are old friends.

Since Tan Xueqing knew Cheng Yiping when he was in Zhouyang City, the two people can be regarded as a relationship between friends.

If Cheng Yiping heard Tan Xueqing's words here, he would be tempted to take a nap:

It can only be said that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, the most poisonous woman's heart.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, felt a little surprised, looked up and looked at the corner of Qin Xueqing's mouth with a faint smile.

"Using tough means? Tan Xueqing If I remember correctly, you and Cheng Yiping also seem to know each other, and they can be regarded as old friends. Wouldn't this make him feel chilling?"

"No, Your Highness Princess II. Cheng Yiping and I are indeed friends. If he finds anything outside of my scope of work, I will help him with all my strength, but I am also a member of the Ministry of National Security to protect the country. It is my responsibility to protect the security of the country. If Cheng Yiping really threatens the security of the country, even if I have a good relationship with him, I will never follow private responsibilities. This is my responsibility. "

The heroic Tan Xueqing hesitated a little, raised her head, and the originally confused pupils became abnormal and firm.

Everyone in this world has their own responsibilities. Some people have a responsibility to protect the country, some have a wife, some have a child, some have a responsibility to save people from fire, and some have other responsibilities. It ’s unfriendly and even cold or incomprehensible.

But as the saying goes, loyalty and filial piety have not been perfected since ancient times. Everyone has the right to make his own choice. When he chooses one party, the other party will eventually be harmed.

Obviously for Tan Xueqing to become the Ministry of National Security is her dream, and joining the Ministry of National Security to protect the stability of the country is her ideal and her responsibility.

In order to keep her responsibilities, she can do even things that seem unfriendly to others. Although these things are level and understandable, but if it is her turn, it is acceptable. That is another time. thing:

Like a sentence on the Internet, I understand him, but that doesn't mean I forgive him.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, shook her head and said,

"I understand Tan Xueqing, and it is no wonder that Minister Shen of the Ministry of National Security will trust you so much, but you use tough means, because it is of no use at all."

"No use at all?"

Tan Xueqing opened her mouth with some surprises and some doubts.

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, nodded slightly.

"Yes, if Cheng Yiping really has a super finder app, or if this super finder app was developed by Cheng Yiping, we can really pry open his mouth to obtain the use of the super finder app by tough means. Right, even the most powerful people will bow their heads in the face of torture, not to mention the fact that today's technology is so advanced and there are many drugs that can achieve this purpose, but you also know that Cheng Yiping is so powerful now , Not because he has the permissions of the Super Finding App, but just that it has the belief points of the Super Finding App, in other words, he has enough faith points. "

"If Cheng Yiping does n’t have enough faith points, he ca n’t use the Super Find App. From this point, he is the same as us. The only difference between us and Cheng Yiping is that Cheng Yiping has enough faith points. We don't. "

Yingzi Tan Xueqing hesitated and nodded.

"It's true. Cheng Yiping can use the Super Find App to find the ship cemetery and rely on faith points here. If our belief points are as many as Cheng Yi Ping has, he can also use the Super Find App "

"That's right, that's why, even if you use strong force, there is no use at all. Is it hope that Cheng Yiping can hand over the faith points of this super finder app? Do n’t forget that the belief points of the Super Hidden App cannot be traded, that is, who owns them belongs to whom. We cannot transfer them at all. The only thing we can do is let Yiping help us with the Super Hidden App. Just looking for something "

"But if he did n’t have enough faith points to lie at that time, we also did n’t have any way to take him, so it ’s useless to use tough means, and it ’s more appropriate to pull them together.”

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, laughed slightly and shook her head and said

"For ordinary people, what they are pursuing is nothing more than money, house, rights and women. Cheng Yiping has a girlfriend, and women can leave them alone. The rest is money and houses and rights. Things may be very difficult for ordinary people, but do you think that money and power are still a problem for the royal family of my country? Is the house still a problem? "

"As long as we can solve the problem with money, why should we be so unhappy between the two parties, just to bear some money?"

Tan Xueqing, a heroic figure, listened to the words of Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, and came to understand.

Indeed, the position of each person is completely different:

For ordinary people, the value of money, the house and the right, but for the real rich, it is not worth mentioning to the noble.

The problems that can be solved by using money and houses can help them solve the problem. Why should they use tough means?

Moreover, this is not a feud between life and death.

It's just for Cheng Yiping to use the Super Finder to help find things. As long as it can be solved with money and the house, why not?

The thought of Tan Xueqing nodded heavily

"I see, Her Royal Highness Princess II, I know what to do next? Cheng Yiping, we will strengthen his protection and try our best to win the relationship with him, so that he can continue to use the Super Finding App for us."

"It's true. You can think of it. That's really good, but Cheng Yiping is only an outsider after all. Instead of counting on Cheng Yiping, we also have to develop our own super finder app. Believers, this is the only way to use them. After all, we ca n’t put all our hopes on Cheng Yiping. If one day his super finder app ’s belief points are not enough, can we only consume Waiting for death? "

"We need the seekers of our own Super Find App"

Tang Xuanyu, the second princess of the Tang Dynasty, laughed lightly and continued to speak.

For her, no, it should be said that for the superiors, it is absolutely impossible for them to rest all their hopes in one's hands, and they will have all these preparations.


I saw a staff member hurried over and said with an excited look on his face

"His Royal Highness, Her Royal Highness, good news, good news, the warship has been repaired, and the warship has been completely repaired!"

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