Super Finding App

Chapter 1602: Mountain climbing (1)

[Special notice, special notice, Tiantang Guo rescue team rescued Tian Ruohai ’s missing ship, Shuiyue International Luxury Cruise, and rescued many survivors trapped in Tianluohai. According to a special report from this station, these survivors For more than ten years, as short as four or five years ...]

"I never expected that such a thing would happen in the sky and fell into the sea. It was trapped for more than ten years, and the short one was four or five years. This is really amazing. I was thinking about these traps. Even if the person is returned to reality, whether they can adapt to life in the real world is still a problem. Even if they can adapt and go home and find that their wives and children have become others, the relationship is quite troublesome. "

A thin boy sat on the rock with his parcel on his back, panting, the mobile phone in his hand was playing the latest hot search news, and laughed.

Not far away is another man and two women, all wearing sportswear carrying mountaineering bags, holding decent trekking poles in their hands, quite like a professional mountaineer donkey.

"Zhao Qian, what do you mean by Zhao Qian? We know that you are a mountain climbing enthusiast. The speed of mountain climbing is very fast, so I let you be our team leader and want you to help us. The result is good now, you You climbed up by yourself, but also climbed so fast that we were exhausted. You are not afraid of our accident. "

A slightly fat girl said in a breath, with a youthful breath on her body, but at this moment the mountain climber was sweating, and the little red face was covered with sweat, which looked quite pitying.

"Haha, how is that possible? No, this and Zishan is actually a junior mountain in the climber's journey. It looks very dangerous, but it is not dangerous at all, and there is only this way to go up and down the mountain. As long as you follow the road, nothing will happen. Honestly, you are really slow, you see, I have read the news for a while. "

Zhao Qian grinned, babbled his mouth, his eyes fell through the slightly fat **** the tall beautiful woman behind him, revealing a loving look, and soon disappeared.

Because the girl he loved was climbing a mountain with the help of another man at the moment, their hands were clenched tightly.

The most painful thing in the world is that I like her, she likes him, he likes her, she doesn't like him, her, him.

Zhao shook his head and quickly threw out this unrealistic fantasy in his mind.

, Since the person he likes already has a boyfriend, why should he go back and force one?

As a friend as he is now, he is already content.

"That's what it says, but then again, what is good for climbing is really exhausting. Where can I relax at home or go to karaoke?"

The slightly fat girl said angrily, sitting next to Zhao Qian with her buttocks, took the drool in her backpack and drank it.

Zhao Qian smiled and shook his head, waiting for the man and woman behind him to climb up and say

"Climbing a mountain is naturally very hard, but when we climb to the top of the mountain, we look down at the entire ground from the top of the mountain and see everything in the eye. This sense of conquest and the sense of pride cannot be compensated by other things."

"Everyone insists for a while, we can climb to the top of this mountain with a little effort, and then you will definitely feel that all of this is good value for money, which is absolutely invisible in the city. Beautiful view "

Zhao Qian laughed.

Mountain climbing is addictive. For professional donkey friends, their goal is to climb mountain after mountain and mountain after mountain, and the pride of life comes out.

For many hobby climbers or donkey friends, climbing mountain peaks is their pursuit.

Of course, many people can't afford this bitterness and fail fiercely. All those who can stay are the elite of the elite.

But that's for professional climbers.

Zhao Qian is very clear. For the classmates in front of him, everyone is looking for a hill to climb at most, which is equivalent to an outing, climbing, or climbing?

Now it's just drizzle.

"Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian, I think you are a liar. You still say with a loud voice that it will not be too tired to mount this with Zishan. It is not too tired. It is almost exhausting me. What ’s more, this mountain is so beautiful. It ’s been a long day in the wilderness. It ’s so tiring. ”

The other man with a strong physique said with a disdain, panting and frowning.

If it wasn't for his girlfriend to come to climb the mountain, he would never propose to climb such a broken mountain. With this physical strength, he would prefer to take his girlfriend to Huatian Yuexia, and maybe he can complete the last step in life .

"You can't say this, you can't say this. Zhao Qian has already said that we can only see the wonderful scenery after climbing to the top of the mountain. Now we are almost a bit behind."

The little fat girl who was originally full of complaints immediately turned her gun, with her hands around her waist, and yelled.

Another girl looks quiet, with long black hair like a lady, full of femininity, and shook her head slightly.

"Don't say that, I actually wanted to climb this time, and Zhao Qian is a mountain enthusiast. He can take us this is the best. Our own physical strength is weak, so we can't keep up."

When the sturdy boy Liu Wei heard his girlfriend say this, an instant of jealousy gnashed his teeth, and he immediately ran a quick two-step cry and said loudly

"What's this? I'm just not used to climbing mountains, rest assured, you follow me. Afterwards, we will often climb mountains when we have time. We will definitely climb very fast and will climb very well. Zhao Qian will not be required to come by then. Even if you do n’t lead us, there is no problem at all, are you right? Zhao Qian ”

Looking at Liu Wei, who showed obvious hostility and jealousy in front of his eyes, the original complexion with a smile instantly solidified, then turned and said

"Yes, Brother Liu, you're absolutely right, like your figure, you just need to exercise a little bit, and there is no problem with climbing the mountain. Everyone, let's go, we can reach the top of the mountain in a few moments

Zhao Qian hehe said, then stood up and simply packed things, turned around, and climbed towards the top of the mountain.

The chubby young girl followed closely with hesitation. The girl with long black hair, Zhao Lu, felt strange, but shook her head and her boyfriend Liu Wei followed.

"It's really weird. I can't figure it out. Why do you say that Zhao Lu has to talk to someone like Liu Wei? Liu Wei is a scumbag at all."

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