Super Finding App

Chapter 1603: Mountain climbing (2)

"Don't say this, don't say this, in fact, Liu Wei is still very good, he is just a bit too nervous Zhao Lu"

Zhao Qian turned around slightly, and said, "Slightly fat teenagers use one of my less books. Don't lie to my eyes and look at Zhao Qian."

"Let's go. Zhao Qian, don't you know that everyone is clear, that is, Zhao Lu is not clear at all, but then again, there are some times when you appear too late, who? Knowing that Zhao Lu would have promised Liu Wei's confession, if you advance a bit, now Zhao Lu is your girlfriend. "

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi said with a fist.

Zhao Qian got a bitter look and shook his head.

"That's what it says, but I'm afraid I won't even be able to do with her friends until then, at least everyone can still be together now, don't you? As long as I can see her, I'm satisfied"

Slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi patted her forehead

"It's really a dog and a dog, you can be careful about licking it until you have nothing left"

Zhao Qian froze suddenly, turning his head to look at the slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi

"Looks like you're also a girl child. It's really weird to say from your mouth"

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi straightened her small **** and patted them

"Although I'm a girl, I don't want you to be a dog"

Everyone was arrogant to discuss that they quickly climbed to the top of the mountain. Immediately after climbing to the top of the mountain, a cool wind hit, making the four eyes straight up.

Standing on the top of the mountain and looking down, the surrounding scenery is in my eyes, full of the magnificent feeling of standing high.

Feeling the breeze, this is the breath of freedom that has never been felt in the city.

"It's so comfortable. It's so comfortable. It's really too comfortable. I never thought it would look like this when looking down from the mountain. There is a feeling of freedom, Zhao Qian. No wonder you like rock climbing."

"Really, what's so good, what's so good, climbing so high is just to see these things, it has no meaning at all, and it is breathless and exhausting physical strength, what can I do if it gets cold? Is a worthless activity "

Liu Wei was so desperate that he sat on the ground panting, panting vigorously, muttering his teeth.

Of course, he could only say this in his heart, but he wouldn't say it. Zhao Lu, with long black hair, gently wiped the long hair on his forehead, felt the habit of the breeze on the top of the mountain, and closed his eyes. It's a breath of freedom you can't feel in a city

"Comfortable, comfortable, really comfortable, I suddenly found that after climbing to the top of the mountain, it seemed that my heart was gone, this feeling was strange, I felt very free and free, as if I could put down any of them here upset"

Slightly fat girl whispered quiet girl

"Yes, I also feel very strange. After climbing to the top of the mountain, the whole person is much relaxed. It seems that all the noise outside has disappeared. This is something I have never experienced before when I went to the natural park. This is the climb to the top of the mountain. Does it feel like it? It ’s really amazing. "

Zhao Lu whispered

"This is the joy of mountaineering. In addition to being able to have pride, being in the city oppressed by reinforced concrete and daily learning will make you feel a lot more relaxed. I used to When you are in a bad mood, you will go climbing with the donkeys and take a breath of fresh air. On the one hand, it can relieve the stress and on the other hand, it is used to strengthen the body.

Zhao Qian said, his eyes fell on Zhao Lu's body, and the love in his eyes flashed by.

The slightly burly Liu Wei, who was squatting behind him, immediately became angry, gritted his teeth, made a crunching sound, and suddenly jumped up.

I used to feel very tired and weak but now I'm completely out of my mind.

Just kidding, even if your girlfriend might be pried away, who would n’t care if he was weak or not, he said quickly

"That's the way to say, if Zhao Lu likes to climb the mountain in the future, when it's all right, I will often come to accompany you to climb the mountain. This is absolutely no problem at all, and Zhao Qian will be very busy in the future. It is probably not How much time is there to accompany us, when I can go with you "

"Oh? Really? If you can stay with me in the future, it's quite okay, but every time I call you, you either go to KTV or go to the bar, it is very bad for your body if you always do this."

Zhao Lu twisted his head and said.

This time she was willing to climb the mountain with Zhao Qian. Actually, she had no hope of keeping her boyfriend with the idea of ​​exercising.

Always bar and KTV, no matter how good the physical fitness of a person, it will become very weak.

Now it's even better to see my boyfriend willing to accompany himself to climb the mountain.

Talking. With a bright smile

"No problem, no problem, there is no problem at all, isn't it climbing? After the incident today, I think climbing is quite suitable for me."

Liu Weimen patted his healthy chest and said.

"That would be really great."

Zhao showed a clever smile, his eyes fell on his boyfriend Zhao Wei involuntarily, and then fell on Zhao Qian's body, his eyes flashed.

"This Zhao Lu ..."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi turned her head around, opened her mouth, opened her mouth to speak, and swallowed again.




While the crowd was immersed in a relatively embarrassing atmosphere, it seemed that a deafening roar was heard, and Liu Wei jumped up from the ground in shock, said in shock.

"Thunder, thunder, did an earthquake? Did an earthquake?"

Damn it, Zhao Qian, what good way did you bring us, didn't you say that it was a clear sky today? How could there be thunder and lightning? "

"This is not thunder ..."

Zhao Qian's face was very weird.

"" It's thunder. If it's not thunder, what's that sound? It ’s scary. We are in the mountains now. If we really encounter bad weather such as storms, we will be in trouble. "

Liu Wei said angrily, it seems that as long as he can catch any Zhao Qian wrong, he can attack it.

"Liu Wei Liu Wei is really not thunder, it really is not thunder. It seems that the voice came from the mountainside. How can you have someone in this and Zishan, how can it make such a sound?

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi said.

The rumbling sound of deafness came from the middle of the mountain, and even the rocks shook slightly with the sound.

The face of the dead man on the top of the mountain changed dramatically.

"Going down the mountain and going down the mountain, this is not thunder, but mining, blasting. Someone is mining and blasting in Yuzishan."

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