Super Finding App

Chapter 1612: hope

Human beings are very strange creatures. Although many people think that human nature is good, it is undeniable that in many experiments, it is human nature that is evil.

This is especially true in places on the verge of despair, or in places close to closure and death.

At this moment, Liu Wei was caught in this hysterical roar that was almost crazy.

He remembered living in a peaceful home, and now he was trapped in the cracks of the mountain that this bird does n’t shit, so that every day should not be called earthly and insane. He panicked, he was uneasy, he even had some On the verge of despair!

When I think that if I really die in this crack in my life, I can only wait for death. The inexplicable fear, the fear of death swept through his body like a tsunami, making him unable to bear or even some Crazy.

"Enough. Enough. Liu Wei, calm down, calm down. Do you think that you are hysterical like this now? There is no use at all, we should be calmer now than ever. I believe we will be rescued. , We must believe that we will definitely be rescued, the rescue team will come, the rescue team will come "

Zhao Lu frowned slightly, the original delicate face was covered with dirt, watching Liu Wei show a look of disappointment.

There is no hope that there is no disappointment, or that in the era of peace, people can show their best side, that is, become so-called well-dressed, but in the end of despair, human nature Will show up.

Zhao Lu really did not expect that Liu Wei and Liu Wei, whom she usually associates with, now simply judged them.

She doesn't like Liu Wei like this.

"Shut up, shut up, you shut up for me, do you know? The last thing I regret now is to find you as my girlfriend, to find you, a guy who has two feet and two boats to be my girlfriend, if I Without looking for you to be my girlfriend, you would not find this **** Zhao Qian, nor climb this **** mountain, and we will never encounter such a situation. In the final analysis, all this is your fault, all your fault"

Liu Wei shouted hysterically, staring at Zhao Lu, a girlfriend she liked so much before, but now full of disgust.

Obviously for Liu Wei, he may have made a choice between his life and his girlfriend.

"Liu Wei, you shut up for me. How can you say such things? This is an accident, is this an accident? This is something that no one wants to happen. It is too much for you to speak like this."

Wang Yueshi jumped up, covered her broken arm, and scolded.

She really didn't expect that Liu Wei would become so bad.

"How overkill? If it is really overkill, is Zhao Qian overkill? Take us to this **** mountain, and let us now be trapped in this crack, too much? Tell me what to do now? What to do now What if we are all going to die here, you have told me too much, what else is too good! "

Liu Wei shouted hysterically. At this moment, his spirit had become tighter, his eyes were bloodshot, his muscles were constantly expanding, and he seemed to be venting the anger in his heart.

He also knows that his current situation is very wrong, but he just can't hold back the anger and anger in his heart, and any ruthless words blurt out.

Zhao Qian was on the verge of despair, looking at the panic and anxiety in Liu Wei's heart.

He knows more than everyone else, how terrible it is if someone goes crazy when they are in danger.

Anything terrible can be done in despair, and crueler than usual.

He must change the subject, he must change the subject, otherwise, according to Liu Wei's mood and situation, it is estimated that before the arrival of the rescue team, everyone will kill each other!

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and opened the super-hunting app for pious finding.

For him, although he ca n’t use the super app without his faith points, he is very clear that the super object-seeking app still has pious object-hunting!

this moment

He is extremely religious.

He hopes that Super Find App will receive his prayers and lead them out of here.

This is not only for herself, but also for her favorite girl Zhao Lu. She should have the best life and a bright future, not die in this gap.

Although Zhao Qian really didn't know whether his pious search could be successful, he sincerely hoped that his pious search would succeed.

My eyes fell on the devoted page of the Super Find App on my phone, and my pupils shrank suddenly, and I yelled.

"Stop noisy, stop noisy, we can go out, we can go out"

"I know how to leave here, I know how to leave here"

In the quarrel and hysterical Liu Wei, Wang Shiyue and Zhao Lu stopped for a moment, turned their heads and looked at Zhao Qian excitedly.

"Zhao Qian, do you really know how to leave here? Do you really know how to leave here?"

Liu Wei's complexion became abnormally solemn, saying ugly word by word

"What you said is true? Wouldn't it be false to deceive me? Didn't you say that Super Find App has no use anymore? You don't have any faith points anymore, how can you know how to leave Here's the method "

Zhao Qian raised his head and looked at Zhao Lu who had long hair with a shawl. Even at such a moment, Zhao Lu was still very beautiful in Zhao Qian's eyes, and passed his cell phone to him.

"I do n’t really have faith points, but do n’t forget that there is still a pious search for the super finder app. I just used pious search. Although I did n’t have much confidence in pious search, I did n’t expect the great search. The **** of things has really come "

"It tells us how to get out of here, the way out of here, we can get out of here"

Zhao Qian coughed twice while talking, and even coughed a little blood as a result of the severe cough.

"Now we have two choices. Either wait for the rescue here, or find the way out according to the route that the super-hunting app throughout the city finds things for us. Now you choose, whether to stay here for rescue or to follow The route of the Super Hidden App leaves this gap and may escape from here. "

"Do you need to say this? Do you need to say this? It doesn't need to say okay at all"

Liu Wei rushed over in two or three steps, snatched Zhao Qian's mobile phone in Zhao Lu's hands, his eyes were golden.

"Certainly leave here, of course we are leaving here!"

"Is this the Super Hidden Object App? It is really amazing. Although I have the Super Hidden Object App in my phone, I have never used it. I did not expect that the Super Hidden Object App would look like this."

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