Super Finding App

Chapter 1613: select

In the dim mountain gap, Liu Wei carefully took Zhao Qian's mobile phone. What he clearly saw above was only a line and a red line marked out, with a surprise look in his eyes, and he stood quickly When I got up, I couldn't care less about my injuries, and walked quickly in the direction of the phone.

Zhao Lu immediately stepped forward and stopped it.

"Wait, wait, what are you going to do, Liu Wei, wait for us, we will take Zhao Qian together, we will take Zhao Qian together."

Liu Wei's face became ugly for a moment, and looked down at Zhao Qian and gritted his teeth.

"Take him with you, have you ever thought about it? His leg has been broken, and he has to climb in the gap, which is quite dangerous and difficult to walk with. He will drag us down if we do the mountain again There were shocks and landslides, and all of us would be drowned in it. "

"With Zhao Qian, we will delay our climbing and escape time. This is not worth the money."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi's face turned pale instantly, looking at the original talk, the handsome and handsome Liu Wei, at this moment she became abnormally embarrassed and said horribly.

"Do you want to leave Zhao Qian here to die? Do you want to die Zhao Qian here? He is your friend, how can you do such a thing?"

"shut up!"

Liu Wei said calmly

"There is a way that people don't die for themselves. Now we can't protect ourselves in such a situation. You still have to tell me, let me take Zhao Qian away, how can I take him? Now he has trouble walking!"

"Do n’t you want us to carry him on the back? Besides, Zhao Qian is not a donkey friend, does n’t he have a strong ability to survive outdoors, does n’t it just mean waiting for rescue? Then let him wait for rescue here. "

"Besides, we do n’t take him for his sake, so that I can quickly escape from here. After I leave, when we escape, I will find a rescue team to rescue. I do this for his good."

Liu Wei said sarcastically, although the words spoken were very reasonable, Wang Yueshi and Zhao Lu had a look of horror on their faces.

Both of them could feel that if Liu Wei really escaped, whether he could come to the rescue can really say two things.

Zhao Wei's face became abnormally solemn, and he looked at Zhao Lu and the fat girl Wang Yueshi coldly.

"Less nonsense, now that I have a route for the Super Hidden App to escape from here, do you want to follow me? If you are willing to go now, it does not matter if you do not want to, and you will stay here to accompany Zhao Qian is waiting to die. Of course, if you are lucky, you can also wait until the rescue team arrives, or I will call back after I run outside. "

Liu Wei said coldly, looking at his girlfriend Zhao Lu, but saw Zhao Lu's complexion was unusually complex, then stood up and walked towards Liu Wei.

Wang Yueshi's eyes hesitated

"Zhao Lu, Zhao Lu, don't you throw Zhao Qian down, do you also throw Zhao Qian down?"

Zhao Lu's face was unusually pale, and the original delicate face also became a little sloppy.

"You were wrong. It wasn't that I wanted to throw Zhao Qian down, but this time Liu Wei was absolutely right. We can only stay here to die, even if the rescue team doesn't know when it will arrive. But now that we have a way to leave here, we must definitely leave here sooner, as long as we leave here earlier and take off safety. We can find someone to pay for it, which is the best. "

"But, if we were like Zhao Qian here, he would die, he would die, he might die."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi shook like a rattle, with a look of astonishment on her face.

She did not expect Zhao Lu to leave Zhao Qian.

You should know that Zhao Qian had fallen into this gap just to save her.

"Yes, that's right, Zhao Lu was absolutely right. I did this for our sake. With all of us here waiting for the long-term rescue team, it would be better for us to leave here first. You, too, if you Come with us if you want to. If you do n’t want to, stay here obediently, rest assured, after we go out, we will get a rescue team to save you, of course, the prerequisite is that you can support this time. "

Liu Wei gritted his teeth and said, showing a bright smile, his face was a little hesitant

Sure enough, Zhao Lu was still with him. Thinking of him, he came to the two of them in two or three steps and received a lot of food in his parcel and carried it on his back. He turned away and left.

The chubby girl Wang Yueshi immediately stopped and said

"What do you want to do, even if you want to leave here because there is a way to leave here. Then why do you take all the food, what do you take what we eat and what do we drink"

Zhao Lu's face opened with a little hesitation. He opened his mouth and was about to speak, but saw Liu Wei shake his head.

"Do n’t I have left some food for you? You just need to take a good rest here, anyway, you do n’t need any movement or physical strength, but Zhao Lu and I are different. We need to climb mountains Water, we need to get out of here, we need food, we need a lot of energy to climb, we need to get out of here, it's all for us to get out of here "

Liu Wei coldly said sarcastically that he did not care about the slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi and fractured Zhao Qianyi turned around, took Zhao Lu away, and acted hard in the gap.

While moving, looking down at Zhao Qian's mobile phone, his eyes were glowing.

"I can go out, I can go out, I must be able to be rescued, I didn't expect that the Super Object Finder app even has such a feature of pious object finder"

"Great, I can go out, I can go out"

"No. No, you can't go, you can't go, stop them quickly, don't let them go, don't let them go"

Suddenly, Zhao Qian opened his mouth and said that, as a serious injury, he seems to have some difficulty in speaking now. He endured the pain in his body and said excitedly.

"Hurry up, don't let them leave. After this landslide, in the gaps where we are, but these mountain gaps are well developed, they will get lost, they will get lost."

The fat girl Wang Yueshi frowned and said like a rattle.

"Okay, okay, Zhao Qian, are you really addicted to being a dog and being addicted? They have dealt with you like this now, and you still care about them?"

"Rest assured, they won't get lost by holding your Super Hidden Object app and your phone."

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