Super Finding App

Chapter 1614: Not available

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi looked helplessly at Zhao Qian, who had a broken leg, and hated iron and steel.

"Zhao Qian, Zhao Qian, even if you like Zhao Lu no matter how much you don't make yourself what you are now, you see Zhao Lu, she is still running away with Liu Wei and two people, and I also took away a lot of food, and also stole your super finder APp to keep us here, and you still help them now, I said that even if you are a Tim dog, you will not be like this. ? "

"Even if you have a spare tire, you don't want to be a jack."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi really felt very helpless.

Really a scum woman with a scum man, for Zhao Lu, it is indeed a target that many boys like.

She also knew that Zhao Qian liked Zhao Lu very much, but she did not expect to be able to achieve such a degree, it was beyond her imagination.

Under such circumstances, it is possible to think of Zhao Lu. It seems that the so-called men are all bad men, and men are scum men, which is not accurate at all.

All I can say is that Zha's own vision is not good. A scum man looking for is dismissive of really good men.

Just like Zhao Lu, Liu Wei was chosen between Liu Wei and Zhao Qian.

And Liu Wei is a downright man. Zhao Qian showed a helpless look, this smile was extremely bitter.

Although he is a spare tire, although he is unrequited love, he is definitely not a fool. He naturally understands what the slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi said, and shook her head gently.

"No, no, I did n’t say this because I was worried about them. Although Liu Wei stole the food and my mobile phone, what he said did make some sense. If they can get out of here in advance, they can find it. The rescue team came to rescue us, it is better than we have been doing here, but they are wrong, they are totally wrong, that is, if you want to leave, you must take me, you must take Only I can"

"You must take you? Zhao Qian, they would have taken you if they would have taken them, okay. They now suspect that your leg has been broken, which will prevent them from leaving the route and their speed of escape."

The fat girl Wang Yueshi said with a grin.

Sitting on the cold wall with one butt, sighed quietly

I saw Zhao Qian with a flustered look on his face

"I do n’t say this because I have a fracture and need their help, but the Super Hidden App can only be used by this person. In other words, even Zhao Lu or Liu Wei took my mobile phone and looked at the Super Hidden Object in it. APPs have no use at all, they ca n’t be used at all "


"What do you say is that the Super Hidden App in the mobile phone can only be used by myself? There is no use for other people's use? Are you saying true or false? How have I never encountered such a thing before?"

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi's eyes widened with a weird look on her face,

"I remember when I used the Super Hidden App before, it seemed like everyone else could see the path of the Hidden Object, and there was no such situation as you said."

Zhao Qian nodded.

"It's true, just like Zhao Lu and you can see the route just after this super-hunting app successfully found the thing, but this is only the route. If they pass playback or zoom in, even if it is A single click on the Super Hidden App will restore the original page. At that time, it will not be of any use unless I operate it. In other words, Zhao Lu and Liu Wei want to use my Super Hidden App. To leave here, you must take me, or they must be able to click on the page of the Super Finder app on your mobile phone, otherwise, you will not be able to enter the Super Finder app again. "

The chubby young girl Wang Yueshi glared at the sight of her eyes, opened her mouth and said

"No, the Super Hidden App still has such restrictions. Is it true or false?"

Zhao Qian leaned weakly on the wall, panting vigorously

“It ’s true, it ’s true, of course it ’s true. I did n’t know this very well at first, but you also know that I ’m a donkey friend, and sometimes I ’m lost in the mountains, and I ’ll use the Super Finding App. We accidentally discovered that this super-finding aPP can only be used by this person "

"If Liu Wei and Zhao Lu didn't touch my phone, they would just watch this route, but if they just clicked on the phone, they would return to the original page, and there would be nothing except the person People can use "

"Don't click on the phone?"

"How is this possible? This is simply impossible."

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi's aggressive face opened her mouth wide.

Not to mention anything else, just the current mobile phones have a so-called standby protection function, which will automatically dim after 10 seconds and 20 seconds, and then need to be unlocked manually.

Even if Zhao Lu knew Zhao Qian's unlock password, he could no longer enter the Super Finding App, wouldn't it mean that they would get lost?

The slightly fat girl Wang Yueshi's eyes widened, and she quickly stood up.

"In this case, we have to find them quickly, we have to find them quickly, if they get lost, it is not good."

Zhao Qian nodded heavily

"That's it. I just wanted to remind them just now, but I didn't expect Liu Wei to be so fast, but we don't need to worry too much. We are now in the gap of the mountain, maybe the path of the gap is not so It's complicated. They should come back after finding that the Super Finder app has no effect. They should come back. "

Zhao Qian said

That's what it says, but the tone does have some hesitation.

And everything that happened here was silently overlooked by Cheng Yiping's soul, and then gradually passed into Cheng Yiping's mind sitting on the high-speed rail and heading for Jiangzhen City.

"Really, it really is that the plan is not as good as change, and countless calculations are not magical. I did not expect that there was such a dispute between Zhao Qian, the seeker of the super pathfinding APp, and the four rescued people."

"Only 4 people in Tongtong are unable to help each other, but they are guilty of fraud, which is really ridiculous."

Cheng Yiping shook his head funnyly and sighed quietly.

But for the current situation, he has basically grasped the truth.

It can be seen that the four so-called trapped people are not a line, at least Liu Wei and Zhao Qian are simply two opposing existences.

And Liu Wei was thinking more about fleeing the trapped mountain gap.

So what should we do next?

Is it just like watching the development of the incident?

if so.

I'm afraid this sale is really at a loss.

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