Super Finding App

Chapter 1642: Check in

"Everybody, everyone, your check-in procedures have been completed. I have arranged you all on the 5th floor. The entire 5th floor room is yours. You can record and interview in the area on the 5th floor. No Any problem, but let ’s say one thing first, you ca n’t destroy my room, it ’s absolutely not possible. ”

"A show like yours is like smashing the brand of my Xinglong apartment, but there is a way that people are not afraid of shadows. My Xinglong apartment is called the first fierce house in Fuzhou on the Internet. Of course there is horror. If you can find out the horrors and ghosts of my first haunted house, I will thank you instead. "

The owner of Xinglong Inn laughed, came to Zhang Xiaona, sent the door key to the past, looked up, and looked at Zhang Xiaona's eyes full of confidence:

This is really a woman with intellectual charm.

The boss is thinking about whether to take this opportunity to set up with Zhang Xiaona. If there is no boyfriend, no, even if he has a boyfriend, what can he do?

The eyes of the boss here are all glowing.

"Thank you, boss, rest assured, our TV station will definitely find out whether there is a ghost in the apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, and we will definitely figure out the spiritual things happening in it."

Zhang Xiaona, full of confidence, said with a sneer, she had long been accustomed to the predatory gaze of the inn owner before, and said politely, she retracted her hand involuntarily.

"Haha, you can rest assured, you can rest assured, no matter what your needs are, you can tell me, and I will definitely help. After this Xinglong apartment below me, I was sincere and horrified. It would be a good thing for me if you can find ghosts "

The owner of the apartment laughed and seemed unconcerned:

It seemed to him that he really didn't mind the recording of Xiaona and others in his Xinglong apartment.

Watching Zhang Xiaona, Zhou Hui and the crew of the camera crew walked to the elevator hall, a staff member came over and watched his boss signaled

"Boss, boss, do you really let them do the recording? If they do find that there are no ghosts in our Xinglong apartment, then the recording and broadcasting will go down and our business will plummet. After all, most of the people who come here now are In order to see the existence of ghosts, they are all looking for excitement. "

"It's okay, let them find it, let them look for it. If they can really find ghost words, that's their ability, let alone who can tell the truth about ghosts. Besides, if they can really help us If there is a ghost in this Xinglong Inn, then we can rest assured. "

"Although I do make a lot of money using the ghost house now, but when I go to bed every night, you and I feel very scared. What if the ghost kills us someday? What can we do? Let them find out the existence of ghosts in our Xinglong Inn, or really there are no ghosts, but they are artificial, which is a good thing for you and me. "

"And even if I do n’t think there is a ghost after the broadcast, after all, the identity of the first fierce house has been beaten out by fame. At that time, there will be people coming. Now it is the best to find the ghost in our Xinglong apartment. The main thing, after all, we have all seen it with our own eyes! "

When the staff heard it, they nodded like Xiaomi pecking

"Yes, boss, you are right. Since I took the apartment for the first time three years ago, I have seen ghosts. It is really inexplicable. To be honest, I think I feel creepy."

"But fortunately, it seems that the ghost just appears and does not harm us, but instead becomes a gimmick. This can only be said to be good luck."

"Okay, okay, now that things are settled, let's say so, I arranged them to the 5th floor and that's why. After all, room 504 on the 5th floor often has haunts, and every year Almost everyone will die in room 504, which is quite weird. Since they want to find a ghost, arrange for them to see if they can find out the ghost that appeared on the 5th floor of Xinglong Apartment! "

"The boss is like this. You are really too smart. In this case, they will definitely meet ghosts. If they really find them, it is a good thing for our Xinglong Inn, at least me and the boss. I can feel at ease, know what's going on, and it can also make our Fuzhou Xinglong apartment the first fierce house, and will make more people who like ghosts and excitement come to stay. "

"And if it is really not a ghost, it will be a good thing for us. At least it will let us know what happened to the ghost that appeared on the 5th floor. It is really a two-pronged strategy. The boss, you are really too smart. It ’s no wonder you would agree with the crew to come to the apartment to record recordings. ”

The boss raised his head and said heavily

"That's for sure, that's for sure. It's a very good thing for me. Otherwise, how could I get the crew to come to our apartment to record the program. Isn't this a smash in our jobs?"

The owner of Xinglong Apartment raised his head and said proudly

Recording a show is not a simple task, and it requires quite a lot of equipment.

Zhang Xiaona's staff slowly transported a lot of things to the fifth floor through the elevator.

At this moment Zhang Xiaona is directing the staff to be busy one after another.

Two elevators, they directly occupied one, and the other was reserved for guests. After all, it is not possible to occupy all two elevators, which is unethical.

Zhang Xiaona lowered her head and looked at the mobile phone while directing her colleagues to work. She frowned slightly and felt that something was wrong.

Unless Cheng Yiping encounters an unexpected situation, then Cheng Yiping should not miss her news. Is there anything that cannot happen?

Thinking of Zhang Na having some concerns here, I was wondering if I could make a phone call and ask in the past. I only heard the sound of Ding Dong, and the elevator door on the side opened slowly.

Cheng Yiping walked out and shrugged his shoulders, came to Zhang Xiaona and said

"Beauty, are you interested in a cup of coffee?"

Faced with this light, playboy-like speech, Zhang Xiaona froze suddenly, a bright smile suddenly appeared in the eyes of surprise, and the corners of her mouth slightly proclaimed

"How did you get here? When did you come here?"

Cheng Yiping smiled and shrugged his shoulders

"It's four or five hours earlier than you."

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