Super Finding App

Chapter 1643: Room 504

"Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng, it will be you. You even came here. Wow, this is too romantic."

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang, Mr. Cheng must have come here to accompany you, otherwise why would he appear here?"

Zhou Hui wore two ponytails, her eyes widened, and she even showed her expression.

Zhang Xiaona turned her head. If you look closely, you will find that there is some redness in his neck.

"What are you waiting for here, not to help them carry things together?"

Zhou Hui licked her tongue, spit it out, stood up, and performed a military salute

"Sister Zhang, I'll go now"

Having said that, he turned away and ran away, and made a cheering gesture for Cheng Yiping before leaving.

"Really, if you are going to come here, you should tell me in advance, what do I think you have happened?"

Zhang Xiaona turned her head and said to Cheng Yiping dissatisfied, but the smile in her eyes never disappeared.

"How is that? If I tell you in advance, there will be no surprises, not to mention I am not waiting for you, are you not here to record a ghost show? I checked, this is the first fierce house in Fuzhou Honestly, I have n’t seen a haunted house yet, so just by the way. ”

"Really? Really come to take a look at Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, and then look at me by the way?"

Zhang Xiaona raised her eyes with a smirk, and asked heavily, her eyes staring at Cheng Yiping, seeing Cheng Yiping's uncomfortable body, she immediately raised her hand to surrender.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, okay, I admit that I just came to see you, by the way, take a look at this first fierce house in Fuzhou"

Zhang Xiaona just smiled with satisfaction and said after a while.

"Sorry, Cheng Yiping didn't expect you to come here to accompany me"

"Don't go so far, you know that I'm fine in Jiangzhen City now, and the work of the police adviser of the Sixth Division of Jiangzhen City has been taken off. It doesn't matter if I go or not now, If it ’s work, it ’s enough to feed and feed. The jade shop I opened is still profitable. Before I left, I entered a batch of jade in the past, so for me now, my livelihood is completely no problem. "Although it is not rich and rich, but there is still no problem with food and clothing."

"The only thing I need to care about now is my girlfriend. After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I rested on my front feet, and your hind feet will come to Fuzhou. If I wait for you to go back, it will be another week. Time, I ca n’t wait for such a long time, after all, my girlfriend is so beautiful, in case I encounter some satyr or something, it will be troublesome. "

"Don't slip the oil cavity. I haven't found out why you have such a smooth oil cavity."

Zhang Xiaona's face flushed slightly

"You come out so soon, won't your parents have an opinion on you?"

A flat head shakes like a rattle

"Absolutely no opinion. I told them that I would go to see my girlfriend. My parents and my mother even pushed me out early in the morning. When they came back, they would not let me without bringing you back. The door to home, so Zhang Xiaona, I will follow you closely this week, and lead you home after your work, otherwise I will be homeless, you must be pitiful and pitiful for me "

Cheng Yiping said directly to Huyou Road

Zhang Xiaona rolled her eyes and didn't believe a word, her face turned slightly red.

But it is undeniable that as a girlfriend, it is impossible to see your boyfriend come here to accompany him to say unhappy.

Cheng Yiping naturally couldn't be watching, helping Zhang Xiaona, Zhou Hui, and the crew of the camera crew to carry some things to the 5th floor and allocate the room to the crowd.

Cheng Yiping looked up at the room in Room 504 and said something strange.

"Zhang Xiaona, do you live in room 504?"

Zhang Xiaona and Zhou Hui turned their heads and nodded.

"Yes, this 504, but I'm here to ask the boss, isn't I familiar?"

Cheng Yiping shook his body, his mouth wide open and scratching his head.

"If I remember correctly, when I checked the information about Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, it seems that there has been a suicide case in room 504 in Xinglong. It is said that every year someone will die in this room. You live in this room, aren't you afraid of bad luck? "

Staring into a flat eyeball

Mr. Cheng, you are wrong. This was specially chosen by Sister Zhang. Sister Zhang said that since it is the investigation of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, if there is any ghost in it, it must be decrypted scientifically. Naturally, I have to live in the fierce house of this fierce house. I can only know if there is a ghost in the room 504. Honestly, although I am very scared, I will not be scared as long as I am with Zhang.

Zhou Hui with two ponytails patted her chest and said, I made a look that I was not very afraid of.

But anyone with a good eye can see that she was pale at this moment, her legs were snoring, and no girl was afraid of ghosts.

Cheng Yiping turned his head and looked at Zhang Xiao who was full of knowledge. He opened his mouth and extended his thumb.

"Xiao Na, you are still awesome, you are really awesome. I think even if other reporters are recording the incident of the ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, they will not live in this suicide room 504. It's in the room. It's very dangerous. No, I'm going to sleep in a room with you tonight. "

Cheng Yiping's eyes turned and said, Zhang Xiaona blushed and turned her head, saying fiercely


"How can it not? This is a haunted house in room 503. Every year, someone commits suicide in it. If you live here alone, I will never rest assured. You can rest assured that you will sleep on the bed. I will sleep on the sofa."

Cheng Yiping said quickly.


There is a way to be credible and not credible. If there is a ghost in room 503 that will let his girlfriend Zhang Xiaona commit suicide by then, it is estimated that it is too late to regret it.

Zhang Xiaona shook her head and said

"No, this room already has two of us and Zhou Hui. It's not appropriate to have more of you."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all"

Cheng Yiping heard it, turned around and took out the house key of Room 403 from his arms, and threw it directly into Zhou Hui's hands.

"This is the house key for the room of Room 403. Zhou Hui, are you okay sleeping in my room tonight?"

Zhang Xiaona didn't speak yet, Zhou Hui's eyes lighted up and she took the key of the room door and stole the chick and ate it.

"No problem, no problem. Of course there is no problem. Sister Zhang, I will pass now, and I will not disturb you."

Zhou Hui didn't wait for Zhang Xiaona's answer to turn around and run away. It seemed that if she was not afraid of 503, it was simply impossible.

Looking at Zhou Hui who fled the desert, Zhang Xiaona really couldn't help crying and laughing, but she turned her head to welcome Yiping's playful eyes.

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