Super Finding App

Chapter 1644: Massacre

Although Room 503 is an apartment, it is an apartment with more than 60 square meters. The layout naturally has bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and so on.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona walked into Room 503 and found that this decoration still belongs to the old-fashioned style of 20 years ago.

Honestly, the situation of the style like now is that no one will use living at all. Even the most trashy decoration company will not use the decoration style of the teacher 20 years ago. It looks very earthy, just like Son returned to the same 20 years ago.

"No, this room in Room 503 would be like this, but it's too earthy, such decoration and decoration can also be taken out, and the boss is not afraid of guests complaining."

Cheng Yiping looked around, staring at the decoration of Room 503 as it was 20 years ago. The room he lived in belonged to 403. After entering the door, the condition was almost the same as the current apartment or hotel, and it was relatively new.

This is the 503 room now. Although it is an apartment of more than 60 square meters, it is like a small home, but the decoration inside is so old-fashioned that it makes Cheng Yiping really feel very strange. .

There was a scent of incense around, and Zhang Xiaona, who was full of knowledge, came over to the sofa, with a notebook in front of her, gently raised her head, and looked at Cheng Yiping's funny spirit.

"This is of course, Cheng Yiping, don't you know? This 503 is the Xinglong apartment in Fuzhou, where the tragic massacre happened 20 years ago. This boss is only to restore the environment of the tragic massacre 20 years ago. The owner is really thoughtful about decorating at a level of decoration. "

"No, no, Zhang Xiaona, is this 503 the place where the door-strike tragic happened 20 years ago? Would you like this? And this boss even restored the decoration 20 years ago?"

"The main thing is that there are still people who want to live in such a fierce house. Are they really not afraid of death?"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth and felt very strange. He reached out and scratched his temple. I thought that the 503-room apartment was just an ordinary apartment. I did not expect that it would be the development site of the massacre 20 years ago. Doesn't that mean that all four of the family died here?

When thinking about this possibility, Cheng Yiping felt the cold hair burst instantly, and the goosebumps scrambled to the ground, looked around, and looked at the old style of decoration.

"What's wrong? Cheng Yiping, are you scared?"

Intellectual Zhang Xiaona raised her beautiful eyes, revealing that it was really pink.

This was the first time she saw Cheng Yiping with a scared expression.

Cheng Yiping heard it, straightened his body and said

"How is that possible? How could I be afraid? I am not afraid at all. There are no ghosts in this world. If you really want to be afraid, Zhang Xiao should be afraid of you. You girls are not all very afraid of ghosts. ?"

"There is no ghost at all in this world. If there is a ghost, it is just the human heart, and that's why, so I will be quite interested in Xinglong Inn, the first fierce house in Fuzhou."

"This room 503 is where the tragic massacre happened 20 years ago, and it is also a fierce house where people have died here every year in recent years. I really want to know what kind of horrible things will happen here. Is it really there? The existence of ghosts. "

"Is there really a ghost?"

Cheng Yiping opened his mouth, hesitated, and suddenly remembered that something really creepy appeared in the room 403 that he opened.

The light flickered on and off on its own.

The TV will also know how to turn it on, and even show ghost images.

Although Cheng Yiping has not believed that there is really a ghost in this world, the room 403 is indeed very strange, and now this 503 is even more powerful, which is directly the birthplace of the massacre 20 years ago.

God knows what kind of things will happen.

"Zhang Xiaona, in general, shouldn't all your girls be very scared of this ghost, but this is the birthplace of the massacre, you really are not afraid"

Cheng Yiping looked at Zhang Xiaona with disbelief and scratched his head.

Sometimes my girlfriend is too strong to pass by, and she really has no sense of accomplishment.

"Why be afraid, there are no ghosts in this world"

Zhang Xiaona said so, then she lowered her beautiful eyes and looked at the laptop on the coffee table, opened it word by word

"Twenty years ago, I originally lived in a family of four in room 503 of this Xinglong apartment. The male owner was an IT engineer and benefited a lot. He focused on computers. The hostess was a housewife taking care of one man, one woman and two children. This man, a woman and two children are twins. The original family lived in a happy place, but according to reports and records 20 years ago, the male owner suddenly went crazy one night and took the kitchen knife at home. All the wives and children in the family were slaughtered, and then they killed themselves by cutting their wrists. "

"So far, the incident has not been identified at all. The reason why the male host went crazy is precisely because of this. Since this incident, Xinglong Apartment has become the first fierce house in Fuzhou."

Cheng Yiping listened to Zhang Xiaona's detailed account of what happened within twenty years of Room 503. He immediately took a breath, trembled his teeth, and shivered. This was more terrifying than he helped people find and find things. Swallowed

"No, isn't it so horrible? How could it be possible that the male owner solved all the family of four? What kind of deep hatred would it take to do such a thing? Does the male owner have a mental illness? No way? "

"There is no mental illness. According to the police's inquiry and investigation 20 years ago, it was learned that the male host's body is still quite good. After all, it is really a lot of mental stress due to the long-term work and fatigue of it, but he also exercises regularly and therefore mentally. There should be no problem "

"As for the emotional problems you mentioned, there is no such thing at all, and the relationship between the couple is quite good. Because of this, this case has now become a pending case, without any explanation, but from this case. After that, there were ghosts appearing in Xinglong Apartment, and there were midnight ghosts crying and ghosts at midnight. "

"Coupled with the suicide incident in Xinglong Apartment in recent years, Xinglong Apartment has become the first fierce house in Fuzhou. Honestly, the police have also conducted several investigations, but they have not found any problems. strange"

"So this time the program launched by Jiangzhen TV Station, I will take this Xinglong apartment as the primary investigation target."

Zhang Xiaona seemed to hear Cheng Yiping's doubts and said.

In response, Cheng Yiping grew up and said

"Awesome, awesome, you are so awesome. Ordinary people will definitely turn around when they encounter this kind of thing. You're better off. You still brought it to your door and lived in the room of 503. You are not afraid."

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