Super Finding App

Chapter 1648: Call the police

"Dead man, dead man, it's dead, how is this possible?" Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona glanced at each other with a look of panic and confusion on their faces, and the sweat on his forehead flowed.

It is one thing for a man to meet a ghost in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, but it is another thing for a dead person.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona didn't expect that they would meet a ghost on the first day of the apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou they lived in, and they would also encounter a death.

I think it is a very strange and wrong thing.

"Ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts must have killed Zhao Xiaotian, they must have killed Zhao Xiaotian, the ghost came to demand, and the ghost came to demand"

"Zhou Qiming shuddered, his body was shaking constantly, the hands holding the Ghost Detector were shaking constantly, and the Ghost Detector he regarded as a treasure fell because of the trembling of his hands. It smashed in half on the ground, and he didn't care at all.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, how could it be a ghost killing? How could it be a ghost killing? Impossible, impossible

"How can this be? How can this be?"

Li Yingjie also had a look of horror on his face, his teeth snoring.

He thought it was impossible at all.

"This is accident. This is accident. This must be accident. This must be accident."

"Unexpected? How could it be an accident. We obviously saw ghosts and we saw them when we were in the room, and, like Zhao Xiaotian, how could we be killed by an electric shock while bathing? This must be a ghost, it must be a ghost Only a ghost can do such a thing. "

"Enough, enough, don't say these words, don't say these words, there are no ghosts in this world. There are no ghosts in this world."

Lu Weiliang said in a word.

"There are no ghosts in this world. Don't scare yourself, don't scare yourself."

"Wait, Lu Weiliang, what you said is not right. If there are no ghosts in the world, what are the things we saw in the room? Are we all wrong? Alone? It can be said that they read it wrong. Did all of us 5 see it wrong? "

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that if Zhao Xiaotian was not killed by a ghost and it was not an accident, was it said that he was killed by us? You mean that among the four of us Is there a murderer? "

Li Yingjie said solemnly.

"Impossible, impossible, this is impossible. There is no murderer among us at all. Don't forget. When I took a bath with Zhao Xiaotian, all four of us were in the room. How could it make us 4 Personally, this is not possible at all, and you must not bullshit. "

Zhou Qiming said quickly, with a look of horror in his eyes.

Even if he was a baby-like ghost catcher and fell to the ground due to excitement, and smashed into two halves, he didn't mind anything, his face paled like snow.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona didn't even care about the flustering voices of the four people who met the similarities and differences. They rushed in, and entered into an ordinary room.

This room is not like room 503 full of style 20 years ago, but rather like a normal room where 403% Yiping lives, but it is because the room with double bed is relatively large

. Of course, at this moment, Chen Yiping and Zhang Xiaona's attention is not here, but they are looking into the bathroom.

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona walked in. I saw the mist in the bathroom. A man was lying in the bathtub. The bathtub had already filled the bathtub and overflowed. It flowed into the bathroom and drained through the drain pipe.

The man's face was open-mouthed, his mouth wide open in the bathtub, and a hairdryer floated.

"Alarm, alarm, hurry up, hurry up," Cheng Yiping shook his head immediately.

The first reaction to the death was to call the police quickly, instead of tampering with the corpse at will, which would hinder the police from solving the case. After all, professional matters were left to professional talents to get professional answers. "

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectuals, stood up, and was a little ugly when she got up. Her face was flustered and she looked at Cheng Yiping. Both eyes revealed doubts and confusion.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Although it is said that this is the first fierce house in Xinglong, Fuzhou, no one would have thought that a human life case would really occur in this Xinglong apartment."

"Is this really a ghost?"

Zhang Xiaona asked hesitantly.

"Impossible, impossible, this is simply impossible, how can there be ghosts in this world? Either artificial or accidental"

Cheng Yiping's head shakes like a rattle. Although the conscience of the world, he does have the existence of a super-hunting app, and has seen the so-called new god, but let Cheng Yiping believe that there is really a ghost in this world. Totally impossible.

This is too unscientific.

"Enough, whether there is a ghost or no ghost, for us now, we can just wait for the police to come and investigate, but I didn't expect that this time the first fierce house in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment, would actually be in front of us. The murders that happened were indeed quite strange. "

"It seems that this time we went to the filming in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, without any gain."

As Zhang Xiaona and Cheng Yiping withdrew from Room 503, the staff of the Jiangzhen City Television Station's camera crew took the camera to record quickly.

Although they are very sincere and terrified and afraid, they encountered such a thing. Even if it is not here to record interviews in Xinglong apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, they will shoot it. This is a news, and they have the first Information of the hand.

This is intuition as a reporter.

"How could anyone be dead again? How could someone be dead again? This is unscientific, this is unscientific"

The owner of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, rushed to room 403 on the fourth floor, with a look of panic and surprise on his face.

"This is impossible, this is impossible at all, what is going on? Generally speaking, shouldn't the rooms where suicide have occurred be room 503? How could this time be the fourth floor, and wouldn't the ghost pick people? What exactly is going on?"

The boss of Xinglong Apartment in Fuzhou's No.1 Mansion has a large mouth, with a look of panic and confusion on his face, and was just stopped by Zhang Xiaona when he was about to enter the bathroom.

"The boss waited a moment. We have already called the police. I don't think you should go in first. You can wait for the police to come. The damage to the scene will not be clear at that time."

The boss of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, nodded when heard.

"I understand, I understand, I certainly understand, it's just weird, what's going on?"

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