Super Finding App

Chapter 1649: Zheng Guoqiang

Zheng Guoqiang was the captain of the Fuzhou Interpol Brigade. At this moment, his face was abnormally dignified and ugly. He looked up and looked at the broken front. The horrifying Xinglong apartment exhaled a long breath, and sharp eyes shot in the eyes, leading the police Walked in.

"Why is this Xinglong apartment again? This Xinglong apartment is really too evil. It has been called the first fierce house in Fuzhou on the Internet. It is said that most of the people who live in it will meet ghosts. Moreover, there are often people who commit suicide in this Xinglong apartment. If I remember correctly, there was a case of suicide in Xinglong apartment last year. It is too evil. "

The detective swallowed a saliva, followed carefully behind Zheng Guoqiang, read the information and said

"Enough, do n’t forget that we are the People ’s Police. Do n’t say anything about ghosts outside. There are no ghosts in the world. If there is really a ghost, it ’s just artificial. Honestly, like this Xinglong Apartment should have been rectified and rectified for a long time. Now people really have no lower limit in order to make money. Even ghosts can get it out, do n’t he know? There are no ghosts in this world, but people ’s hearts are more terrible than ghosts. . "

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head and said.

He knows better than anyone. There is no ghost in this world. As for why this Xinglong apartment is killed every year, it can only be attributed to Xinglong Xinglong apartment as the first fierce house in Fuzhou. Attracted some people who already wanted to commit suicide.

But for all those who committed suicide, it is quite strange why all of them chose Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

"Captain, Captain, I know, I know, but this Xinglong apartment is really evil, really evil"

Criminal investigators shaking their heads and rattles generally said that they swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then they entered the first apartment in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment, and quickly climbed to the 4th floor. Zhang Xiaona, Cheng Yiping and others all invited to rest in the lobby on the first floor, waiting for investigation.

Zheng Guoqiang himself entered into room 403 and numerous police and investigators inspected the situation on the scene.

In the lobby on the first floor of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, Gao Qiming, Liu Kexin, Lv Weiliang, Li Yingjie and others faced each other with unusually ugly faces and talked to each other.

Cheng Yiping, Zhang Xiaona and the crew of the camera crew also gathered here at this moment.

In addition, there were also a few scattered customers who lived in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. They were all busily gathered together, talking to each other, with a look of excitement on their faces.

"Dead, dead, finally dead, finally dead, let me just say, how could this Xinglong apartment be the first fierce house in Fuzhou not to die? The murder cases we often meet here, surely It's a ghost killer, it must be a ghost killer "

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, how could it be a ghost killing, in case there are some other things, I always feel that there are no ghosts in this world"

"How could there be no ghosts, you forgot, didn't you see ghosts in the room we lived in?"

"I still don't believe it, I still don't believe it"

"The murder of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, has been murdered and another life case has been committed. It really is a fierce house, which is really exciting."

"What kind of thoughts people have now are dead. I didn't expect that there would be any trouble."

Cheng Yiping listened to the voices of individual visitors in Xinglong Apartment, shook his head and couldn't help but feel very strange.

"That's the heart, after all, as long as things don't involve you, you can stand high."

Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently. For such a thing, she had seen too much in the TV station. Especially, which of the Xinglong apartments was able to live in was not directed at ghosts?

I want to see ghosts, I want to enjoy excitement

What could be more exciting than the dead?

"I see, I see, I just feel really weird"

Cheng Yiping shook his head.

After a moment, I saw Police Officer Zheng Guoqiang came with a lot of policemen, and everyone on the field was quiet immediately.

Zheng Guoqiang lifted his head, his hard face showed a resolute look, and eagle-like eyes swept all the people in the hall.

"I am Captain Zheng Guoqiang of the Fuzhou Interpol Sixth Team. I want to know if the family or friends or relatives of the deceased in Room 403 are there, and who is the police?"

"We are Zhao Xiaotian's friends, we are Zhao Xiaotian's classmates"

Liu Kexin, Zhou Qiming, and others who spoke at the same time, said quickly

The faces of the four men were flustered.

"It's my police"

Cheng Yiping came over and said

"I live in 503. I live in room 503 with my girlfriend. At midnight, I heard some sorrowful sorrows, so I followed them together and found out that something happened in the bathroom. Then I reported police."

Zheng Guoqiang nodded and said,

"Very well, then we will have a simple questioning with you. The first thing I revealed to you is that according to our preliminary police investigation, this Mr. Zhao Xiaotian was electrocuted in the bathroom. Of course, it was homicide or suicide. This requires more follow-up. Since you are friends of Mr. Zhao Xiaotian, it is better to start with you. We will make detailed transcripts and questions for you in the future. I hope you can cooperate with the investigation at that time. "

Zheng Guoqiang's words had just come to an end, and the spirits and similarities would be waiting for He Yiping and Zhang Xiaona and other crew members of the Jiangzhen City Filming Team to quickly nod and promise to come down.

They will cooperate even if the police do not say.

Suddenly there was a dissatisfied voice in my ear

"Police Officer Zheng, Officer Zheng doesn't have to be so troublesome, does it still matter? This is definitely a suicide, it must be suicide. How could this be the case for him? This is a ghost, this is the ghost who killed Zhao Xiaotian. This is done by ghosts "

The owner of Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, came over, listening to his tone seemed to be accustomed to the dead, said.

"Police Officer Zheng, you will not come to our Xinglong apartment for the first time. In any case, you did not commit suicide. All of you committed suicide. What you want to say is not suicide. There is only one possibility. It is killed by a ghost. Or it was an accident, right? "

"How to investigate. No investigation, I don't think there is any necessary investigation."

"Enough, whether suicide or being killed can only be determined after investigation by the police, it will not be suicide because you are here in Xinglong Apartment, and if I find you in Xinglong Apartment, I will never let you go on crimes. "

Police officer Zheng Guoqiang looked over at the boss of Xinglong apartment, saying a firm light in his eyes

Ghost killing?

how is this possible!

There are no ghosts in this world!

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