Super Finding App

Chapter 1673: Interrogation (2)

"Mr. Zheng, what you said is completely wrong. You are a policeman and a policeman belonging to the people. You should enforce the law impartially. What Liu Kexin has done can only be a joke. How can you commit intentional homicide? Arresting, this is not a thing that should be done at all. This is because you are a victim of planting.

After Lu Weiliang hesitated a little, his face became abnormally ugly, and he suddenly opened his mouth and said loudly.

On his side, Li Yingjie quickly said

"Yes, yes, the police pays attention to evidence. Liu Kexin was with us when Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming were in an accident. How could he be sure that Liu Kexin was the murderer when he was not at the scene? This can only be called at best. It is an accident, and it can only be called an accident. "

"Yes, yes, this can really only be called an accident. The guts of Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming are too small. Even if Liu Kexin used the instrument to make a ghost to scare them, Liu Kexin didn't want to kill him. They are all accidents. Couldn't you just put all of them on Liu Kexin's body? This is simply not right. You are the victim of this. "

"The two of you gave me a mouth. Our police handled the case based on evidence, and we didn't just wrongly accuse one person. Now, I asked Liu Kexin to come over to you, naturally because she has the possibility of suspecting a crime. What you said is true. Wrong, the scary ghosts made by Liu Kexin with the instrument really do n’t break the law, but if you scare people to death, you can only break the law if you do n’t break the law. It ’s not up to us. It ’s not because you are arrogant. If you really I want to help your friend Zhao Kexin, that is, you should actively cooperate with our police to resolve the matter and make it clear to the investigation instead of messing around here. Do you think your actions will help the case, you I think that your actions can save your companion Zhao Kexin. Do you think this is useful? "

"If the clutter is completely effective, what else does the police need to do, what else does the police need to do!"

In the face of Zheng Guoqiang's strong moment, Yu Weiliang and Li Yingjie were shocked. The original excitement suddenly calmed down. The two looked at each other with some helplessness.

Zheng Guoqiang nodded and found that he had completely controlled the situation and said

"If you really want to help your companion Zhao Kexin, then tell me now, who is Wang Jun? What kind of relationship does Wang Jun have with you and Zhao Kexin?"

Wang Jun!

The short two words fell into the heads of Lu Weiliang and Li Yingjie like a thunderstorm, making the two people startled and dumbfounded, and their expressions became hesitant instantly.

Lu Weiliang opened his mouth and said

"The incident of Wang Jun was an accident. It was really an accident. We were not clear about the specifics. When I joined this meeting of spiritual differences, I just met Wang Jun a few times. I really did n’t Too clear "

Li Yingjie's face did become a bit ugly in comparison, he hesitated for a moment and said

"Wang Jun, I know. After all, Wang Jun is the true initiator and organizer of the similarities and differences. He and Liu Kexin are also closely related to each other, but is he not related to what happened to Liu Kexin? After all, Wang Jun died two years ago, and he died unexpectedly. "

Wang Jun died two years ago. Did he die unexpectedly?

Zheng Guoqiang's eyes flashed, and he looked up at Li Yingjie and said a word.

"What is the specific situation, now please tell me about Wang Jun, and what you know tell me, only in this way will it be possible to help your companion Zhao Kexin."

Li Yingjie opened his mouth, hesitated, and nodded.

"Okay, okay, the things I know aren't really too many, and Wang Jun and I really aren't really too familiar."

The bright moonlight shines in this peaceful university. On the grass in the afternoon, many students are lying on the grass during the lunch break, talking to each other, and feeling the comfort of midnight and noon.

As a higher education institution, Jinglan University has always had a very good environment. Compared with the high school teaching environment, Jinglan University pays attention to inaction.

As long as enough credits are completed, students entering the university will be able to graduate, relying more on their own self-study, so many students admitted to the university will become relaxed.

It's totally understandable when you think about it. After all, I have worked hard to go to school since childhood, and have always been studying hard, especially after the college entrance examination, the whole person completely relaxed, and the parents did indeed tell the children before processing. Only by going to school and college can everything be successful.

As if almost everything can be settled after admission to college, you can relax

This is also a serious polarization for the students who went to college.

Some of them will still be very serious and hard after going to college, while others will become quite lax after entering college, and their grades will plummet. Perhaps for them, they will be foolproof when they pass the university. When you go to college, you can get a college certificate, and you can easily live in college.

The main thing is no longer learning, but picking up girls to play games. In other words, if you join a community in a university, your life will become relaxed and comfortable.

But not everyone is the same. After all, in addition to studying or completely relaxing in college, most people will participate in various societies.

In addition to enhancing their own interests and fulfilling their hobbies, there is also social communication in the community. It is precisely because of this that some people have said that college is actually a small society.

It's also a mixed bag. Some people were full of their professional knowledge when they were in college, while others just expanded their communication circle through college, expanded their connections, and prepared themselves for entering the society in the future. .

It can be said that the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

No one can say that the other is wrong, and no one can say that the other is bad. This can only be said to be a state of life.

Wang Junzhe belongs to the third category. Compared with the desperate study in college, he hopes that you will be able to lead a good life in college.

And it's not just that they are constantly learning or wasting time on their contacts, which makes Wang Jun feel very unworthy.

He hopes that the university can lead the life of the university in his own heart, full and beautiful.

Wang Jun's hobbies are different from others. His hobbies are not other things, but various mysterious events in society, also known as spiritual events.

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