Super Finding App

Chapter 1674: Seventy-third Interrogation (3)

The afternoon sun shone on the green grass of Crystal Blue University.

Lying on the grass for a short rest, Wang Jun closed his eyes, his brain was moving fast, he was wondering if there are many magical things in this world, there are many strange and strange events.


The nose felt itching for a while, and he couldn't help sneezing, and there was a silver bell-like laughter in his ear.

Looking up, in the sky, under the sun, the girl with long black hair laughed in the green shade, showing a bright smile.

This smile is brighter than the sunshine, and the flowers are more delicate and dazzling.

A pair of beautiful eyes, showing the light she likes, her teeth bright, she is a young girl full of vitality.

"Liu Kexin will be you, I have told you many times, please, don't make my nose like this, okay? It will cause rhinitis easily."

"Hee hee, how can it be so easy to get rhinitis? This is your fault. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. You're good. It's not a good thing to hide here alone."

"Lazy? No, no, you also know that I have no interest in their activities at all, they are just some gadgets made by children, and they are boring at all."

Wang Jun sat up from the grass, boring and yawning. On his side, there were books scattered on the grass, the titles of which were all kinds of ghosts and spooky events, and looked full of Mystery.

From the side, Liu Kexin took the book and looked through it. A few bright eyes revealed a bright light.

"Since you feel very boring, that's very simple, why can't you set up a community activity of our own? I believe that so many students and students in the university must like all of you. Aren't the students and students of the incident? "

Wang Jun froze, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he jumped up from the grass, hugged Liu Kexin, and showed a bright smile, the smile was even brighter than the sun.

Liu Kexin's cheeks clasped by Wang Jun became extremely red, but even so, his face overflowed with an extremely bright smile.

If possible, Liu Kexin hopes that this time can be maintained forever.

Also on this day

Crystal Blue University's spirit of similarities and differences will be established.

"Three years ago, when you were in your first year of college, Wang Jun established the Spiritual Differences and Similarities Association. This is just an ordinary society. There is nothing too much to attract attention. If only If there is, it can only be said that what you value more is ghosts, just an ordinary society. Why did Wang Jun die? Although it was an accident, this accident is too coincidental. "

"" Afraid that Wang Jun's death is the real reason why you started this so-called joking prank "

In the interrogation room of the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau, Zheng Guoqiang sat in front of Liu Kexin, holding a document in his hand, and said.

Liu Kexin's face became abnormally pale, he bit his teeth lightly, opened his mouth and was about to speak, Zheng Guoqiang shook his head and said.

"Of course, you can also insist that it was absolutely an accident. Indeed, you were not at the scene at the time. It can be said that Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming died by accident. However, according to our investigation, Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming said that they died The method has the same effect as Wang Jun. The survey data here shows that Wang Jun also died in an accident, and this so-called accident was also intimidated by a ghost. Don't you think this is also a coincidence? "

Zheng Guoqiang raised his head, his eyes flashing with light. Once is coincidence, twice is coincidence, three times, all four times are coincidences, then it is no longer coincidence, but inevitable.

"I don't know, I don't know, I said I'm all just joking, it's all just joking"

Liu Kexin bit his teeth gently. Turned his head. Die biting.

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently, took a deep breath, and said

"Well, since you always think that this is a coincidence, then let me tell you what happened to Wang Jun."

"Is Wang Jun's death accidental two years ago? I said, you listen."

Zheng Guoqiang shook his head gently, opened the case file gently, and said

"Two years ago, Wang Jun had an accident, but according to the dossier, Wang Jun stumbled and fell outside the building when he was at home. He fell off the balcony and died. According to the report, it is said that Wang Jun was I met a ghost at home and was scared to jump off the balcony and commit suicide. "

"The reporters at the time were Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming. In other words, Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming were also Wang Jun's life-saving benefactors. After all, they saw Wang Jun jump off the balcony, fell seriously, and even called It ’s not the most important thing to do 120 first aid. The most important thing is that Wang Jun saw the ghost according to the confessions of his neighbors and Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming before jumping.

"In other words, Wang Jun jumped off the building scared by ghosts. Of course, there are no ghosts in this world. It can be said that Wang Jun's mental state has already gone wrong. This has been determined half a month before his death. In other words, did Wang Jun have a mental illness and have an abnormal mental state? He saw a ghost in a state of trance, then jumped down the balcony as an exit, and eventually fell seriously injured. He was taken to the hospital by Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming and was certified dead. Die. "

"Liu Kexin, you know that Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming can be regarded as Wang Jun's life-saving benefactors, and you have even used the so-called method of summoning ghosts to scare them both. You don't think this is too coincidental. Are you there? Or do you really be an idiot when we are a police officer? "

Zheng Guoqiang looked at Liu Kexin's expression vigilantly as he spoke.

Originally, he really only thought it was Liu Kexin's joke, but with the investigation, he felt more and more full of strangeness and strangeness.

And the strangest of them is that for this so-called joke, Liu Kexin would spend more than a year to spend hundreds of thousands to decorate!

And all kinds of quirky instruments that can project ghosts were installed in the entire Xinglong apartment, but no matter how you think about it, it is not a simple thing, but a premeditated event.

In other words, Liu Kexin in front of him is definitely not what he said, just an accident, just a joke, so simple.

There must be something he didn't know about it.

In front of him, Liu Kexin was really suspicious. But the answer to Zheng Guoqiang is always only Liu Kexin's light words and that sentence.

I just want to make a joke.

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