Super Finding App

Chapter 1677: Search

At the Fuzhou Police Station, Zhou Hua's eyes widened and he looked excited. He looked at the super-looking app on his mobile phone and the rotating page on it, and then it kept changing. Model of D.

Zhou Hua was very clear that the three-d model that appeared in his mobile phone was the model of the police station, which was exactly the same.

Zhou Hua couldn't help taking a sip of air, and was surprised to find that the three-d model on the mobile phone clearly showed his current location on the ground. The red sign on the mobile phone showed the target of the object.

Zhou Hua raised his head and frowned slightly, feeling a little strange.

Looking at the line formed by the sign, can it be said that the killer who killed Wang Jun was actually in our police station?

No way?

Is it really in the police station?

true or false?

Zhou Hua really felt very strange and confused.

You know, this is a flash of light in his mind. Want to know whether Wang Jun committed suicide or homicide?

I really didn't expect that the Super Hidden Object APP would really tell him who the killer who killed Wang Jun was two years ago?

The main thing is that the murderer was still in this police station.

The thought of Zhou Hua here is really strange. Holding the mobile phone and following the super-hunting app in the mobile phone is just moving fast.

Just as he walked, his face became more and more weird. Under the guidance of his super-hunting app, he could clearly see that the direction indicated was getting lower and lower.

In other words, the location of the object turned out to be underground!

Is it underground?

how is this possible!

If you go down, it will be a morgue.

Could it be said that the killer who killed Wang Jun two years ago was in the morgue?

The thought of Zhou Hua's eyes lit up suddenly, he thought of a possibility, and his eyes widened suddenly.

Zhou Hua walked quickly, as expected. The ultimate guide of the super-find item pp in the mobile phone is where the morgue exudes yin.

Looking down, looking at the Super Hidden App in his mobile phone clearly shows that in the room in front of the morgue, the two flashing red object finding signs are constantly flashing.

Zhou Hua was clearly told that the target he was looking for was within this morgue.

"What's wrong, Officer Zhou, why did you come to this morgue today when you have time, this is not a good place, nor is it where you young police officers should come"

Guarding the morgue is a relatively old police officer, perhaps a cold scent from the whole person in the mortuary.

Although as a police officer, I do not believe in ghosts and gods, but it is impossible to contact the body all day without paying attention to it.

Therefore, no matter how many people admit or do n’t admit that they are basically in the morgue, there will be some particularity and some taboos.

Zhou Hua naturally did not follow the old police officer guarding the morgue to say that the reason he came here was because of the super-hunting app. Tell him that the killer of Wang Jun was here two years ago.

Honestly, I'm afraid no one believes it, let alone a case that was confirmed two years ago, shook his head and said

"There are indeed some things. In some cases, I need to look at the body of the deceased. I don't know if it is inconvenient."

"Convenient, convenient, and of course convenient. I have n’t been here for many years. It ’s rare that someone can come and increase my popularity.”

The old police officer grinned, then opened the morgue door lightly.

Zhou Hua walked straight into the morgue with a cold breath.

The reason why the mortuary feels so cold is that the corpses are kept in refrigerators, and these refrigerators are quite sophisticated. In addition, the number of refrigerators is very large. Under this condition, the anger in the morgue will be very heavy. When you enter it, you will be tempted to take a nap.

Of course, for Zhou Hua now, he doesn't even care about his eyes.

It is now firmly attracted by the two red rays in front of me.

Sure enough, a red brilliance was emitted from the two morgue beds.

This Guanghua is unusually dazzling and brilliant in Zhou Hua's eyes.

At the same time, in your mobile phone, you can clearly see the rotating starry sky page exploding like a firework, and a line of text appears instantly.

[Super Finding App believes that finding things is successful, helping pathfinders to find things smoothly. 】



Super Find App turned out to be a success.

In other words, the two red corpses in front of him were the killers who killed Wang Jun two years ago.

Zhou Hua had some shortness of breath. Two or three steps came to the two morgue beds, and she clearly saw that the names hanging on the bodies were Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming.

Sure enough.

Sure enough!

Exactly what I thought.

Zhou Hua's eyes suddenly lighted up, he completely believed that the Super Find App would never lie to him.

In other words, the dead Zhao Xiaojun and Zhou Qiming are definitely the killers who killed Wang Jun two years ago!

Wang Jun did not commit suicide, but was killed by Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming.

The thought of Zhou Hua's eyes lit up suddenly, thinking to himself

"It turned out to be this way, it turned out to be this way. If this is the case, everything will make sense, although I don't know what methods and grievances Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming used to give Wang Jun two years ago. Killed, but it can be inferred that it must be that Liu Kexin knew that it was the two of them who killed Wang Jun, so they planned this murder. "

"Only then will Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming be killed with ghosts. If so, everything is completely explainable."

Zhou Hua's breathing suddenly became very rapid, and his excited eyes were all glowing light. He was just about to tell Police Officer Zheng Guoqiang the news and hesitated.

"Although all of my reasoning is very reasonable, all this is based on the super-hunting app, all based on the fact that Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Jieming killed Wang Jun. There is no evidence at all. It ’s the only yardstick for the police. If you tell Police Officer Zheng in this way, you will definitely be scolded and useless. "

Zhou Hua frowned. Although he believed in super-find PP, it was undeniable that Zheng Guoqiang was absolutely right, and Super APP could not be a testimony.

Did you say that the Super Hidden Object app is a killer or a killer?


Evidence is everything.

Without evidence, everything is nothing but a tower in the air, and it is simply unbeatable.

The thought of Zhou Hua taking a deep breath, raised his head, and turned to leave, he thought of an idea.

Since there is no evidence, let the evidence run out!

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