Super Finding App

Chapter 1678: Faith Replay

In the room on the 5th floor of the first apartment in Fuzhou, Xinglong Apartment, Cheng Yiping sat boringly on the sofa, looked at the TV, looked around for 4 weeks, his eyes narrowed and said

"Zhang Xiaona, when you said that Liu Kexin installed the special instrument that can summon ghosts in most places in Xinglong apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, when you decorate it, do you think we will Will it happen? If it does, it will really make people feel creepy in case of a sudden appearance. "

Cheng Yiping finds out more and more that people do not believe in ghosts and gods at first, nor do they believe in ghosts.

The biggest reason people are afraid of ghosts is after watching a ghost movie.

That's right, after watching a lot of ghost films and all kinds of strange horror legends, in the face of dangerous environments, you will involuntarily make up the horror scene in the movie scene. I think there will be ghosts.

And if you have never seen a ghost movie, or if you have never experienced a haunted house, even if a ghost really appears in front of you in the same state, he will run over and ask kindly why Stay here alone?

Just wearing a red dress, are you cold?

And why is there blood on your forehead?

Was it hurt?

The injured is going to the hospital

Without the feeling of horror.

"It's not clear, it's not clear, but the police have questioned Liu Kexin. In which rooms have she installed instruments that can summon ghosts, the police will eliminate them for a while and all of them will be released. No, in other words, our room does not have the instrument that Liu Kexin installed to summon ghosts. "

"That ’s why we live on the 5th floor. Only the ghosts on the 5th floor are the real reason for the ghosts to appear in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou. Just find out why. "

Zhang Xiaona lifted her head and said, while tinkering with her camera.

She was really curious about the ghosts in the apartment in Xinglong, the first fierce house in Fuzhou.

If it was said in the beginning that it was only to complete the work of Jiangzhen TV Station, now he is really very strange.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I understand, let ’s take a look, what kind of things will happen in the room of 503. Is this really the so-called Fangzhou Xinglong Apartment? Ghost or man-made thing "

But then again, Cheng Yiping is not too worried, after all, Zhang Xiaona belongs to the staff of Jiangcheng TV Station. Even if the program is filmed in Xinglong Apartment, the first fierce house in Fuzhou, it will take up to one week. Otherwise, long Time-consuming Jiangzhen City TV station will not be happy.

After all, who would make a show and do it for a year and a half?

Either this program is very important, or it is deliberately cold processing on the stage, and it is refrigerated for any task.

But it is clear that this program Zhang Xiaona has already been scheduled to play next month, in other words Zhang Xiaona only has a week.

Cheng Yiping feels that he can stay with Zhang Xiao within this time period?

If you can really be a ghost in the first mansion, that's great:

If you can't find it, you will travel with Zhang Xiaona.

Cheng Yiping didn't disturb Zhang Xiaona's work. She sat on the sofa and watched TV boringly, then leaned her head on the sofa, closed her eyes, and instantly entered the super-hunting app in her head.

The Supergroup APP is still working continuously for 24 hours. Since the backup system was uploaded to Aqua Blue Star, almost everyone is using and asking about the Super Find App.

Of course, asking is one thing, and whether you can get faith points is another.

But even the faith points obtained after the end of the object search are quite small.

It can be said that it is not simple to want to gather millions of faith points at once.


The boring Cheng Yiping looked at the line of faith and the completed content of the object-seeking app in his mind to see how many fanatics and how many believers and shallow believers there are now.


One of the lines of faith caught Cheng Yiping's attention instantly.

Because he clearly saw that the goal of this line of faith was the cause of Wang Jun's death two years ago.

Why did Wang Jun die two years ago?

How is the name Wang Jun so familiar? Seems to be a companion of spiritual difference

Is it really such a coincidence?

Is it the same name or something? Cheng Yiping suddenly felt a little interest, thinking about it, and set his sights on the content-seeking content of this line of faith in his mind.

The light that erupted from this line of faith in his mind showed a picture in Cheng Yiping's mind.

This is the picture when this super finder app believes in finder.

This is also the best thing that Cheng Yiping has as a super finder app. You can retrieve and watch the spare finder app at any time to help people find the target and the process of finder.

[Looking for playback]

next moment

What emerged instantly in Chen Chengyiping's mind was a university. The name of this university was Jinglan University.

Two people appeared in Cheng Yiping's mind.

Cheng Yiping's pupils contracted suddenly.

These two people are Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming!

"Sure enough, it really is. This so-called Wang Jun is really Wang Jun of Jinglan University. Can anyone say that he came to find the truth about Wang Jun's suicide two years ago?"

"What exactly is going on?"

Cheng Yiping suddenly became interested and couldn't help but sit up straight. He didn't really think about whether there was any inside story about the suicide of Jing Lan University two years ago.

Looking up, the search for content is playing in my head.

at the same time

Within the Fuzhou Police Station, Liu Kexin was still sitting in the interrogation room, his face was abnormally cold.


The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, Zhou Hua walked in with an ugly face, sat in front of Liu Kexin, expressionless, and said.

"I know that Wang Jun was not killed by suicide two years ago, but was killed by someone. Those who killed him were Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming. You also want to kill Zhao Xiaotian and Zhou Qiming for this reason."

Zhou Hua's words were almost straight in, and fell into Liu Kexin's ears instantly, causing her to raise her head sharply, her mouth grows large, hesitant expression, then quickly lowered her head, silent. Zhou Hua did not have any frustration, but some excitement.

He knew he was poking at Liu Kexin's weakness, raised his head, and gently tapped his finger on the table.

"Liu Kexin If you really want to avenge Wang Jun, then you should tell the truth."

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