Super Finding App

Chapter 1695: Lose money again

Two black business cars were sprinting fast on the highway.

Cheng Yiping sat in the back of one of the galloping commercial vehicles, beside him was full of intellectual Zhang Xiaona's graceful figure at a glance. At this moment, he was busy working with a notebook while holding a notebook.

Cheng Yiping didn't bother. He closed his eyes slightly after looking at Zhang Xiaona.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is basically a health app with closed eyes, but Cheng Yiping actually opened his mind to find a super-finding app.

The next moment, a bright and starry sky emerged in Cheng Yiping's mind, an infinitely deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged, and paragraphs of text were imprinted in his own mind.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding opens ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Please ask the seeker to say the goal ...]

next moment

An obscure light from this profound one-eye pupil shot into the mind of Cheng Yiping instantly.

Cheng Yiping shook his body, his pupils shrinking sharply.

He thought of a crucial question, sitting slightly upright, and aroused Zhang Xiaona's attention.

"What happened? What happened to Cheng Yiping?"

"Sorry, I just jolted a bit and felt a little uncomfortable"

Cheng Yiping said with a smile

Zhang Xiaona blinked, turned her head, and kept busy.

Cheng Yiping was relieved, but his face became more dignified and unsightly, and his brain was turning quickly.

"Hell, hell, I forgot one reason, I forgot one of the most important reasons. In the past, the main reason why I used to help people find people and find things each time was the deepest pupil of Super Finding App. The light that comes out must not be in the mind of the seeker before the search of the super seeker APP can be performed. Because of this, it must contact the seeker. "

"This is also the case. Remote assistance has not been implemented. Now even if I now have a backup system of the Super Finding App, I can leave because of the current backup system of the Super Finding App. The backup system, the deep lone pupil can fully connect with the seeker, but the problem is that now they are always looking for me on letter Z. In other words, they did not use the super finder in the mobile phone first. Object APP. Secondly, I am very far away from them. The light of the search of the object by the deep single pupil cannot be linked at all. In other words, I can remotely assist them, but the subject of the object seeker is me. I Is to be a real seeker! "

"If that's the case, then you can't get faith points at all, it's a losing trade."

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he rubbed his temples with a headache.

He doesn't mind helping people find things, but if it is really a so-called loss-making business, then it will be troublesome.

After all, if he uses the super pathfinding app, he needs to pay for his faith points. After he finds things successfully, he will get faith points based on his happiness and belief.

The person you are looking for first is not a relationship of relatives. I am afraid that I won not have many faith points, and then it will become a loss-making business.

Make a loss.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that the same person has different weights in different people's hearts, and the feelings after they are found are completely different.

Just like the daughters that Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilian are looking for, if they find their own daughter, the amount of faith points they obtain is absolutely massive, at least a lot, and definitely a lot, but if they are looking for themselves, they will find the faith afterwards There are not many points at all.

Anyway, it is a loss-making business.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here a look of bitter smile, looked annoyed

"It seems that this time is a loss-making sale. If you want to be able to collaborate remotely by sitting at home, it is not that you cannot. The prerequisite is that you cannot do a loss-making sale, or that you have to deal with yourself in advance. After meeting each other, and then using him to find the super APP, and then let him go to find things by himself, remote assistance is enough, in other words, you must meet face to face anyway, otherwise, I can only As the seeker of the super-hunting app, that is a loss-making business. "

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he rubbed his temples with a headache and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Now if you go back to Fuyuan County yourself, it will be regarded as hitting your own face.

He himself said that now he is in Beizhou Island, which is 180 thousand miles from Fuyuan County, Beizhou Road. It would be impossible to come back without ten days and a half months, and now he returns to Fuyuan County with his backhand. When they meet, they will definitely be considered a liar if they change to themselves.

"No more, no more, as the saying goes, even if the path I choose to climb must be completed, since this business I have chosen is a loss-making business."

"But the main thing is that it involves the trafficking of babies and the search for population. It doesn't matter if you lose a bit."

Thinking of Cheng Yiping raising his head here, his eyes became unusually clear.

If it ’s something else, find some money. If the battery car is flat, you might as well just reject it, and tell them they ca n’t find it.

But now this is not a matter of money but a little girl, a little girl only three or four years old, which makes Cheng Yiping have to pay attention.

Trafficking in people seems to be more sinful than murder.

After all, if you kill someone, it ’s a hundred words. If you sell a baby, it can definitely change your life's fate, and you may even plunge you into the abyss of endless pain.

This is the most inexcusable.

This is a more heinous crime than murder.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and watched a letter from Z.

[I can help you find it now, I need a picture of your daughter, after all, I can help you find it only after knowing your daughter's appearance]

Cheng Yiping waited for a moment before the other party Li Yongping immediately responded to a message, and the incidental was a family portrait photo.

It can be clearly seen from the photo that this is a family of three. The man is tall and tall, the woman is full of tenderness, and a young girl about three or four years old is standing in the middle. She looks unusually cute and has a bright smile. .

In the letter Z, there was a message of Lee's urgent reply.

[Please help me, please help me, please be sure to find my daughter, please be sure to find my daughter, as long as you can help me find my daughter, no matter what your requirements are, we will agree, no matter what you need, we will Full cooperation

You can see the urgency on the opposite side even through the letter Z on your mobile phone.

Sure enough, people said that her daughter was a little lover of his father's previous life, and now it seems true.

After all, there are more and more pet madmen in this society now.

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