Super Finding App

Chapter 1696: Little ancestor

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Next moment

The bright rotating starry sky in Cheng Yiping's mind instantly burst like a firework and turned into a colorful channel, and the soul appeared straight at the entrance of the channel.

Then turned into the colorful channel, the next moment

Standing on the edge of the vast universe, next to it is a blue planet.

next moment

The powerful attraction from this blue planet sucked the soul avatar into it instantly, crossing the sea of ​​clouds, falling into the earth, and banging into a small county.

The soul raised his eyes and looked at everything in front of him.

The road between the place where Cheng Yiping is located and the red light column emanating from the red sign in front of him is as clear as the three-d image.

The soul's avatar slowly fell into the county seat, looking around, and the words "Xiaoyu County" hung on the doorways of some storefronts in the county seat.

The red eye-catching target turned into a beam of light, and it could be clearly seen even across the distance.

The soul avatar slowly walked in this small county. Many people around it passed by, and the car roared through the body of the soul avatar.

The soul clone didn't have any fear or nervousness, walked straight forward, looked up, and saw a little girl whispering in the voice of a small street ahead.

"I do n’t go, I do n’t go, I do n’t go to the police station, I want to play games, I want to play games, I want to eat good food, and my parents did n’t give me good food, and they did n’t take me to play. It was so hard to play and lost me, so I did n’t go back, I do n’t want to go back. ”

The soul was gone, and in the dark corner, I was exactly at the door of a fried chicken restaurant. Three or four little girls snorted and pouted, their eyes were wide and the photos were three or four. The little girl is exactly the same as the old one, and now she is holding her face with her arms folded, and her face is full of expression.

Beside her, the two men scratched their heads and were covered with red roads

"Little ancestor, my little ancestor, please, please, please go to the police station quickly? We will buy you delicious food now. After you buy it, go to the police station. Remember to tell the police station, You fell asleep in the back of the car. When you woke up, you found that you were already in the wilderness, and you ran back by yourself. Do n’t you offer us both?

Little girl 唧 唧 唧 唧

"If so, then I want a lot of delicious food. I want chicken legs. I want chicken wings. I also want ice cream. I also want Christmas. Mom never tells me that eating is bad for your teeth. , But people really want to eat, and my father said that all of these fried chicken are junk food. I do n’t want to eat it, I really want to eat. "

The little girl looked at the spit flowing at the fried chicken shop while talking.

Two men glance at each other

"No problem, no problem, little ancestor, eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want."

After speaking, I saw one of the men said too far

"Zhao Dongqing is not ready to buy yet"

Zhao Dongqing nodded and hurriedly ran into the fried chicken shop, bought some fried chicken and Christmas and delivered it to the little girl.

The three or four-year-old girl ate with joy, eating sundae with one hand, and holding one with fried chicken in one hand. How arrogant and arrogant it was.

"What's the boss to do? What should we do? Let's continue like this? This little ancestor is really too hard to serve, I really didn't expect it. I thought this little ancestor would be very scared when he saw us, I didn't expect that this little ancestor was not afraid at all. We asked her to go home. She didn't want to go home and refused to go to the police station. Hell, what the **** is going on? "

Zhao Dongqing said very depressed, heaven and earth conscience, if other children encountered such a situation, I am afraid they would have been scared and trembled. I heard that I could return to the police station and return to my home. Just ran over, but did not expect this little girl, only 4 years old, would be so difficult to play.

"Boss, what should we do next? Or we'll just leave her here and let's go"

"Walk? How to get there? She's only 3 or 4 years old. Please, what if you throw her on the road and get abducted?"

Xia Li stared and said,

"I told you many times, we are thieves and not traffickers, wait, wait until we convince this little girl and let her tell the police that we have never seen our true face, so that ’s all right, otherwise It ’s because we picked her up and put it at the gate of the police station. By then, she would say it all in 1515, and we could n’t even run. ”

"No, no, to be precise, she must be quiet, otherwise, if she is noisy and found by other people, then we will catch us or call the police, and we will not be able to explain even if we explain. Is it telling the police that we just want to steal a car is not a trafficker? Do you think the police will believe us? "

"I see, I see, what should I do if the boss just continues like this? The little girl will be about 34 years old. It should be more coquettish. I didn't expect the current child to be so difficult. The current child Will children know so much? "

"I do n’t know, I do n’t know, anyway, I took her seriously and convinced the little ancestor that we could run away after she was taken to the police station. This time it was really too depressed. Stolen a child. Honestly, the child ’s parents are really incompetent. Even the child was left in the car and forgot it. Fortunately, the weather is still good. If it is summer, it is estimated that the child will be smothered alive "

Xia Li said with gritted teeth. He vowed that if the little girl's parents were in front of him, he would slap in the past.

The soul detached and took a panoramic view of all of this, and then passed into Cheng Yiping's eyes, making Cheng Yiping feel strange and weird and rolled his eyes.

I thought this little girl would be very afraid of panic, but now it seems that it is the same thing.

It seems that although these two thieves are thieves, they are not really bad by nature, at least they have not become traffickers.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he continued to watch the soul clone, followed directly behind Zhao Dongqing and Xia Li, the most important thing was to follow the little girl.

Then he opened his eyes slowly, his eyes fell on his cell phone, Li was still anxiously waiting for his reply, raised his head, closed his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, typed in the Z letter of the cell phone One line

[Xiaoyu County, your daughter is in Xiaoyu County]

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