Super Finding App

Chapter 1697: it is true

Cheng Yiping is very clear that if he is using the super finder app, he can find exactly what the target is by simply searching according to the finder sign on the super finder app.

But the problem is that Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian's daughter are looking for through Z letter. They also did not use the Super Find App, so Cheng Yiping could not directly tell them which way to go, to The right is still east, which is really some trouble.

So Cheng Yiping directly told their daughter where they were and let them rush over.

After that, they only need to use the soul avatar of the Super Hidden App to view their movements, and then provide real-time guidance.

Although it is more troublesome, it can also be remotely controlled!

The other side was anxiously waiting in Fuyuan County, and Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian were also panic-stricken, and they were walking around the table, even if Li was sitting at the table, drinking a cup of tea and a cup of tea Then, looking down at his mobile phone from time to time, frowned, and found no news and asked.

"What's going on, why is there no news until now, is it okay?"

"Calm down, calm down, is it easy for my husband to find someone? Maybe he is thinking of a way, maybe he is waiting."

"What are you waiting for? If you look at the name Super Find, then he should be using the Super APP. If you use the Super APP, you shouldn't be able to get news soon. It's really anxious, really anxious. Now, let me call the police and wonder what happened to the police? "

Li can't wait to say that he really got a little flustered, then quickly took out his cell phone and opened it, and typed the cell phone number of the police officer I had contacted.

After a while, the phone picks up the channel,

"Police officer I want to ask if my daughter was found? Did my daughter find it?"

"Mr. Li, calm down, calm down. I have reported the situation here to the headquarters. Now the police are conducting strict investigations on the roadside surveillance. As long as you can find the specific place of the vehicle, you will be able to find your daughter. Please trust us police! "

"Okay, okay, really bother you, really bother you"

Under the present circumstances, of course, we must trust the police. Is there any other way besides trust?

Li forever urged the police to nod his head and said, hang up the phone, anxious look on his face.

His wife Zhao Cuilian hesitated and said

"Where is our daughter? Where is it?"

As Zhao Cuilan said, tears flowed.


Li always felt the whole body of the mobile phone startled and quickly looked down.

I saw a message from the letter Z on the phone

[Your daughter is in Xiaoyu County]

With a bang, Li stood up forever and said excitedly

"There's news, there's news, this super seeker has sent news, he said our daughter is in Xiaoyuyu County!"

"Xiaoyu County, Xiaoyu County, our daughter is in Xiaoyu County. Let me check. I will check the map now. I will check the map now.

Li Cuilian immediately took out her phone and quickly opened the map. She looked at it carefully, with a look of astonishment on her face.

"We found that Xiaoyu County is not far from our Fuyuan County. It is a small county on the side of the national highway. Our daughter may be taken there.

"We will rush now, we will rush now"

Lee always nodded like a chick pecking

"Okay, we're right now. Should we call the police and tell the police that our daughter is in Xiaoyu County?"

Li nodded forever

"Okay, okay, no matter, no matter what, let ’s go before we talk, let ’s go before we talk"

There is nothing more important for Zhao Cuilian than finding her daughter. As for whether she can notify the police, she doesn't care.

Li hesitated forever, and finally got on the phone to report to the police officer.

"Police Officer, I found a message on the Internet. I heard that my daughter is in Xiaoyu County."

"Yes, yes, it's in Xiaoyu County. Could you send the police to investigate?"

"Okay, I know I know"

After speaking to the investigating police officer, Li Yongchang relaxed afterwards:

After thinking about it for a while, Li Cuilian and Li Cuilian quickly walked out of Fuyuan County. Now they don't care about the money. They just found a taxi and spent the money to drive to Xiaoyu County.

"My husband, let me see, let me see if our daughter is really in Xiaoyu County?"

His wife Zhao Cuilian, who was sitting in the back seat of the taxi, was worried and anxious. She grabbed her husband's mobile phone in the hands of Li Yong forever, watching the news from Super Finding, hanging My heart relaxed slightly and said

"My daughter must be okay, please be okay, otherwise the mother will never forgive herself for life."

"Relax, rest assured, nothing will happen, nothing will happen. We have to trust the police. I have called the police to inform the police that there should be a police rush."

"We have to believe that our daughter is fine, we will be able to find her daughter"

Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian embraced each other, and the hand holding the mobile phone was shaking constantly.

The two did not know when the two of them entered Xiaoyu County

In an instant

I saw the soul standing at the entrance and watching them silently

At the same time, Cheng Yiping, who was galloping on the highway, closed his eyes and opened his eyes, opened his eyes violently, held a mobile phone in his hand to show his playful expression, and then directly issued a Z channel.

[Where have you been? Please tell me when you arrive at Xiaoyu County,]

【sure no problem】

Cheng Yiping looked at the latest news and was relieved.

"Sure enough, as the saying goes, there are always more ways than difficulties. Indeed, I am now with Zhang Xiaona in a commercial car back in Jiangzhen City. Naturally, I cannot train myself, but I If you use the soul avatar, you can remotely control it, and you can also find things successfully. "

Cheng Yiping raised his head, and there was light in his eyes.

He was thinking very clearly. Indeed, he was not beside Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilian, but don't forget that the soul avatar can be moved, and the soul can find these three poor people.

Every move they took was passed into Cheng Yiping's mind.

Cheng Yiping can control the soul avatar to know their movements, and then they can remotely control in Z letter.

In other words, although Cheng Yiping is not beside Li Yongyuan and Zhao Cuilan, it can let the soul avatar of the Super Hidden App follow him instead, and transfer all their actions into the body of Yiping.


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