Super Finding App

Chapter 1699: Must be true

Li is always clear that as a pillar of his family, his wife can collapse and fall down, but he must not collapse, and he must not fall down.

Although he, like his wife Zhao Cuilian, was indeed full of suspicion about this super finding object in his mobile phone, if it was not the wonderful young girl who met in Fuyuan Town, brought up this matter with them, and even trusted the so-called super finding object Z In their words, I'm afraid Li will never contact this super-find at all.

But no matter whether the super-finding is true or false, he must go on, even if it doesn't hit the south wall or look back in case it is true?

Li gritted his teeth forever and kept saying the words that would not be impossible, as if comforting his wife, more like hypnotizing himself and giving himself confidence.

Xiaoyu County is not big at all. When Li Yong and Zhao Cuilian were worried, they had reached the fork. Suddenly, they heard the news from the mobile phone.

Li forever lowered his head and looked to the left, which said to the left.

To the left?

"Super Finder told me to turn to the left"

There was a three-way intersection in front of Li Yongyuan. There were direct forward and left and right passages. When he didn't know which one to go, the left message came from the Z letter on his mobile phone, telling him He moved to the left and quickly said to his wife

"Wife, left, go left"

Talking to his wife and went straight to the left.

Although Xiaoyu County is a small county, it is not large, but after all it belongs to the county seat. It has an old city, the roads are relatively narrow, the houses are close to each other, and they are scattered. After entering them, or leaving When the main arterial road enters this alley, it has a well-developed four-way, similar to the feeling of a maze.

Sometimes when you walk through a building, you can see a fork in the road. People who do n’t know are really easy to get lost.

However, this is not a problem for Li forever, because he found that as soon as he walked to the intersection, the super seeker in the mobile phone would send a message telling him which direction he turned from. Whether it is to the right or directly forward is like opening the eyes of the sky.

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is our daughter? Is this super seeker lying to us? Is he really lying to us?"

After turning seven or eight corners, Zhao Cuilian, who did not see her daughter, finally collapsed, and burst into tears, and tears flowed down. She was close to collapse. She threw herself, squatted on the ground, and tears burst. Flowing.

"Fake, fake, this super seeker must be fake, it must be fake, he is playing with us, he is playing with us at all, you see that we have been here so many times without seeing us Daughter, we have been fooled, we have been fooled, he is a liar, he is a liar at all "

"Enough. Enough. Calm down. He's not a liar. This super seeker is real. He is not a liar."

Forever, Li looked very pale, bowed his head fiercely, and pulled his wife up, hissing out loudly.

"Calm down, and hold on, I believe this super seeker will be able to find our daughter, he is not a liar"

"Not a liar? You said he wasn't a liar. How long have we been in this Xiaoyu County? Following his instructions, he has been walking around for so long, we do n’t know where we have been, He did n’t see our daughter, he was lying to us. ”

Zhao Cuilian raised her head one year, her face became abnormally angry, and she seemed desperate to find a pouring junction after she was in despair and guilt.

"Calm down, wife. Calm down, it's because this super-looking thing took us to make a big move, that can prove that this super-find thing is true. Think about it, we are in this small fish county , Super Finding is not with us, then the question comes, how do you think he can know every time we go to the fork, tell us which direction we should turn, can it be said that he does not have a map navigation system? ? "

Li raised his head forever, and said in a word of Jingguang in his eyes.

In an instant

Zhao Cuilian's stun was abrupt, and the tears that had been wailing suddenly stopped.

Raising his head, his face was bewildered. Obviously, he didn't respond. Li nodded forever and looked at his cell phone one by one.

"Wife, think about it, this super-looking object is not with us. In his words, he is on Beizhou Road. Even if he is not on Beizhou Road, at least one thing is certain that he is definitely not beside us. But in this case, as long as we meet the fork in the road here, he immediately sends a message telling us which way to go. Don't you think this is very strange? "

"Do you think this is normal?"

Zhao Cuilian finally recovered from the excitement and despair. Although her face was still flowing with tears, her face was still pale, but she was finally able to think normally.

Raising his head, his face lighted with hope.

"Husband, you mean it. You mean that this super seeker is real. He can really know where our daughter is?"

Li nodded forever and said with gritted teeth.

"Although I don't know if this super seeker can really find our daughter or still playing with us, there is one thing I can know, that this super seeker is really amazing. At least he can know where we are, even if it is It ’s also good to have a so-called satellite navigation system, because he can use the navigation system to know where we are, and he must be able to know exactly where our daughter is. "

"So we have to go on, we must go on, as long as we reach the end, we can know what is going on, whether it is a lie to us or it is true."

Li Yongyuan said word by word that, for him, he was very skeptical of this super service, but every time he walked to the turning point in this Xiaoyu County, he could receive the super-finding object. The news and instructions made Li always feel that this super wayfinding may really be trustworthy.

Because this is really incredible.

"Okay, we keep going, we keep going."

Zhao Cuilian obviously also understood that Li Yongyuan nodded heavily, and her hopeless face also showed hope.

For her, as long as there is hope, even the most delicate hope, she will never give up.

The two looked at each other, stood up, and followed the instructions on the cell phone again to find out. After passing a corner, they found that they had turned to another main road in Xiaoyu County.

A thin figure appeared in their eyes.

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