Super Finding App

Chapter 1700: Auxiliary police

Li Gang is an auxiliary police officer at the Xiaoyu County Police Station. Although he is only an auxiliary police officer, he does almost the same thing as the police.

For Li Gang, he feels very proud of his job. After all, he can wear clothes similar to the police, but the police uniform writes the word police, and he writes It is two words of auxiliary policeman, only one word is different.

Moreover, the work done is similar to that of the police, even more than the work of the police, but the benefits and benefits are only the police13, but even so, Li Gang did not give up any.

There are many auxiliary policemen like him in the police station. When patrolling the building at night, or when they are on duty, there will be a formal policeman with 2 or 3 auxiliary policemen to handle the case and learn about the situation.

For many auxiliary policemen, although their wages are low and sometimes they are looked down upon or incomprehensible, they still insist on doing it.

The main reason is that in addition to their love for the profession of the police, although the salary is not high, the benefits are slightly better than other places.

The main thing is that as long as you do a good job, if you can get first-class work, it may turn right. Auxiliary police officers will have these regularized places every year.

And these few positive places make the auxiliary police rush.

Otherwise, if you look at a person who is 1.75 meters tall and looks burly, but still belongs to a college graduate, why should you come to be an auxiliary policeman?

I only get a salary of more than 2,000 yuan per month. Is it true that there is a mine in the family to inherit?

But having said that, it is not easy to make a contribution.

Especially in remote counties, it is even more difficult to make contributions.

Li Gang was bored and sat in a chair beside the office, with a cup of coffee in front, holding a mobile phone in his hand and brushing the news.

Although it is said to be at work, in fact, as a police station in Xiaoyu County, basically nothing happens, and everyone is happy.

For a police station, it is best if nothing happens. If nothing happens, it means Guotai Min'an, and it means peace.

If something happens every day, the police station is as noisy as the vegetable market, which shows that the law and order in this area is quite chaotic.

Li Gang was brushing the news at the moment, watching the news make a whispering voice.

"Look, you see that this auxiliary police officer was really issued. He turned right this year and there was no problem at all. By that time he became a civil servant and became a formal police officer. He was just handsome, you said When can we have such an opportunity? "

Li Gang was watching while watching the news.

Beside him, the burly man yawned, opened his eyes slightly, and said,

"Are you talking about that news? Don't make a joke, it's really a dead life. You can see from the news that it was clear that a fire broke out in a place, and this security police officer rushed to the scene of the fire. He rescued three people, but he was also severely burned. The area of ​​the burn was as high as 30%, and even his face was burned. According to reports, if he was returned to the hospital later, he might have lost his life. , His regular quota was put back with his life "

"If it's our turn, I said Li Gang, are you confident that you can escape from the fire field? If someone dies then, don't say that it is useless to give you first-class work even if it is special."

"That's what it says, that's what it says, but I still have a chance to try it. It would be great if I could get it right."

Li Gang shook his head and rattle-like eyes with an envious look.

Aside from Fu Fu, the policeman laughed, showing a sneer look.

"Okay, okay, you haven't given up for how many years, please, don't you want to see how this place that can be turned into a formal policeman can be given to us casually? Do we have one? No one, right? Does it matter? It doesn't matter, it ’s okay, or you can only continue to stay like this, you see how many poor people in our auxiliary police team are serious? Some people simply have this in their homes. The relationship is like that of the auxiliary police officer in our team. A student of a prestigious university uses his education and appearance to look for a job outside. There is no problem in getting seven or eight thousand. Why should he come to be an auxiliary policeman? "

"The main thing is, have you ever seen a BMW driving over to be an auxiliary police officer? People do n’t have any money to come here to be an auxiliary police officer. One is to have a job so that children wo n’t mess around outside. After all, it ’s getting harder and harder to test civil servants now. There are more and more police officers. We ca n’t compare to others. I just want to work safely. Anyway, I have three houses and two stores. Waiting for inheritance, my parents don't need me to feed. "

"Okay, okay, I know you're a rich second generation, you don't have to say this in front of me, I'm not as rich as you"

Li Gang could not help but rolled his eyes and looked at the companion of the burly auxiliary policeman, sighing.

It really is different from the same person. This colleague, who is also an assistant police officer, has these three houses and two stores.

Who would have thought that this auxiliary policeman would be a rich second generation.

"Okay, okay, in fact, you don't need to worry too much. Although first-class work is very difficult to obtain, it does not mean that it is impossible, and you can't just use your life to fight. In the case, there is also a chance. "

"For example, it is a case with a relatively large impact. If you can solve the case then, it will not be all issued?"

The rich second-generation father looked at Li Gang, who was depressed, comforted

"Forget it, if there is such a good thing, do you think it will be my turn? I'm afraid I have been invited to do so."

"Forget it, forget it, I'm still safe and steady"

Li Gang said, shaking his head.

During this period of time as an assistant police officer in a police station, he was regarded as a battle-hardened man. Naturally, he knew that society was not as simple as he thought.

The rich second-generation auxiliary policeman shook his head and said,

"This is not necessarily true. Although we belong to a small county here, there are more tourists. In case one of the tourists is missing and disappeared, you can get the tourists back. This is also a credit. "If the tourists you find are related or have energy, then don't you send them?"

"Forget it, forget it, I said if you read too much of the novel. This is a reality, not a novel. How can dog blood happen? This is simply impossible."

Li Gang's head shook like a rattle, and his voice just dropped. I saw a little girl in a pink and three-year-old wearing a pink outfit at the gate of the police station.

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