Super Finding App

Chapter 1701: found it

How is this going?

How is this going?

How come a little girl suddenly came over?

Is it lost?

The Xiaoyu County police station is not too big, and Li Gang and Fu second-generation auxiliary police are in the guard room at the gate of the police station. At a glance, I saw this happy little girl wearing pink clothes holding Christmas food in his hand. girl.

The two glanced at each other and felt strange walking out.

Looking around, there was no one at the gate of the police station.

"What's going on? Why would a child come to our police station? Is it lost?"

"It shouldn't be, where are his parents?"

"You can still know that you came to the police station when you were lost. This kid is too clever."

"It should not be possible, depending on her appearance, at most 3 or 4 years old, how can you know these things, you are wrong. The young child is very mature, but very clever. same"

"Okay, okay, whether it's true or false, ask first, and ask first."

Li Gang and Fu's second-generation auxiliary policeman looked at each other, and you talked with each other.

Although they didn't know what the lesson was like, they brought the little girl to the guard room, and the little girl who looked at the eyes and blinked annoyed and looked confused.

"Little sister, little sister, what's your name? How come here alone? What about your parents?"

The little girl blinked her head and blinked, but didn't seem to speak.

"Where are your parents? Why are you alone? Your parents must worry about telling your brother where are your parents?"

The little girl's head shook like a rattle and milky.

"Mom and Dad, Mom and Dad forgot about themselves and left me in the car alone"

No way?

How could it be that a person threw a child into the car alone?

Li Gang frowned, and the second-generation auxiliary policeman said to him at a glance

"The parents of this child may be too careless, and even throw such a small child on the street, what should happen if something goes wrong?"

"That is, that is, I think her parents should be very anxious, they should still be around Xiaoyu County. We might as well take her around to see, maybe someone can recognize it."

The rich second-generation assistant police officer said.

"Okay, okay, but let ’s report this to the police first. After all, we do n’t know what to do next. We do n’t know if the little girl has any ID card or contact information of her parents. , If anything, it would be better "

Li Gang lowered his head and his brain turned quickly. Generally speaking, when his child is three or four years old, he should bring some ID information or contact information of his family. Looking for family.

"Yes, yes, let's look now, we look now."

Li Gang and Fu's second-generation auxiliary police searched for the little girl, but found nothing and no contact method.

"It's really weird. I'll tell the police. Li Gang, look at this little girl. Don't let her get lost. Although I don't know what's going on, the little girl is out alone. Not a good thing "

The rich second-generation auxiliary policeman thought for a moment, and went to the dispatched group to find the policeman.

Li looked at the three- or four-year-old girl who was eating the sundae while eating fried chicken, and her mouth twitched.

What happened to the little girl?

How come here?

"Where exactly are your parents?"

Little girl talking while eating sundae

"I don't know, Mom and Dad are gone"

Are mom and dad gone?

Look at her like this Christmas should have been bought in Xiaoyu County, this fried chicken should also be in a nearby fried chicken restaurant, is it possible to lose it in a nearby fried chicken restaurant?

A shot of Li Gang's head revealed the situation.

After a while

I saw a few policemen running over. After all, a missing girl appeared in the police station. This is indeed an important thing. He said

"Did the little girl really find her parents? If he is in our Xiaoyu County, then there should be parents who are very anxious, our Xiaoyu County is not too big, so we will take her out to find out

Li Gang said quickly

"Police officer, this little girl holds Christmas and fried chicken shop in this fried chicken shop near us. I think since he bought it there, his parents will definitely be near this fried chicken shop. It ’s better if we go there or ask, maybe we can find it. ”

The police nodded.

"It is indeed possible, let's go, then we will go out now, and I believe that the child lost by the parents will be very anxious"

I have to say that the police station's ability to handle is quite high.

After a while

Li Gang and Fu's second-generation auxiliary police were led by the police. The three- or four-year-old girl walked out of the police station and was ready to ask the fried chicken shop.

But he just walked out of the fried chicken shop, and suddenly saw a man and a woman rushing out and rushed to the little girl, mourning.

"Daughter, daughter, my daughter, my daughter, I finally found you, I finally found you"

"My daughter, my daughter." Zhao

Cui Lian threw herself in front of her daughter, held it in her arms, and burst into tears.

Behind him, Li always followed closely. Although he did not shed tears as a man, his eyes were red.


There was a vibration in the mobile phone, and when I lowered my head, I saw a message in the mobile phone.

[Super-level object finding, completed]

Turned out to be true.

Turned out to be true.

This super seeker turned out to be true!

He really took us to find his daughter, he really took us to find his daughter.

Li was excited forever, stretched out his trembling hand, quickly opened the red envelope, and directly transferred 1,000 yuan in the past.

500 yuan could not express his gratitude at all.

"Boss, boss, you see, the little girl's parents really came over, the little girl's parents really came over, what should we do now?"

In the dim aisle of Xiaoyu County, not far from the police station, Zhao Dongqing and Xia Li sneaked their heads, watching the little girl enter the police station.

After a while, they were taken out by the police station, and then a man and a woman rushed to the little girl and wept.

I want to know what happened with my buttocks. Xia Li was afraid, and patted his chest.

"Luck, luck, let me tell you, I told you to send this little girl to the police station as soon as possible, otherwise the police will definitely find us soon"

"If you think about these two parents, they could find their daughter so quickly. Even if we kidnapped the child far away, I would be caught. We are thieves and not traffickers. We haven't So devastated. "

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