Super Finding App

Chapter 1702: Come back home

Two commercial cars were galloping on the road leading to Jiangzhen City, and slowly opened their eyes, watching the sign of the success of the super-hunting APP faith-seeking success in his mind revealed a bitter smile.

"Sure enough, this is a loss-making business. After all, the seeker is only myself, not the parent of the little girl. If I change to the parent of this little girl, I am afraid the situation will be completely different."

"It's nothing, although there are some losses, but in general it's not too much loss. After all, it is a life. If the little girl is really abducted by a trafficker, the consequences are simply Unimaginable "

Cheng Yiping breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and a boulder in his heart fell.

He knows better than anyone. Although he said that he has a super-hunting app, to be honest, if the two thieves found the little girl in the car and then abducted the little girl, they wanted Finding it is indeed a very difficult thing.

Once the little girl is trafficked, even if it can be found, if it's okay, it will be all right, and if some accidents really occur, the consequences can be unimaginable.

I am afraid that even then no matter how much confession will be completely useless.

Fortunately, these two thieves don't seem to be the kind of heartbroken guys.

Otherwise, they will never send the little girl to Xiaoyu County to buy food for the little girl and let her go to the police station herself.

But then again, whether it is good or bad, stealing things is really a bad thing, just don't know what the results of these two thieves will be, will they be caught?

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he laughed lightly, shook his head and stopped paying attention.

After all, the super-find faith belief has nothing to do with Cheng Yiping.

I just thought that I had made a loss-making business, and I had some tears.

However, seeing Zhao Cuilian's cry as she hugged her daughter, all the dissatisfaction and depression in her heart disappeared.

May no one be trafficked in this world.

No way.

After Cheng Yiping accompanied Zhang Xiaona and the crew of Jiangzhen City TV Station to Jiangzhen City, Zhang Xiaona and Cheng Yiping returned to the TV station with a few words of shame and a few words.

Cheng Yiping yawned and turned back to his home. Before going home, he first went to the Xun Entertainment Studio to find out the recent situation.

After all, now that I have no entertainment rewards, even if I want some entertainment rewards, I must use my faith points to buy directly.

For Cheng Yiping, the belief points now are quite precious.

However, the development of Seeking Entertainment Studio is quite rapid. With the resources and resources developed by Cheng Yiping's previous resources, it has to be said that even now there is no Cheng Yiping in exchange for Super Finding App entertainment rewards Scripts, songs, and resources can be mixed.

In other words, it is now completely on track.

Later, when I went to the antique store opened in the antique street of Jiangzhen City, the business of the antique store was not as good as that of the entertainment studio.

But with Cheng Yiping's top-level engraving technology, it can also be closed for one year and opened for three years.

This made Cheng Yiping feel what a craftsman is again.

As long as you have the skills, no matter where you are, there is no shortage of guys who eat. The only thing you are missing is people with skills.

It is a pity that in the world today, there are fewer and fewer so-called craftsmen.

Really men are afraid of entering the wrong line and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man.

But for Cheng Yiping now, he has become more and more mature with the Super Find App.

Time passed by little by little.

Cheng Yiping's life has also become normal.

A group of people gathered in a remote area in a certain step of the Tang Dynasty

"Is something certain?"

"Things have basically been determined, but we haven't found them"

"Can't even find the Super Hidden App?"

"There are too many faith points for Super Object Findings. Even the fanatics we have cultivated today cannot have enough faith points."

"If it is not enough, then continue to train, then let him look for it, can it be said that this is not possible? You should be very clear, how much time and time we have spent in order to find this thing, we You have to get these things in your hands "

"Yes, so it was already decided to start plan Z"

"Are you sure? You really need to find him. You and you should be very clear. If you really want to find him, there are many uncertain factors."

"It's a matter of no way, so far, the only way we can think of is the only way to think of it."

"Well, if this is the case, then the calculation department needs to recalculate the entire plan. Remember that we cannot make any mistakes. If that person really has what we are looking for, or talk to that If things are inextricably linked, then we must not have any carelessness and blindness, otherwise, the one waiting for us will be a shortfall, and you do n’t want our things to be married by others. clothes"

"You can rest assured that the entire calculation part has been completely and correctly calculated, and a lot of methods and rules have been calculated to ensure that there are no problems in completing it."

"If that's the case, let's get started. Remember, we must find that kind of thing. Only when we find that kind of thing can our organizational plan succeed, and what we have been pursuing for thousands of years can succeed."

"The main thing is that we have to find that kind of thing before the others."

"No problem, Plan A has begun completely and guaranteed to have no problems,"

"Let's get started."

There were several people in the dim room, and the lights one after the other went out instantly.

No one knows exactly what is brewing here.

But one thing is certain, what is contained in this room is a shocking conspiracy.

Day 2

Cheng Yiping yawned and walked down from his own building. He stretched a long lazy waist. Since he didn't need to go to work, for Cheng Yiping, this life is really quite pleasant.

This can only explain one problem. Many people in this world want to live a comfortable life, and the first condition of a comfortable life is simple, that is, to have money.

You can only pay attention if you have ensured that everything is in order. Otherwise, for most people, it is easy to live, easy to live, and difficult to live.

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