Super Finding App

Chapter 1706: totem

Is there something that can't afford you, can I still hide from you?

Cheng Yiping is not an idiot, nor is he an okay person.

Looking at the white manager crying in front of the Youlu Club, although I didn't know whether it was true or not, I always felt that this time was not a falsehood:

Now that it is true, if Jane is still involved, isn't Jane looking for death?

After all, according to Manager Bai, the group of people who came to look for the one-eyed temple felt like a group of distraught guys.

This is a group of rich but very sad people.

Who would be okay with things like this?

I don't know what will happen when I die. Therefore, Cheng Yiping didn't think about it at all and rejected it in one go.

The whole body is full of charming breath. The enchanting manager Bai looked up and looked at Cheng Yiping with a bitter smile, and said

"Mr. Cheng, I know that this is not very good for you, but I have no other way. For me now, if I want to survive, I must find this one-eyed temple, and Only you are the most promising in the Discovery Club. Mr. Cheng asks you to promise me. If you are willing to help me find this one-eyed temple, I will pay 5 million for all the remuneration. "


Cheng Yiping took a breath of cold air, his teeth were snoring, looked at the manager Bai in front of her, and clearly felt that what she said was really true.

5 million, this is definitely not a small amount, even for ordinary people, they may not make money in their lifetime.

Under such circumstances, what should Cheng Yiping do?

Cheng Yiping was a little hesitant.

After all, as the saying goes, anyone in this world has a price, depending on whether you have enough chips at that price.


Cheng Yiping believes that if this 5 million yuan is given to ordinary people, absolutely no one will refuse, but Cheng Yiping does not necessarily, raised his head and took a deep breath, shook his head and said

"Mr. Bai, the price you gave me is really high, and it really makes me very tempted, but I'm sorry, I ca n’t really make a profit of 5 million, after all, compared with my small life, my small Life is more important. If you do n’t have money, you can make more money. But if you do n’t have your life, there is no use for it.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, please help me, please help me, if the money is not enough, I can still add it"

"Mr. Cheng, please help me!"

When the charming and charming manager Bai heard it, he quickly said anxiously, with a look of worry on his face.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, there is nothing I can do. Please help me. You think about it, you think about it."

Manager Bai is certainly not the one who gives up so easily, not to mention that things are related to her life.

Looking at the manager Bai pleaded in front of him, although it was said that Yiping had some unbearable feelings, compared with his own life, it seemed that his own life was more important. He shook his head, and his eyes fell on what Mr. Bai handed over. Take it over the file and flip through it lightly.

Suddenly, the pupils contracted sharply, sitting slightly upright, a little sweat flowing on the forehead.

He clearly saw that there was some information on the one-eyed temple on the file that Manager Bai took over, and the display of the one-eyed temple was the totem belonging to the one-eyed temple, and it looked like a one-eyed temple.

But this one-eye made Cheng Yiping feel very familiar.

Because this one-eyed eye is exactly the same as the deep one-eyed eye that appeared after the Super Find App opened in Cheng Yiping's mind.

How is this possible?

This is simply not possible:

Cheng Yiping was really surprised. He carefully looked through the documents in his hands and raised his head to ask each sentence.

"Manager Bai, this is the one-eyed temple. What kind of role does this one-eyed temple have?"

Manager Bai, who was in despair, said quickly

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, yes, this is the one-eyed temple. This is really the one-eyed temple. According to the data we have studied, we can know that it existed in the wild swamp of Xizhou Road hundreds of years ago. An original tribe. People in this tribe have always regarded it as a totem. According to legend, in this tribe, if there is any problem, they can ask for the one-eyed temple. The one-eyed temple can guide them and complete the road. Able to fulfill their wish "

"It is said that this one-eyed is more similar to the existence of God and has been believed by ancient tribes."

"That's why this one-eyed temple was built. Are you interested, Mr. Cheng? Are you really interested?"



This should be a coincidence.

Cheng Yiping leaned his body on the back of the chair. The soothing music from coffee days came from his ears, but his face became a little dignified.

Looking at the information on the documents in front of him and listening to the information on the one-eyed temple, Cheng Yiping was really stunned.

Although there are many one-eyed totems, I don't know why Cheng Yiping looked at the one-eyed totem on this file and at a glance he could think of the rotating and deep one-eyed pupil that emerged from his super-hunting app.

It feels exactly the same ...

This is really weird.

The charming and touching Manager Bai hesitated for a while, looking at Cheng Yiping, who did not speak, seemed to have thought of raising his head, saying it word by word.

"By the way, Mr. Cheng found out that the one-eyed temple seems to have magical abilities. According to ancient documents, whenever the tribe encounters certain difficulties, they can go to the one-eyed temple to pray. At that time, the one-eyed eye will fall from the sky, lower the miracle of God, and bless these tribes to solve any problems. "

"It is said that the ability of the owner of this one-eyed temple to find everything is really similar to the ability of the Super Object Finding App."

There are some similarities with the capabilities of the Super Hidden App ...

Cheng Yiping was instantly struck by a lightning strike, lowered his head, and carefully looked through the documents. It was found that according to the records, these documents really had the same effect as Super Finding App.

Could it be said that the so-called one-eyed temple in front of me is really related to the super-hunting app?

Does it really have anything to do with the one-eyed pupil in the super-hunting app?

Thought of Cheng Yiping's face became dignified instantly.

Cheng Yiping can be ignored for Manager Bai's life or death, but Cheng Yiping cannot really ignore Super Finding App.

This one-eyed temple really feels very strange

Thinking of here, she raised her head and touched her chin, with inexplicable brilliance flashing in her eyes.

Does this one-eyed temple really have nothing to do with the super-hunting app?

Chances are, this is entirely possible.

Although I don't know what kind of ghost this one-eyed temple is. But the one-eyed totem of this one-eyed temple is exactly the same as the deep and long one-eyed pupil in the Super Find Object app.

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