Super Finding App

Chapter 1707: Related

In the soothing cafe, Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified, and he flipped through the documents brought by Manager Bai.

There seems to be only the rustling voice of this file in the space. The originally desperate manager Bai looked at Cheng Yiping with a deep breath, hoping that Cheng Yiping could really promise her.

After all, she pinned all her hopes on Cheng Yiping.

Cheng Yiping looked at the file at this moment and raised his head, his face became abnormally dignified, and he suddenly clicked on the Super Find App in his mind.

next moment

In his own mind, the super-searching app appeared with the rotating and bright starry sky, and the deep and long reading pupil appeared.

Cheng Yiping carefully looked at the deep and distant one-eye pupil that emerged from his mind, exactly the same as the document brought by the manager Bai in his hands.

This made Cheng Yiping's teeth tremble.

The same, the same.

Turned out to be the same.

Does this one-eyed temple really have anything to do with the Super Hidden Object App?

As he was thinking in a flat screen, his eyes suddenly flashed, and a paragraph of text finally appeared in his mind.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Pathfinder is starting ...]

[Please ask the seeker to determine the goal of the search ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[125730054 points for belief points]

In an instant.

Cheng Yiping's eyes were all staring wide. He clearly saw that the number of faith points required by the super-hunting app in his mind had reached more than 10 million.

This is simply creepy.

Cheng Yiping's belief points are not so much at all.

Looking at the red points in his mind showing the required faith points, Cheng Yiping raised his head, his teeth were snoring.

"Really, really, this is absolutely true"

"Really, really, this is absolutely true, this one-eyed temple must be inextricably linked to the super-hunting APP faith-seeking!"

"It turned out to be true. The faith-seeking app of the Super-Finding App turned out to require tens of millions of faith points, which completely illustrates a problem."

"The belief points needed for this look are exactly the same as the belief points needed to find the other two pieces of faith using the Super Finder APP to find the other two pieces of faith. It can be said that the number of belief points represents what is sought Difficulty of goods "

“The tens of millions of faith points at this moment undoubtedly indicate that this one-eyed temple is quite rare and important, which is very important for the super-hunting app” such as

With so many faith points, for Cheng Yiping, the only explanation and reason he can think of is that this one-eyed temple does have inextricable relationships with the Super Find App.

It is even said that one of the other two fragments of the Super Find Object APP faith is in this one-eyed temple.

The thought of Cheng Yiping's breathing was quick, the slightest sweat dripped from his face, and the urgent voice of manager Bai came from his ear.

"Mr. Cheng, Mr. Cheng, please think again, please help me, please help me, this time I convened a large number of elite adventure treasure hunters in the exploration club, went to the barren swamp land to find To Wu Yan Temple "

"I believe that if Mr. Cheng leads the way this time, he will be able to accurately find the existence of the one-eyed temple."

Manager Bai said anxiously, opened his mouth, and looked at Cheng Yiping worried.

One word she did not tell Cheng Yiping was that the people who opened the search for the one-eyed temple this time were quite heartbroken.

For example, this is the same thing now. The Discovery Club is just a platform. It cannot guarantee that you can find the one-eyed temple. However, after more than a dozen failures, this terrorist force has set its sights on the target. She and the explorer club forced her to search for the one-eyed temple with all her strength

This group of horrible people can threaten her manager Bai, and it can also threaten Cheng Yiping, but manager Bai really doesn't want things to go to this step. After all, she is willing to find the one-eyed temple and forced to find the one-eyed temple. Two completely different concepts.

If possible, Manager Bai didn't want to come to this step. When he opened his mouth and wanted to continue to persuade, he heard a flat voice in his ear.

"Manager Bai, I want to know where this one-eyed temple is already known? Or that the information in this one-eyed temple is nothing other than a photo, you should also be very clear when looking for one-eyed temple, I use It's also a super-hunting app. If your super-hunting app needs too many faith points, I can't help it! "

This is the most important thing for Cheng Yiping.

Looking for a one-eyed temple requires tens of millions of points of faith, which Cheng Yiping cannot afford at present.

But the same is true. It doesn't have to be to find the one-eyed temple directly. Cheng Yiping can find some items found in the one-eyed temple. There is no connection with the Super Object Finding App.

Or you can find the clue where these one-eyed temples are located. If so, you can have these few faith points to find the existence of one-eyed temples.

This can also be regarded as a circuitous route.

When manager Bai heard the ecstasy on his face, although she did not know why Cheng Yiping said such a thing, but for her, this undoubtedly showed that Cheng Yiping had nodded his hope and willingness to help

"Yes, yes, of course. In addition to the photo of the one-eyed temple, we also have a map here, which shows the location of the one-eyed temple and some information. I have given it to professionals Data analysis and research are all here, do you want to take a look too?

Manager Bai said as he took out some information from the bag again and passed it on.

"I only have a photo with me now. If you want to see the real thing, you need to come to the explorer club. Mr. Cheng, are you really willing? Can you help me?"

"You can rest assured, as long as you can find this one-eyed temple. Although the forces on that side are terrible, they do speak very well."

Cheng Yiping nodded silently, took over the information in the hands of Manager Bai, and found some recorded in the map, and some of the items excavated from the vicinity of the one-eyed temple, it does look full of history Breath.

Cheng Yiping's face became abnormally dignified, and looking up at the nervous manager Bai said

"Well, I'm following this task, but I have a requirement that you must all listen to me during the execution of this task. If I find it dangerous or the situation is wrong, then I must leave!"

this moment

Cheng Yiping made up his mind. Since this so-called one-eyed temple has something to do with his super finder app, he must go there.

Maybe you can really find the other two pieces of this super-hunting app Xinyang.

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