Super Finding App

Chapter 1718: idea

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, thank you very much"

Wei Qing showed a bright smile with a lingering fear, watching the equal person in front of him dragging the car in the swamp with the towing line of the off-road vehicle, and then borrowed powerful horsepower to drag three cars one after another out of the swamp. The place, with a bright smile, a grateful look on his face

Reach out

"Introduce yourself. I am a junior at Xizhou University. This time we came to this plain to shoot our graduation work."

"So it ’s true. Are you shooting your graduation work? You are really working hard."

Manager Bai said with a bright smile

"It's very normal for everyone to help each other in the wild."

Manager Bai shook his head gently and said.

For Manager Bai, in this plain area, the edge of the swamp, it is a very normal phenomenon for those who are in trouble to help out.

"Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. If it weren't for you, we still don't know what to do. Right, I wonder if you have anything to do in this plain?"

"After all, I can drive to this place with three off-road vehicles. Don't you go to the swamp too?"

Wei Qing asked in doubt.

"Haha, that's not true. Swamps, what fun can these swamps have, what fun can there be in this plain, don't compare us with you, to be honest, I really envy some of you college students, Youth is beautiful, how can we be busy one by one now? "

Fan Gang laughed loudly, came over, his eyes were polished, watching Liu Ting and other female college students lick their lips

I have to say that female college students are young and beautiful, which is really very attractive.

It may not be the most suitable as a marriage object, but it is quite suitable as a life-changing product.

And they have decided to have enough capital to attract these female college students.

After all, they are adventurers, full of passion.

"I'm not here for fun. What are you doing here?"

Liu Ting, with long shawl, asked in doubt.

In this plain area, most of the people came here to see some wild creatures or to cook in the wild, but people like the three vehicles on the off-road vehicle made her feel very strange.

Looking at high-end off-road vehicles and equipment on off-road vehicles, it can be seen that these people are definitely not here to play.

This also makes Liu Ting feel very strange and confused.

Do n’t you come here to play in this plain, or come to see the wild animals. Is there anything else you ca n’t do?

"Haha, we are here to look for the one-eyed temple. There is a historical monument in this wild swampy area. We are here to look for the ancient temple. It is completely different from you, so after the car is done, I think You should leave early, do whatever you want, don't prevent us from looking for the ancient temple. "

Liu Ting's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is the matter handled? If it is done, we have to hurry as soon as possible. I hope we can find the one-eyed temple earlier."

Li An, dressed in casual safari, came down from the off-road vehicle and frowned slightly.

He did not expect to encounter some other unexpected incidents on the way, which would affect their progress.

"Mr. Li has nothing to do, just tow the three cars out. After all, in the wild, everyone is in danger to help each other. This is the rule of the wild. Please wait a moment and not delay the time to find the one-eyed temple."

Manager Bai said.

"I don't care. I just want to find the one-eyed temple as soon as possible. I don't want to have extravagant branches. As for this group of college students, let them leave after the car is pulled up."

Li An shook his head. He didn't want to be involved in too many people, so as to avoid extracurricular problems.

After a few cleanups, they were ready to move on.

At the moment, 7 college students, such as Wei Qing, are gathered together and talking babblely.

"It's okay, okay. The vehicle was plunged into the swamp without any damage. It took a little rest and we were able to continue driving. This time our luck is really good. If we didn't meet such a group of people, Then, if the car got stuck, we would lose everything. "

Liu Wei shook his head and said with a lingering fear

"It's true. There are various facilities and equipment on these three off-roads. If all of them are plunged into the swamp, we will really lose all our money and we will lose our money if we just lose it. Mom knows she won't scold us. "

Zhao Gang nodded, patted his chest, and said with a lingering fear.

After all, they are just college students, not rich people. Even ordinary people in real life suddenly lose three off-road vehicles and various facilities, and the camera equipment will definitely die with heartache.

"What happened to Wei Qing? What are you thinking about?"

While tidying up various items on the car, Liu Ting turned to look at Wei Qing who was thinking, and asked puzzledly.

Wei Qing's expression only appeared when he thought about things.

And in general, what you think is very important.

Wei Qing nodded, awake from thinking, and said

"Liu Wei, Liu Ting. Zhao Yan, everyone is here. I want to discuss with you a little bit."

Hearing Wei Qing's voice, six college students gathered around and said in doubt.

"What happened to Wei Qing? Are you ready to stop shooting? I think stopping shooting is also a very good thing. After all, this swampland is becoming more and more dangerous. Otherwise, we should go to some safe place. At least this can guarantee Your own safety "

"No, what kind of scenery can be photographed in a safe place. If we shoot the scenery, there will be no outstanding place for our graduation work. If that is not the case, it will be troublesome."

"How could it be impossible to fail karma, it is impossible to fail karma, but the work is not famous, but the most important thing is safety. I think we still shoot cattle and sheep within the plain. If it is not possible, we I can take pictures of the lives of ordinary people.

Wei Qing listened to your companions, and hesitated and said

"You guys, I have another idea for what works. Do you know the group of people who just came to save us, what did they do here?"

Wei Qing's words attracted the attention of others and asked puzzledly

"What does it have to do with us if they come here?"

Wei Qing nodded.

"Of course it does matter. I asked about it. They were there to find the one-eyed temple."

"Do you remember the one-eyed temple?"

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