Super Finding App

Chapter 1719: discuss

One-eyed temple!

The short three words exploded instantly in the minds of six college students.

Liu Wei raised his head and said with a doubt in his eyes

"One-eyed temple, how the name is so familiar, I remember it. We did see it when we studied this wild swamp land. I heard that there is an ancient tribe inside the Mangguang swamp land. They What they believe in is the one-eyed, and the most important thing is that they also built a temple called the one-eyed temple. It is said that this one-eyed temple has a lot of magic. How can you always remember this? "

Liu Ting shook her head gently

"Wei Qing, don't you want to look for the one-eyed temple? We did prepare the one-eyed temple for the graduation work this time, but the one-eyed temple is very rare. In the uninhabited area of ​​the city, we have no one to guide us, and we do n’t have any knowledge of survival in the wild. That ’s simply the act of seeking death. It is because of this that we will change our graduated works to take photos of wildlife. Movie, why do you remember this one-eyed temple again? "

"That's true. The one-eyed temple has always been a legend. It's not clear if you can find it. Wei Qing, you won't want to enter the wild swamp. This is very dangerous. We don't want to die. Yeah "

Wang Yan shook her head like a rattle, with a look of panic in her eyes

Before entering the wild swamp land, they are already in danger. If they really go in, it is no longer just that the vehicle is trapped in it. It is estimated that people will die.

Wei Qing nodded heavily

"Of course I know, of course I am very aware of the danger of this wild swamp land, but you know what? The three off-road vehicles who helped us out now are the ones who went to look for the one-eyed temple, and I asked Now, they know the exact location of the one-eyed temple. "

Wei Qing said with his eyes polished.

"It's really fake. They knew the location of the one-eyed temple, wouldn't it be such a coincidence?"

Wang Yan's mouth widened, her face full of doubt.

"It's possible, it's possible, it's really possible, but you noticed that they don't know how many times the off-road vehicle they drive is upscale than we do, and they have a lot of outdoor facilities and equipment on them, especially It looks like they are adventurers in the wild, it seems they really want to find the one-eyed temple. "

"Did Wei Qing want to follow them?"

Wei Qing nodded heavily

"Yes, I do have such an idea. If you think about it, if we just shoot a documentary, we will at most graduate, and we ca n’t stay in the school with the work, but if we can follow them to find the one-eyed temple , Then it must be able to cause a sensation "

"Not only can it be the first place on the graduation work to cause a sensation, the most important thing is that through this one-eyed temple, we can also win awards, and we can fully enter the film business."

"If the film sales are still good, we may still be able to earn the first barrel of gold, which can be very beneficial to our future development, but the risks are also very great. After all, we have to enter the wild desert marsh area. I do n’t know about you. What do you think? "

As soon as Wei Qingqing's words came to an end, the other six college students froze instantly.

Obviously they didn't think about Wei Qing's question.

"It's true. Wei Qing is absolutely right. Don't forget that we all learn photography and film editing. In the future, our work will either be in the film industry or on television or as a personal photographer. division"

"But the main thing is that we have to have our own work, and the graduation work is when we show our strength for the first time, so in my opinion, if we can really do the graduation work well, for our future society, Development, the development of the career path is very important. "

"No, no, absolutely not. If we want to make a good graduation work, we can think of other ways, but if we want to enter the uninhabited area of ​​this wild swamp land, look for the so-called one-eyed temple. Nine deaths, this is a very horrible thing at all, and I absolutely disagree "

"I'm afraid that's not necessarily true. There is a way to ask for you in Xizhou Road Insurance. We are all ordinary people. Even the films we shot this time are all rented off-road vehicles and equipment."

"If we can really make a splash with this one-eyed temple this time, or even put the film online, if the click-through rate is high enough, then we may earn the first barrel of gold."

"With the first barrel of gold, we can shoot the second movie. You should also know that filming now is quite expensive, and even we can set up our own studio, we also No need to work for someone else "

"I think this is a very good idea"

"Do n’t be kidding, you are reading too many novels. Although it is better for us all to be together, but if you want to say, it is impossible to make a movie. There are so many dangers in it. I I think we will still make this graduation ceremony simple and simple, and getting a diploma is the most important thing. "

"You ca n’t say that. We have nothing to do with each other. The main thing is that this time, apart from us, are there still a group of people looking for a one-eyed temple? Seeing that their equipment is professional, if we follow them, If you can find the one-eyed temple, I think this is the best opportunity. "

"Let's think about it. With this opportunity, we can shoot the process of searching along the way into a movie, and we can definitely do more with less. In particular, we finally found the one-eyed temple. This is the legendary ancient temple and has great cultural and historical value. This alone can greatly improve the quality of our films. The most important thing is that we can get the 1st barrel of gold, the 1st barrel of gold, everyone, do n’t you just want to lose your job after graduation? ?"

Six college students, you talked up and down.

There are consents and rejections.

Wei Qing has been listening. After a while, she looked up and said, word by word.

"Okay, everyone, everyone has already said their ideas, so I will also talk about my ideas, I am absolutely in favor of looking for a one-eyed temple, you should be very clear, this is my family conditions, if I can borrow With this one-eyed temple shooting a documentary film, if I win the first barrel of gold, I can change my destiny, otherwise, I guess I have to look for various jobs like ordinary people. Those who are related will be fine, but we have no relationship at all "

"But I will not force any of you to accompany me to participate. Let's all vote for the election. If we want, then we will look for the one-eyed temple together. If we don't, then we will part ways. After all, we have entered It ’s also a very dangerous thing to go to the wilderness

"Even if there is a group of people looking for a one-eyed temple to lead the way, it is not necessarily foolproof, everyone can make their own choices."

"But first of all, let me say it myself. I absolutely agree to look for the one-eyed temple. I don't know what your opinions are."

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