Super Finding App

Chapter 1726: Set off

Xizhou Road, a barren land.

Huge bushes are rising into the sky, and various vegetation is growing densely in the jungle, making people feel the joy of life and the greatness of life.

However, in the face of this group of green plants, four off-road vehicles are driving in the vegetation as an equal person. All of them are careful and dare not have any paralysis.

If you really think this is a prosperous paradise, it is a big mistake.

"Is this a wild swamp land? I thought this wild swamp land should have nothing, and this swamp should emit all kinds of biogas, but it doesn't seem to be the case now. , Like entering the primitive jungle, there is no such horror as imagined "

The last off-road vehicle was four college students, Wei Qing, Li Wei, Liu Gang, and Wang Yan, who followed behind the crowd. They looked around and looked at each other with cameras in their hands. Looking at the surrounding scenes it seemed that There is no sense of danger entering the wild swamp.

"Stupid, it's really stupid. Although you are college students, haven't the qualities of college students become so low now?"

Between words. I saw behind them the wild car, Zhou Guoqiang, one of the three top treasure hunting adventurers in the three exploring clubs, slowly sat up, mockingly.

"Please, don't you know? The more beautiful places also contain the greatest danger. This is the most terrifying place of the wild swamps. The swamps you encounter are not afraid at all, why, because he The swamps are all under the bright surface. You and we can know where the swamps are from a distance. You can avoid them at that time, but this wild swamp is different. "

"It looks like there are a lot of plants, but there are a lot of swamps under the plants. As long as you don't pay attention, you may be caught in the swamps. You must know that the swamps are not like your vehicles on the edge of this wild swamp. The kind of swamps you meet can give you time to rescue. Once those swamps fall into them, they will be swallowed up quickly. If you miss the best time, there is absolutely no life, so Understood? Stop saying these naive words. "

"It's unusually prosperous and prosperous here, and it's full of vegetation, but hidden beneath this vegetation is an ongoing crisis."

Zhou Guoqiang shook his head with a chuckle. If it was not Cheng Yiping's order to have him follow the group of 7-week college students at the end of the vehicle, he would not be with these Xizhou University students.

Although I say youthful and beautiful, but they are all hairy boys, they do not understand the dangers of wild adventures.

Li Wei nodded, and looked at Zhou Guoqiang with anxiety.

This is a man with a vicissitudes on his face, but it exudes the charm of a mature male, swallowed his mouth, and said carefully in his eyes, with his light shining.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou, I have always been very interested in treasure hunting. Can you tell us about it? Is this treasure hunting exciting or exciting? Can I get a lot of treasure every time. Just follow the movie It ’s the same as above. After all the hard work, I found the treasure to become rich overnight. ”


Zhou Guoqiang grinned, and always liked men more than women for adventure treasure hunting. Perhaps this is because men have a spirit of adventure in their bones.

Zhou Guoqiang sat slightly upright and just said nothing when he was free.

"Adventure? Don't compare it with the TV. The TV movies are just fakes. The real adventure is quite dangerous. You have seen someone take a risk and climb down the mountain and accidentally fall down and die. Ca n’t die anymore, and some people have encountered various dangers, and finally found that the treasure has been taken away by others. You must know that treasure hunting has never been a simple thing, especially because we are now This is even more true within the Kingdom of Tang Dynasty "

"If you really want to be a treasure hunter, you can go abroad. Once you find a treasure abroad, you only need to pay what percentage of the tax, but it is different in the Tang Dynasty. Everything in the Tang Dynasty belongs to the country. So, do you understand? That's why there are so few treasure hunters in the Tang Dynasty, and we just help people to do tasks and earn money, that's all. "

"It turned out to be the case, Brother Chou, you can understand that. Indeed, it is simply impossible for us to understand the laws and regulations of the Tang Dynasty. After all, if we are like the laws and regulations of Tang Dynasty today, "Everything belongs to the country. Even if a treasure is found, it is worth the money for the treasure hunter."

Wei Qing of Xizhou University thought for a moment, nodded and said.

Obviously in today's society, all people have a choice to measure their interests.

If the pay is not proportional to the return, it is impossible for someone to do it.

This will also make the West Blue Star a lot of adventurers in the West, while in the East there are very few adventure hunters.

After all, think about how hard you found the treasure, but found that all of them have to be handed over to the country, and only getting 500 yuan and a pennant is really unacceptable.

Of course, if you do not accept it, laws and regulations will come to punish you.

This is really a painful fact

Liu Gang opened his mouth and said bitterly.

On the other side, in an off-road vehicle, Li An closed her eyes slowly and opened her eyes, looking at the wild swamp land outside the window. The vehicle was rolling up and down on the bumpy wild road. .

Beside him, the seven security personnel looked around vigilantly, thinking about the beginning

"After entering the barren swamp, one of the seven of you was with me, and the remaining six were scattered into other vehicles, and I was strictly responsible for keeping the other personnel under guard, of course, to protect them, But in fact you should know not to let them do something dangerous, everything must be found until the one-eyed temple. "

"If they do have any other ideas, you should know how to do it. This is a barren swamp, a deserted and uninhabited area. Two people died here, or two corpses should be thrown into the swamp. No one cares "

The seven security personnel behind him nodded heavily, their faces were abnormally cold, their heads raised, and their pupils showed a dim light.

Cheng Yiping did not know that this group of seven security personnel, each of them were mercenaries, had human blood on their hands ...

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