Super Finding App

Chapter 1727: swamp

"" The barren swamp land, this is the barren swamp land. To be honest, those who really don't really think it is a primitive jungle. "

Cheng Yiping sat on the leading off-road vehicle with Manager Bai and guide Jiang Ting, and the vehicle was constantly bumping along the rugged mountain road.

The surrounding plants looked quite gorgeous, but the more you walked into the no-man's land, you will find that the plants will become scarce, and the surrounding air will also emit a foul odor.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that this stench smell is the biogas emitted from the swamp, with huge toxins.

"The uninhabited area of ​​the barren swamp area is very dangerous. The main reason is that the swamps in this uninhabited area are weird and unchangeable. Today here, next time it may move to other places. This is very Danger"

Jiang Ting carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and said, his face was covered with sweat.

"Understood, we certainly understand that, so we will find you. You only need to tell us the right direction. After all, it will be quite dangerous to get lost in the unmanned area of ​​this wild swamp, and this wild swamp The route of the zone, if there is any problem, give it to me, and I will find the correct route. "

Cheng Yiping nodded slightly, a hint of haze in his eyes.

When you enter this wild swamp land, you can clearly understand the horror of this wild swamp land. It looks like a jungle zone, but it is actually very dangerous.

And Cheng Yiping is very clear. Now it's just the beginning. The unmanned area is very wide. It is the most important to cross the unmanned area to find the one-eyed temple.

"Mr. Cheng, I believe the presence of Mr. Cheng and the guide Jiang Ting, we will surely be able to reach the one-eyed temple."

Manager Bai aside raised his head and said righteously, that it was going to be Yiping and Jiang Ting more like cheering on himself.

All the way

Although it is said that the wild and swampy land is very dangerous, fortunately, after the appearance of the guide Jiang Ting, it was smooth sailing along the way.

Before dark, a wide area was found, and everyone set up camp.

"This wild and swampy land looks so dangerous, but in fact it just looks like this, and it feels very safe. We go down the road with an off-road vehicle, and there is not much difference except there are no people. , But a sense of adventure "

Wang Yan of Xizhou University said, looking around while busy or arranging the tent.

The cameras in their hands recorded the surrounding scenes.

"That's true. This should be because we are following this group of treasure hunters. There is a guide. This is the first time we have entered this wild swamp. We will shoot the surrounding scenes and Everything in this camp was filmed. This is a very good material. If you edit it after you go back, the documentary will definitely be a big fire. "

Wei Qing said in excitement

Rather than set up camp, he is more concerned about using a camera to record everything, this is the first step in his flight to Huang Tengda.

Wei and Liu Gang were also very excited. After the four set up camp, they took a video and the atmosphere was quite pleasant.


Wang Yan felt uncomfortable in her stomach, said a turn and ran to the outside of the camp, ready to find a place for convenience.

This is not good as a girl. If you are a boy, you can just find a corner, but girls are not.

She carefully avoided the camp and came to the edge of a desert tree full of bushes. After thinking about it, Wang Yan walked in and was ready for convenience in the bushes.

Suddenly, the foot just stepped on the soft ground, and then the ground beneath it collapsed like cotton. Wang Yan made a terrifying shout, and the whole body collapsed instantly.

"Help, help, hurry up ..."

what happened?

I seem to hear shouts.

Wang Yan's miserable, panic-screaming sound resounded throughout the camp, and stood up as an equal person, turned his head to reveal a look of surprise, and then ran quickly.

I saw that Wang Yan had been plunged into the swamp with most of her body in the bushes, with a panic and panic on her face, and her body was struggling desperately.

Guide Jiang Ting busy

"Relax. Relax, you do n’t have to struggle, you do n’t have to struggle desperately, the more you struggle, the deeper the collapse speed, relax your body, relax your body, only in this way can slow the swamp invasion speed"

Everyone can tell the big story, but Wang Yan, who is in danger, really has no idea to calm down

She could feel as if she was hanging in the air, her feet were not touching the ground at all, and she could only struggle desperately.

But with the struggle, the faster the body dives.

The person watching the rescue in front of them burst into tears, forcing himself not to move, and his body slowed down slightly.

Then I saw Zhou Guoqiang running quickly, holding a long rescue rope in his hand, and throwing it at Wang Yan.

Wang Yan grabbed the rope with one hand, and held it tightly with both hands. In order to prevent it from being loosened, she put a few loops on her arm.

Then Zhou Guo called loudly

"Let's pull it together, pull her up"

Cheng Yiping pulled the rope quickly, and everyone pulled Wang Yan out of the swamp bit by bit.

The pulled out Wang Yandi cried, tears streaming down.

For the first time, she felt the horror of this swamp.

Cheng Yiping panted vigorously, released his hands, and pulled red with his hands to show some redness. When he looked up, he saw the swamp under the trees in the bushes as if he knew that he had not devoured food, and then the swamp was slowly moving towards him. The mouth of the cave was perfused and slowly returned to its original appearance.

It looks no different from ordinary ground

If you look closely, you will find small bubbles on the ground, but they are not visible at all under the cover of bushes.

"Be careful, be careful, everyone must be careful. Since this wild swamp is called a no-man's land, of course, it is very dangerous. This time, Wang Yan's luck is good. This time, it's a small one. Swamp, and the suction is not too great. If you encounter a large swamp, I am afraid that you can't even shout the voice, you will be swallowed up by the swamp! "

The guide Jiang Ting said with some regret

The stability along the way made everyone feel relaxed, thinking that the uninhabited area of ​​the wild swamp is not very dangerous, but the reality tells them that the dangerous and abnormal situation in the uninhabited area of ​​the wild swamp is inexhaustible. Absolutely, if you pay no attention, you will definitely be caught in a trap.

"Mr. Cheng, I am afraid that if we continue to go next, it will become very dangerous. The swamps here will become more and more. Our jeep is really too big. Once we are caught in the swamp, then It's very dangerous! "

The wizard Jiang Ting said solemnly.

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