Super Finding App

Chapter 1729: Force the palace

Wei Qing, Li Wei, and Wang Yan looked at Liu Wei and opened their mouths, showing a bitter smile.

They do know that Liu Wei ’s family situation is simply better than they ca n’t be any better, so only one person can say a word, called abortion is a technical job.

Your birth is really more important than anything.

Wei Qing nodded, opened his mouth, just about to speak, but saw Liu Wei suddenly smiled freely, saying

"Although my family is better than you, and my work has been arranged by my family, as the saying goes, two brothers of the same generation, we can be friends together, it is a fate, the most important thing is I don't like the work my parents have arranged for me, the way I have been assigned. "

"I'm already an adult. Compared to sitting and enjoying it, I prefer to be self-reliant, so this time I'm looking for the one-eyed temple shooting. Of course, I will also go with you. As long as it can cause a sensation and earn For the first barrel of gold, I believe that the path I choose will be better than the path my parents arranged. "

"I want to tell them, and show them, even without their help, I can definitely get ahead!"

Everyone has everybody's thoughts, and at the same time, everyone has what they have to do and what they want to pursue.

Even the wealthy with a good family, the so-called rich second generation is the same.

Wei Qing opened her mouth, and Liu Wei looked at her with a bright smile.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then we will work together. As long as we all work together, we will definitely be able to come out of this wild swamp alive and make amazing documentaries by that time, all of us. The first bucket of gold that everyone can definitely make will definitely make a difference! "

"I never thought that this wild swamp was really quite dangerous. You said that after encountering this incident, will these college students continue to follow us into this wild swamp? After all, I did n’t really enter the uninhabited area of ​​this wild swamp. Once I entered the uninhabited area, I would encounter greater and more dangers. At that time, it ’s not luck.

Guide Jiang Ting had a dignified look on his face, and almost lost a person today.

Although it is said to be a useless college student absorbed, no one can guarantee who will lose it next time.

Her complexion was ugly, and for the first time, she felt the danger in this wild swamp.

"College students like them are good at school. Even if they go to work in the enterprise, they have no problems at all, and their abilities are really strong, but if they want to do things, they are very risky, they are very immature, I want to say that these college students are already scared and trembling at this moment, and they will definitely ask to escape. It is a good thing for us to leave, which saves us a lot of burdens. "

Zhou Guoqiang, one of the three top adventure treasure hunters in the Discovery Club, shook his head and sneered.

If it had not been for his brainstorm, I am afraid that the so-called Wang Yan would be swallowed up by the swamp and completely killed.

"Enough. Enough. I don't care about the choices of Xizhou University students. What I think now is that this wild and swampy land is really very dangerous. Cheng Yiping, Mr. Cheng said, but Very good, we obey your instructions, but you also need to take us through this wild swamp land safely. Now you are about to enter this no-man's land. Then you have to see you. If you do n’t have If you have this ability, please tell us as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it kills us, we won't be polite to you. "

Fan Gang and Fu Yongan glanced at each other, and then the words turned randomly and turned to Cheng Yiping.

In an instant.

All eyes were leveled.

The calculations of Fan Gang and Fu Yongan were very clear, and the next journey will be full of various dangers.

Now that Cheng Yiping has spoken the big story, it depends on whether he can do it!

"Since it's what I said, I can certainly do it. Now bring the map."

The light in Cheng Yiping's eyes flickered by, and he had no mind or accident at all about Fan Gang and Fu Yongan's forced palace.

This has long been said in the expectation of Cheng Yiping.

Fu Yongan nodded, and passed the map with a doubtful look.

Cheng Yiping said after spreading out the map

"Where are we now and where is our next goal?"

Fan Gang and Fu Yongan glanced at each other.

No, doesn't it mean that the person in front of him is not even aware of himself?

Can you say that you can become a mentor?

This is too kidding

. Although his heart is full of doubts and puzzles, Fan Gang still stretched out his finger and pointed to the location of himself and others on the map, and then said

"We are here now, and next we will go to the forefront southwest, an uninhabited area."

Cheng Yiping looked at the directions on the map, nodded and pointed out.

"I see. Are there any signs or road signs for us to choose or know on this way?"

Manager Bai hesitated

"Of course there is a gas station in the middle of this location"


You said there would be a gas station in the no-man's land?

true or false?

Cheng Yiping, Fan Gang, Fu Yongan and others all showed surprise, turned their heads and looked at Manager Bai. Manager Bai nodded slightly and said,

"What I said is true. This is the message sent by the first dozen wave of adventure treasure hunters. According to the message they sent back, although it is not known in which direction the one-eyed temple is located, they are not alive. Back, but we can know that there will be a gas station in the wild swamp area leading to the one-eyed temple. I think everyone should be clear about this. I also have some places and road signs for some of the things they met along the way. , These should be able to be road signs "

Mr. Bai nodded his head heavily, and said into the flashing fine light in his eyes.

"I see. If that's the case, as long as there are road signs, then we can go on the road. Then as long as you follow me, I can let you through the wild swamp safely, not to mention other safe arrivals. There are no problems at the gas station! "

How is this going?

How is this going?

Could it be said that the one in front of Cheng Yiping really has extraordinary ability?

He was so confident.

Fan Gang, Zhou Guoqiang and Fu Yongan, the three top adventurers of the Explore Club, looked at each other.

Looking at Cheng Yiping's bright smile, a sudden ominous feeling suddenly appeared.

Could it be said that there is really a magic weapon they don't know about this level of peace?

Can he really send all his people to the gas station safely and safely?

true or false.

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