Super Finding App

Chapter 1730: Super Hidden Object

The three top adventure treasure hunters of the South Swampland Exploration Club are gathering together at this moment, talking sternly, with doubt and puzzlement in their eyes, frowning their own brow, and some are at a loss. With a hint of incredible

"How about, you all just heard it, do you think that Cheng Yiping's statement is true or false? It is easy to say that as long as we follow him, we will be able to safely bring us to this wild swamp, at least Bringing us safely to the gas station has no problem at all. Although I do n’t want to admit it, it is undeniable that when speaking at level, I am quite confident. In my opinion, this sentence may be really underestimated. Cheng Yiping "

Zhou Guoqiang lowered his head, his head turned quickly, raised his head and looked at Fan Gang and Fu Yongan every word.

He has some trust.

"Impossible, impossible, how could this be true, that this division is equal to the one-eyed temple he had been to before, otherwise how could he know the safe place, this is simply impossible, if I say, This is just Cheng Yiping himself talking to himself, everything will be revealed when he leads the team tomorrow. "

Fu Yongan's head shook like a rattle, grinning his teeth, but what came to mind was a picture of two people talking to each other under the moonlight of Cheng Yiping and Manager Bai, although they knew that the two did not talk about men or women However, Fu Yongan always felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ha ha ha, Fu Yongan, I know you have this opinion about Cheng Yiping, everyone is very clear about this, but as the saying goes, it is natural that the **** is a horse, and it will naturally be clear. Although we do not know this Yiping is true or false, but I think if we follow Cheng Yiping tomorrow, everything will be clear, and there is no problem in terms of security. "

Fan Gang laughed lightly, shook his head funnyly and said

"The off-road vehicle that Mr. Cheng Yiping and Mr. Bai ride is in the forefront, and we are following them. In other words, if there is a problem, do n’t think we can also know that the first problem must be the first It will be Cheng Yiping himself, and I believe Cheng Yiping should not make a joke about his life. "

"I don't know, I don't know, but there is a sentence you are absolutely right about, it's the mule who took out the horse, and then the truth is all plain!"

"Oh, as long as you follow him, will you be able to reach the gas station safely? It seems that Cheng Yiping really has some skills to be able to say such a big word, either a big talker, or It ’s really well-informed and interesting. It ’s really very interesting. No wonder Manager Bai trusts Cheng Yiping so much. In that case, look at it. I ’ll see what kind of skills and strength Cheng Yiping has. ”

"Is he really as good as he says"

Li An smiled and drank the tea prepared by the security personnel, raised his head, and his eyes were shining with light.

He has been very clear about everything that happened in this team. Now he is really curious about Cheng Yiping, but for Li An, he does n’t care if Cheng Yiping really has the ability. It is true that he has the ability, he doesn't care at all.

The only thing he cares about is finding this one-eyed temple.

That's it!

At this moment, Chen Chengping, who was being talked about by everyone, shrank into the tent by himself, exhaled a long breath, lowered his head, and held the information handed over from manager Bai.

One of them looks like an old and worn out gas station.

Who would have thought that this dilapidated and abandoned gas station was actually in this wild swamp land.

And it looks like it's been abandoned

But now here is where the goal must be reached.

“It ’s really luck. Fortunately, I can find a target. If there is no target, I can use the Super Hidden App, but it will be a lot of trouble after all. After all, my Super Hidden App has all the faith points. Is quite limited "

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he took a long breath and raised his head, looking at the photo of the broken gas station in his hand, the golden light in his eyes.

Instantly click on the Super Find App in your mind.

next moment.

In Cheng Yiping's mind, a bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil emerged.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Super Finding App Faith Seeking is starting ...]

[Please ask the seeker to say the goal ...]

Cheng Yiping immediately thought of the photo of the broken gas station.

next moment

A dim light in the deep pupil of the mind connected to Cheng Yiping's mind and then connected to the picture in Cheng Yiping's hand.

In my mind, the words of the super-find-app APP faith-find-seeking constantly surfaced.

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Connection ...]

[Super Finding App Belief Finding Successfully Connected ...]

next moment

The bright and rotating starry sky in Cheng Yiping's mind once again appeared a colorful channel:

The soul clone appeared quietly at the intersection of the passage.

Then turned around and slowly entered the colorful channel.

next moment.

The soul clone sits on the edge of the universe, on the edge of which is a blue planet.

Uploaded from this azure planet body is majestic attraction. This horrible attraction instantly absorbed the soul avatar into the blue planet, and instantly caused the soul avatar to pass through the sea of ​​human beings and degenerate into the world.

A bang, appearing in front of the soul clone is a large swampy swampy land, surrounded by a desolate area.

The bubbling water in the swamp was breathing continuously, all around revealing a desolate landscape.

And in this desolate landscape, a red sign soared into the sky, shining across the sky:

Even if you let the soul be separated from each other, you can see clearly.

found it?

found it!

Through the soul avatar, all of this became clear and clear. The eyes instantly brightened, and he raised his head to reveal a surprise look.

He did not control the soul avatar to come directly to this gas station, but instead let the soul avatar walk slowly in this wild land.

As a soul avatar, he has the ability to travel, after all, it belongs to an illusory individual, and there is no real body.

This also brings a huge benefit to Cheng Yiping, that is, the soul avatar can penetrate into the swamp, and it can also penetrate into any zone.

The path taken by the soul avatar makes it easy for the soul avatar to cross the ground and cross the swamp.

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