Super Finding App

Chapter 1731: consternation

"Turn left and 50 meters ahead, there is a swamp, and the off-road vehicle will be trapped in it and change direction"

"There is a swamp ahead, and you cannot walk in the swamp ahead"

"Under the bushes, turn right and turn right within a swampy area"

"The danger zone ahead is quite dangerous!"

Four off-road vehicles are moving slowly in the deserted swamp uninhabited area. Compared with the very fast speed at the beginning, the off-road vehicle is indeed slower at this moment.

But none of the people in the car felt dissatisfied. After all, everyone was very clear. In this wild swamp land, you will enter the no man's land from now on. Once in danger, it will be The bloodless things, even their own lives will be resolved.

In contrast, although it is slow to open, but it can make you scared. This is the main thing.

Cheng Yiping, driving the off-road vehicle, said solemnly, his guide Jiang Ting wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head from time to time, and looked at Cheng Yiping, feeling very strange.

What magical power does Cheng Yiping have?

When entering the uninhabited area of ​​the wild and swampy area, the flatness in front of me seemed to be clear as if opening the eyes of the sky, telling myself the dangers ahead.

Although the guide Jiang Ting and Manager Bai also had strangeness and doubt at the beginning, they still obeyed Cheng Yiping's orders. When they crossed the dangerous zone described by Cheng Yiping, they turned around and looked and found that they were hiding in They were stunned and dumbfounded by the swampy land below the bushes:

If it is a coincidence once, it is also a coincidence twice, but three or four times later, the guide Jiang Ting feels very surprised and confused.

But he buried all these strange doubts in his heart

The guide Jiang Ting is very clear. The most important thing for her now is that she can safely reach the one-eyed temple. This is the most important thing.

As for what kind of ability Cheng Yiping has, I'm afraid this is his secret.

By contrast, Manager Bai sighed a long time, with an excited expression in her eyes. She naturally knew that Cheng Yiping owns this super-finding app, but she really did not expect the original super-finding app. The app is so powerful, you can easily know where the danger is.

This gives Manager Bai a little confidence in their future journey. It will be Cheng Yiping to bring him around, and it is a very correct choice for Cheng Yiping to help the owner find the one-eyed temple!

Although the speed is very slow, it is undeniable that the speed is still slowly moving.

For everyone, as long as they can reach the gas station safely, it is already a very good thing!

"Awesome, awesome, it's really quite awesome. Wang Yan, it seems that Chengping has indeed used the Super Hidden Object App, otherwise I would not believe he knows everything about him."

"This **** super finder app is really quite magical. If we also have a super finder app, we can find the one-eyed temple, where we still need help from leveling."

Although there are no surprises along the way, Fu Yongan, one of the three top adventurers in the Explorer Club sitting in the second off-road vehicle, gritted his teeth, with a trace of unwillingness on his face. look

He also thought that Cheng Yiping would bring them into the ditch. At that time, everyone knew that Cheng Yiping was a liar, and he could drive Cheng Yiping away and he would be relieved.

It's just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Cheng Yiping's path was really shocking. Although it was a little slower, it was undeniably safe.

"Okay, okay, Fu Yongan, although we know that you are not happy, but you don't need to think about it. This is a matter of killing one thousand and harming 800. Don't forget it. Now Cheng Yiping is helping us to reach the One-Eyed Temple. You also know that this wild and swampy land is now very dangerous. If we really go by ourselves, once it is in danger, it will be worth it. We still Don't want to die. "

Zhou Guoxiang shook his head with a slight smile, and looked at Fu Yongan in front of him and said.

Fan Gang also nodded heavily.

"Indeed, that's it. There is some skill in this leveling. It's no wonder that Manager Bai valued him so much, but it's also a good thing for us. At least we can find this one-eyed temple in a shock, but This super finder app is really amazing. Unfortunately, it only needs a lot of faith points. So far, the faith points are quite small. "

"I know, I know, of course I know, I'm just complaining, it's a bit of a skill to be a **** one."

Fu Yongan raised his tall head and said with gritted teeth.

Although he did not want to admit it, it is undeniable that what Fan Gang and Zhou Guoqiang were saying were indeed true.

Safety comes first

Fu Yongan also knew very well that the journey was dangerous and abnormal during the treasure hunt adventure, and safety was more important than anything.

Therefore, although he looks at Cheng Yiping as displeasing to his eyes, he will never do something harmful because of his dislike, that is, only the most naive talents can do!

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. This Cheng Yiping is really beyond my expectation. It's no wonder that the people above will pay so much attention to Yiping and will make such a plan. Yiping did not disappoint us "

Within the third off-road vehicle, Li An slowly opened his eyes, and security personnel by his side approached carefully and reported to him about the situation around him.

As the situation gathered more and more, the corners of Li An's mouth were raised, raised his head, and looked at the barren swamp land that had gradually lost its vegetation and became more and more.

"Interesting, interesting, Cheng Yiping, if you are really powerful, then continue to help us find it, I hope you can achieve the goal we want as we imagine, otherwise you will not have much the value of"

Li An smiled slightly, raised his head while talking, and there was a playful expression in his eyes. After a moment, he pulled out a weird communicator, opened it and carefully fiddled a few times, and found that the signal was still on. , This makes Li An slightly relaxed

After thinking about it, transmitted a message to

【everything is normal】

Along with this news, a group of people who were about to leave gathered about half a day away, not far from this equal person. The leader of the man with a resolute look on his face, bowed his head. , Holding the same instrument as Li An in his hand:

Looking at the message transmitted from the instrument, a bright smile appeared.

Turned around

"The position has been transmitted, everyone, let's go."

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