Super Finding App

Chapter 1732: Be shocked

For adventure and treasure hunting, many young people are full of curiosity. In their view, treasure hunting and adventure shows should be just like what happened in movies on TV, full of various passions, and they can also Get treasure, it's very exciting life.

But in fact real adventures and treasure hunts are very dangerous and dangerous.

At this moment, Wei Qing, Li Wei, Liu Wei and Wang Yan of Xizhou University have clearly felt it.

At this moment, their four people are riding in an off-road vehicle to follow the last of the team, but even so, they can still feel the horrible anomaly and creepy danger in this wild and adventurous place, making their teeth slap. .

In particular, Wang Yan has become extremely sensitive since she fell into the swamp, and she can clearly see the horror of the swamp land under this bush.

She was afraid that she would fall into it again. By that time, it should be called that the earth should not be called insane. On this way, she had seen the car over the swamp area more than once, or it was obvious from the edge of the swamp. Passed, but every time they were shocked to feel the fear of passing past death.

Wang Yan's teeth were beating, she said tremblingly

"It's terrible, it's terrible. This is the swamp in the wild land. It's just terrible. These swamps are densely packed. If it were us, we might fall into the swamp without taking two steps. In the middle, and then no doubt. "

"Yes, yes, it really will be like this, it really will be like this, all the movies in the movie are fake, and some of the adventure episodes in the movie look quite exciting, but actually the current adventures only know It turns out that danger exists around us, just like this swamp, it is extremely hidden. If it were us, I'm afraid that we haven't gone far, and we will be caught in the swamp. "

Li Wei's head was just like a chick pecking, his teeth were snoring.

In his opinion, the deserted swamp's no man's land can be described as terrifying.

"It's true. It's really terrifying. No wonder it will be called a no-man's land. Although it is said to be a no-man's land, the most important thing is that there are swamps everywhere. Once someone enters it, it gets trapped. Into the swamp, even if the swallows swallowed slowly, if it is in a no-man's land, there is no help from anyone, and there is only a dead end waiting for us. I really have some regrets now, regret Looking for the one-eyed temple, after all, we have only one life "

Liu Wei was pale and bloodless at the moment, sweat was flowing on his forehead, and he was holding the edge of the off-road vehicle tightly with both hands, for fear of any danger.

This is more creepy than doing a roller coaster.

The fear of the roller coaster is just a flash. It ’s only two or three minutes, but in this deserted swamp uninhabited, God knows what will happen in the next second.

The main thing is that you look like a flat ground, but if you step on it, you may become a swamp. The danger is really invincible.

"Hahaha, yes, yes, it seems that you can already know the danger of adventure. Some people think that adventure is a very interesting thing, but adventure is quite dangerous."

Zhou Guoqiang watched the four people at Xizhou University laugh and raised his head.

Word by word

"You should be very clear, this time is following us to find this one-eyed temple, and we have a level where we can know the correct route, otherwise we just want to walk safely in this unmanned area. It will take a few days, after all, this swamp cannot be seen clearly, and some will be hidden, and you need to find it little by little. "

"Or, if you are in danger, you must quickly rescue the trapped to waste time. Where, as now, it is so easy to walk past, it seems that this level of peace is indeed some skill!

While explaining, Zhou Guoqiang said that he knew better than the students of Xizhou University that the danger of this wild and swampy land can be described as horrible and he lost his life as a result of inattention.

But this also shows from another aspect that Cheng Yiping is indeed very powerful, and can easily take them out of the deserted swamp land of no man's land.

I have to say that it is very capable.

Cheng Yiping at this moment is naturally unclear. In this off-road vehicle, he has become the object of many people's discussion.

At this moment, he was directing the route while looking at the scenery in front of him. If anyone else was surprised, he could clearly see that the soul was floating in the air, not far away. Walking forward a little.

The imaginary body of the soul can clearly find out whether this road is strong, fake, lost, or a swampy area:

It is only through the help of this stubble that the soul will be leveled to find a safe passage in this vast swamp land.

Let everyone walk to this gas station!

"Just ahead, turn right ahead, and we're at the gas station"


Cheng Yiping said with a bright smile.

With Cheng Yiping's words, a broken gas station appeared in front of everyone slowly.

"It turned out to be true. I actually found a gas station. I actually found a gas station. This is really amazing."

Compared with the people in the back of the off-road vehicle, it is not clear what the magic of Cheng Yiping is and the feeling of surprise and shock that Cheng Yiping gave them.

But as a guide standing at Chen Cheng Yiping, Jiang Ting could see clearly. On the way, he clearly saw that as long as he walked according to Cheng Yiping, they really came to this wild swamp completely safely. In a gas station in a no-man's land zone.

Thinking of Jiang Ting, she took a long breath and looked up. The surroundings have become increasingly desolate, and even some plants have huge traps hidden beneath them.

The thought of Jiang Ting here was long and relieved, he patted his chest, and looked at Cheng Yiping, who was sitting in the vehicle with his eyes closed, showing a bright smile.

He was really curious about this leveling

Who is this Chen Yiping?

Why is it so mysterious.

How did he do it?

"Yes, that's right, here it is. Here is the picture I sent back from the first few dozen waves of adventure treasure hunters, this is this gas station"

"It should be within the scope of the one-eyed temple shortly after this gas station. In other words, as long as we reach the gas station safely, then we are more confident in finding the one-eyed temple."

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