Super Finding App

Chapter 1733: gas

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Success]

[Get 12 faith points]

When Cheng Yiping saw the dilapidated gas station, his soul stood quietly in front of the gas station, and then his body disappeared like foam.

At the same time, Cheng Yiping ’s mind-seeking app ’s faith-seeking, showing that the thing-seeking successfully obtained 12 faith points.

"Is there only 12 points of faith? I found that this gas station also cost 50 points of faith, so that's still a loss of money."

Cheng Yiping rubbed his temples with a headache and sighed.

Although the number of faith points sought this time is certainly less than the thousands, it cannot be less, but after all, it is a loss-making business.

Cheng Yiping doesn't want to eat his old books.

Of course, all this was in his mind. He didn't tell anyone that the four jeep cars squeaked at the gas station door.

Li An led the bodyguard down from the car, and then he breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped on the solid ground.

In the vehicle behind him, the university student Wei Qing from Xizhou University and others jumped off the car and ran to the side.

At the moment each of them had panic and pale faces.

Their journey can be said to be frightened, afraid of falling into the swamp, and they have to say that adventure and treasure hunting is not something simple people can do.

He also has high requirements for people's psychological quality:

"This is the gas station. It looks like it's been deserted for a long time. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and take a picture of it."

Wei Qing shouted loudly, carrying her camera, her eyes kept shining, she said with gritted teeth.

"We struggled with our lives and finally came here at the risk. Although we haven't reached the one-eyed temple, we also arrived at the gas station. Here is a good material."

Li Wei said

"Yes, in a deserted gas field in a deserted gas station, it feels weird to think of something. Hurry up, this is the material!"

"Awesome, awesome. This Cheng Yiping really has a few brushes. I didn't expect him to really bring us to this gas station safely."

Fan Gang, one of the three top adventure treasure hunters in the Discovery Club, walked down from the car and jumped on the ground. He took a long breath and stretched out a lazy voice.

It is impossible to say that he did not worry this way.

Fu Yongan also walked down behind him and said

"It wouldn't be for him to leave the shit. If I have a super-hunting app, I can certainly do it now. The main thing now is to find the one-eyed temple. Everything is fake without one. "

Facing the dead duck of Fu Yongan, Fan Gang rolled his eyes and shook his head funnyly.

Fu Yongan likes Manager Bai. This is no longer a secret in Tanyou Club, but the problem is that Manager Bai doesn't seem to like Fu Yongan very much and has always refused to refuse and then refused.

To put it bluntly, it is Fu Yongan's unilateral entanglement. Of course, in Fu Yongan's view, it is not even entanglement but acceptance.

"It's getting late today, and we'll just rest here and take this as a base. It's too late. If we go on, the night will become very dangerous. The gas station we arrived first Look inside, after all, drive carefully for thousands of years. "

Cheng Yiping walked off the off-road vehicle platform, raised his eyes and looked at the gas station exactly like the picture, nodded slightly, turned and said.

Li An came over from one side, with a look of astonishment, looked up and down into a flat look.

"Well, it's possible to take a break inside the gas station, but we don't know what's going on inside the gas station, so let my security staff check it together first, and everyone can just follow it."

For Li An, Cheng Yiping has shown his value, although he is not clear how this Cheng Yiping can be achieved:

But it is undeniable that Cheng Yiping brought them to this gas station safely.

Then it is possible to bring them safely to this one-eyed temple, or even walk out alive in this one-eyed temple.

Therefore, Cheng Yiping must be fine.

"That would be trouble

Yiping naturally did not know what Li An thought, but looking at what Li An said and what the burly security guard behind him thought were safer than going to the gas station to check it, nodded.

"Then trouble"

Cheng Yiping smiled and looked up. Behind him, seven or eight security personnel held the sharp blade in his hand and slowly walked into the gas station.

Behind Yiping, Manager Bai and the three top adventure treasure hunters Fan Gang, Fu Yongan, Zhou Guoqiang, and even Wei Qing, Li Wei, Liu Wei, and Wang Yan from Xizhou University followed.

Everyone entered the gas station together. This is an abandoned gas station, and it is not much different from the gas station outside.

The area occupied is not that wide, except for the machines of the tanker, which are two bungalows.

One is an office area and the other should be a supermarket.

But at this moment in the supermarket, people have already gone to the building, and the shelves above the prices are empty. Even if some items are picked up, the shelf life of many years has passed.

And there is no abnormality in the area of ​​the staff at the gas station on the other side, it seems that this is indeed a deserted gas station.

"Wait, you see what this is, what this is"

"Dead man, dead man, dead man"

Suddenly the guide Jiang Ting yelled in panic with a panic on his face.

The crowd rushed into the corner behind the gas station. The mouth of a man in clothes had fallen to the ground, and even a stinky smell came from his body.

"When I first came here, I smelled a stench. I thought there was something or something from the swamp, so I didn't care about it at first."

Guide Jiang Ting's scared face was pale and bloodless. As a guide, she had never seen a real dead person. The first time she saw such a terrible scene, it was really unacceptable.

Jiang Ting paled and trembled while beating her chest.

"I didn't care about it, but these smells are getting more and more stinky. I really can't stand it. I want to see where the smell comes from. If it's some dead mouse, let him. Clean it up, but I did not expect that when I walked behind the gas station, I found that someone had died at the gas station and other back wall. This is really terrifying. What happened to this gas station? "

Guide Jiang Ting said with a look of horror on her face.

Suddenly she remembered, thinking of her sister

Someone turned into a corpse and died in the gas station.

What will happen to your own sister?

Is it also dangerous?

The thought of this possibility made Jiang Ting even more anxious.

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