Super Finding App

Chapter 1760: skill

A level lurking within the dense jungle. Bean sweat dripped down the cheek to the ground, and the back was already sweaty. It was very tight against the clothes, and it was extremely uncomfortable against the skin.

If Cheng Yiping can't bear it in the usual time, take off his clothes or find a cool place to be comfortable.

But at this moment Cheng Yiping in this wild primitive jungle did not have any movements, because as long as there is a little movement, it may be immediately discovered by the enemy, when waiting for Cheng Yiping is definitely a shot.

Cheng Yiping didn't know how long he had waited in the object-hunting space. The only thing he could know was one thing.

That is, I have been dead no less than dozens of times, even hundreds of times.

He has gradually got used to the nature of the 100 gunmen in front of him.

Not all of the 100 gunmen are masters. Some are quite powerful, while others are novices. They explored them little by little and finally solved them.

Now it has finally been resolved that a total of 99 people, only the last gunman remaining.

But this last shooter is also the most powerful.

He is very weird. He has always hidden himself in the darkest corners, and no less than 20 times in the jungle have been leveled, but he was finally shot by his head.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that if he wants to complete this internship task, he must solve this last gunman, and if he wants to solve it, the only way is to be patient and keep patient!

Now is waiting, waiting for the other party to show flaws.

Obviously the same is true of the last gunman.

In this dense jungle, Cheng Yiping and the Gunners were lurking, and no one dared to move easily.

After all, in the current situation, anyone who randomly moves can be targeted by the other party and then headshot.

Time goes by little by little.

The sunlight in the sky gradually faded, the moon shone to the sky, and this wild and primitive jungle looked unusually quiet. Around it came the crisp sounds of various animals and plants, and the wind rushed across the branches to make noise sound.

Even so, Cheng Yiping remained motionless, even if it was peeing or shit, all of them dared not move within the crotch.

This is a danger from life!


Cheng Yiping's eyes lightened suddenly, and a slight moving sound came from his eyes.

This is not the sound transmitted by the branches, but something is passing through the jungle.

Cheng Yiping didn't hesitate at all. The pistol in his hand shot out with a bang. The bullet shot like a cold light and fell into the jungle.

next moment.

The surrounding scenes dissipated like smoke.

Cheng Yiping was on the shooting range, and the grimace instructor appeared in front of him and said

"Congratulations to the seekers for completing the internship and learning the skills of pistols and firearms."

"I wish the seekers a prosperous and prosperous journey on the path of future searches."



Finally succeeded!

Did it finally succeed?

I actually succeeded.

I actually succeeded!

Cheng Yiping showed an ecstatic look, with a brilliant expression on his face.

next moment

The surrounding scenes are constantly changing. Cheng Yiping opened his eyes suddenly and found that he was still inside the jeep. He turned around and looked out. The outside of the jeep was a barren swamp. It seemed that nothing had changed much .

But Cheng Yiping has been like another generation. How long has he been in this consciousness to find things?

one day?

Two days?

One year?

Or two years?

Still 10 years!

Cheng Yiping didn't know

But the only thing he could know was that he was very tired.

"Mr. Cheng, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Manager Bai, who has been keeping her eyes closed, raised her head and asked carefully, with a look of hesitation on her face. She could feel that Cheng Yiping in front of her seemed to be different from Cheng Yiping just now.

The whole body exuded a cold breath, which was a very creepy breath.

This made Manager Bai feel very strange and confused and puzzled.

Strange, it ’s really weird. When it was just a while ago, we closed our eyes and calmed our minds. Now how could it have such an expression? Is this too strange?

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just had a nightmare."

Cheng Yiping shook his head, quickly adjusted his emotions, took a deep breath, the whole body's original atmosphere of fighting disappeared instantly, returned to its original appearance, and showed a bright smile.

Manager Bai shook her head with a hesitant look, although she really felt very strange, but think about it this time, Cheng Yiping has been with himself all the time, has been keeping his eyes closed, and has never come out How could a jeep suddenly change its temperament?

This may really only be able to say that the other party had a nightmare.

Thinking of Manager Bai shook his head here, hesitated and said

"Did you dream of the one-eyed temple? I also know that it is really very dangerous for us to enter the one-eyed temple now, but now we have no way, but rest assured that even if it is dangerous, we are even used by Li An Pointing at the gun, we must also fight for our own interests. If it is a mortal ending, we will definitely not go. At least we must find a way to crack the existence of the nematode, otherwise we will never enter the one-eyed temple. Among "

Manager Bai gritted his teeth slightly, some said harshly.

She considered very clearly that if she really entered the one-eyed temple without any precautions, instead of being attacked by the nematode and becoming mad like Wu Wei, she would rather be shot by Li An. Fall, at least die without any pain.

"Relax, Manager Bai, nothing will happen. Although Li An's bodyguards have guns, guns are not a panacea. After all, guns are just a tool. The most important thing is people."

Cheng Yiping smiled and shook his head, saying thoughtfully

If you haven't learned the pistol gun skills before, Cheng Yiping is really not sure, but now Cheng Yiping is sure.

As long as you find yourself a chance, you can **** a pistol from the bodyguard.

That Cheng Yiping was confident that he could kill all of the seven or eight bodyguards including Li An.

Just kidding, with the help of conscious object-hunting, you can solve it by yourself against 100 gunmen. If you ca n’t solve even 7 of your bodyguards, Cheng Yiping really wastes his conscious object-hunting. Pistol firearm skills like help.

1000 faith points were wasted!

"Really? Hope so hope so"

Manager Bai naturally did not know what Cheng Yiping had in mind, and showed a bitter smile.

For him, now he just takes Cheng Yiping's words as comfort, and shakes his head with a bitter smile.

For the one-eyed temple, she felt more afraid and horrified.

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