Super Finding App

Chapter 1761: Entrance

Three jeep cars were moving slowly through the swampy land of the south.

With Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan as guides, the crowd did not experience much danger along the way, and stopped in a corner of the southern swamp uninhabited area.

Everyone came down from the jeep, looked up in a flat look, and was surprised to see that there was a wild area in front of them, and it seemed that even the plants had withered.

However, in the middle of this wild area, there are several obvious pillars. The artificial buildings are towering, surrounded by swamps, and bubbles pop out from time to time, exuding acrid smell.

Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan glanced at each other, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and said with a little apprehension.

"The entrance to the one-eyed temple is just below the building in front. We also found it by accident for a long time. We can only take you here. If you want us to accompany you to the one-eyed temple, it would be better. Kill us "

"Relax, rest assured, my Ang Lee always talks. Since this is the entrance to the one-eyed temple, what can you do if you go there? Although you have entered the one-eyed temple, the situation in it is better understood, but You just went to the second floor, and in fact you do n’t even know this one-eyed temple. ”

Li An was excited and looked at the broken waste in front of the bodyguard. The ruins showed an excited look, his face became abnormally red, turned his head, and looked at Cheng Yiping, Manager Bai and explorer. Three of the club's top adventure treasure hunters, Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan, said

"I found it, I found it. This is the entrance to the one-eyed temple in the front. We finally found it, and then everyone will look at you."

Fu Yongan, Zhou Guoqiang and Fan Gang, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club, took a look at them.

I saw Fu Yongan among them.

"Mr. Li An, we really want to help find this one-eyed temple, but according to what Jiang Wei and Jiang Yan said, we don't know how many layers there are in this one-eyed temple, but there is a large number of nematodes in the accumulated water in the second layer. Existence, if we ca n’t solve the nematodes, I ’m afraid we wo n’t be able to enter the one-eyed temple. After all, treasure hunting is one thing, but knowing that death is another thing, at least until now. So far, once we invade the nematodes, we will certainly die. "

"It is true, it is true, Mr. Li An, we do want to make your money. We can also enter this one-eyed temple, but if there is no way to dispose of this nematode, then we have to think about it. After all, the money is Good things, but you have to spend your life "

Zhou Guoqiang interface said.

After listening, Li An's face became increasingly ugly and he said.

"I ask you to come here to find the one-eyed temple. It is normal to be in danger. Is it because it is dangerous that you will not go? If so, what use is it to find you?"

"Calm down, calm down, Mr. Li, Mr. Li, we are not saying no, we just have to think long-term. After all, we have no way to deal with the nematodes, and entering them is just a dead death. If we all die This is also a failure for Mr. Li, isn't it? "

Manager Bai hastened to exhort, wiping the sweat channel on his forehead

Li An's face became increasingly ugly, and a bright smile suddenly appeared.

"Okay, okay, although I really care about this one-eyed temple, but it does have a nematode in it, so as long as there is a way to solve this nematode, you should have no excuses."

Li An said as he looked at Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan of the Explore Club, and set his sights on Cheng Yiping again.

Chengping nodded and said

"If Mr. Li An really has a way to defend or solve the A. elegans, then we will naturally enter this one-eyed temple. I am also very interested in this one-eyed temple."

"Oh, say it early, say it early, if that's the case, then things will be easy to handle. Although the nematode is more dangerous, it is only a bug in the final analysis."

Li An shook her head slightly, then stretched out her hand and patted it a few times, and saw a bodyguard next to him return to the jeep, and then took out a few boxes to open it, which turned out to be a set protective suit!

"Do you see it? This is the protective clothing I specially prepared. It is dangerous to enter the one-eyed temple. Of course, I will also make equipment and props. These protective clothing are made of special materials and are quite hard."

Li An said as he pulled a dagger out of the bodyguard's arms, and immediately cut it into the protective clothing.

With the sound of Jin Ge, the dagger cut through the protective clothing, but it did not cut it.

It can be seen that the material of this protective clothing is quite hard.

"If you don't see it, even the dagger capital can't easily cut this protective clothing. No matter how powerful this nematode is, can it penetrate the protective clothing? If it can't penetrate this protective clothing, the nematodes will come to us What's the difference from an ordinary bug? "

Sure enough, it was prepared.

Sure enough, it was prepared.

Cheng Yiping took a breath, and his face became ugly.

Looking at the protective clothing in front of him and then looking at Li An, he finally realized that Li An was definitely prepared.

And quite well prepared!

I did not expect that even such military-grade protective clothing could be obtained, showing that the forces behind Li An were absolutely powerful.

"It's great, it's great, protective clothing will have protective clothing, Mr. Li An, why don't you take it out earlier? If you have this protective clothing, what are we afraid of? Don't say yes A. elegans, how hard this protective clothing is, even if there is some danger in this one-eyed temple, we are not afraid, even if there is poisonous gas, we can breathe with protective clothing. "

Zhou Guoqiang, Fan Gang and Fu Yongan, the three top adventure treasure hunters of the Discovery Club, showed surprises.

Obviously they saw the protective clothing Mr. Li An brought out, just like the baby they saw.

They didn't want to give up the big rewards, but they were worried about their lives, and now with protective clothing, everything seems to be solved.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Li An is absolutely right. No wonder Mr. Li An is so confident in entering the one-eyed temple. Even if there is a nematode on the second floor of the one-eyed temple, there is no fear at all. Mr. Li An had been prepared for a long time, but I do n’t know how many suits you have prepared for this Mr. Li An? Are we enough? ”

Fan Gang asked quickly, with an anxious look on his face, and his eyes fell on the body of the protective clothing, with a greedy look in his eyes.

As adventure hunters, they know more than anyone else how important a good piece of equipment is for a treasure hunt adventure.

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