Super Finding App

Chapter 1800: Memories (1)

Teach Lu Shaofang to lie on the soft sofa, the whole body is almost trapped in the soft sofa, the whole body relaxes to bring a comfortable feeling.

This is the feeling that the previous sofa has never experienced. With the development of technology and the improvement of people's living standards, even small sofas have gradually changed from the original wooden hard sofas to the now very soft sofas, as if they can The whole person is wrapped in the same.

But even so comfortable, Professor Lu Shaofang did not have a comfortable expression in her imagination. She likes old-fashioned sofas more.

Professor Lu Shaofang slowly opened her eyes. After closing her eyes, she felt that her spirit seemed to have some strength, and she sat slightly upright.

Take out a tin box from the package on the side, and gently open the tin box, which is filled with small fudges.

This fudge looks very ordinary, just like the very simple candy sold in the kiosk, but it is quite sweet.

Professor Lu Shaofang picked up a piece of sugar and gently put it in her mouth. Feeling the sweet taste brought by the soft melting of soft candy in her mouth, she closed her eyes slightly, jumped up the corner of her mouth, and took A happy smile, then suddenly coughed violently.

The severe cough even bended her waist, and a bite of blood coughed on her handkerchief. Professor Lu Shaofang gasped heavily, lowered her head, looked at the blood on the handkerchief, and folded it up. He put it carefully into his arms, and his eyes revealed a thick and inextricable sadness.

Sitting on the sofa again, panting vigorously, calming his mood and his painful body.

He trembled out his hand and took out the wallet from his arms. There is a picture in the wallet, which is a long-time photo

It can be clearly seen in the photo that a little girl has a bright smile, and on the other side is a man who is not much older than her, and this young man has a bright smile.

Behind them is the vast mountain.

Looking at this photo, Professor Lu Shaofang seemed to remember the past, and his eyes revealed a confused look ...

The older a person is, the more she can recall the past and recall the past. The memories that she thought had been forgotten gradually became clearer as she got older.

The vast mountains, blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters, here are the mountains that have not been rendered by the city, and there are no skyscrapers and various factories soaring into the clouds. The black smoke here is exceptionally peaceful, with green mountains and green water, just like a paradise.

The little girl with a pigtail braid leaned under a huge locust tree, holding a book in her hand, and was watching it seriously. Below her was a river that flowed endlessly. There were several rivers in the river. The child was playing in the river with his **** bare.

A gust of wind blew around the leaves and made a rustling sound, mixed with the sounds of birds and beasts on the branches, as if everything seemed so beautiful.

It was a very ordinary afternoon.

"You are reading a book again. I said that you read a book here by yourself every time. What's the meaning, it's already out of school. Why do you want to read a book again? Now it's time to play."

Suddenly, the book in the hand of the girl holding the book was snatched away by a big hand. The girl raised her head and stared into a teenager with a bright smile, with a hint of bad smile in her mouth. It was the book she was looking at.

"Give it back to me, give it back quickly. The teacher will take the exam tomorrow. Hurry back to me. I haven't reviewed it yet."

The girl was obviously accustomed to such a situation long ago, her mouth beaked with an angry look, but her angry look was more like a coquettish.

The young man in front of him was obviously accustomed to it long ago, he smiled, flipped through the books, sat on the side of the girl with one butt, and passed the books.

"I really don't know why you study so seriously. I have already thought about it. I only have to wait for a few years after graduation from junior high school to go out to work with the people in my family. It is said that if I go out to work now, one month I can make a thousand or two thousand dollars, but this is more than the whole family's annual income. I am still young, and I wish I had grown up a little faster. "

"Grow up a little bit faster, and you will be able to make money and send it to your home by that time. So, what use are you reading now, not at all? Why are you still studying so hard here?"

"No, no, this is not true at all"

The girl shook her head gently, turned her head, and stared at the boy with pretty eyes.

"The teachers in the school have already told us that the best way to get out of this vast mountain is to read. Only reading can change, and reading can let us out of this mountain."

The girl raised her head, her tone became abnormally firm, beautiful like a star, and her clear pupils showed a determined look.

Obviously, he trusted the teachers in the school very much.

"Come less, come less. How do we know if the teacher said those words are true or false? If we really want to get out of the mountains, can we get out of the mountains if we go out to work? Why do we have to study? I do n’t think it ’s worth it at all, and I do n’t really understand this book. The main thing is that the expenses in the house are very large. If you go to work earlier, you can earn a penny and reduce your family ’s costs. Burden, I think it ’s best not to go to school to work. ”

The teenager shook his head and raised an objection.

"No, no, part-time work is always just part-time work. The teacher said that if you do n’t study, you can only work to earn the least money and only do physical work, but if you study hard and have a degree, it ’s If you really test out the mountain, that's when you walk out of the mountain and you can really change your destiny. "

The little girl spoke of her teacher, with a holy light on her face.

For her born in the mountains, the teacher ’s words were a beacon, and she trusted the teacher ’s words very much.

"Okay, okay, okay, we won't discuss this issue anymore, I'm afraid that's the case even if we discuss it further. I must agree with both hands and feet when you go to school, but I don't care, you know The conditions in my home, even if I want to go, I am afraid there is not enough money for me at home. In contrast, I think I still go out to work early to make money to supplement my family. This is the most important and most suitable. "

"But then come back. Even then we can be together. If you take the test in the future, no matter which city you are in, I can always accompany you, I will go to work in that city, and when we do The same can be together. "

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