Super Finding App

Chapter 1801: Memories (2)

"Who wants to be with you"

The smiling face of the girl turned red instantly, and even her ears became red. She lowered her head and stuck the book on her forehead. She contracted her body like a ostrich. She felt red with red ears and her heart in Beating fiercely,

"Hee hee, of course you, of course you, we will be together for the rest of our lives"

The boy showed a bright smile, and he was really happy about the shy girl in front of him.

"Don't say these words again, if you say these words again, I will ignore you in the future"

As soon as the girl spoke, her face was red and her ears were red, for her, it really made her feel unbearable.

"Okay, okay, I don't say I don't say, as long as we have something in mind"

The boy said hehe, thinking for a while, picked up a piece of grass from the grass on the side, and quickly knitted it in his hands.

After a moment, a ring made of grass appeared in the hands of the teenager. He put the ring in front of the girl and smiled brightly.

"I heard people say that if a boy can be with a girl, they must agree with each other. Once the agreement is made, the man will give the woman a ring saying that it represents a lifetime and eternity. I must now be Ca n’t afford a ring, so use this grass ring as a substitute first, rest assured, when I make money later, I will definitely buy a big ring for you, buy a genuine ring, like those in the village Like a rich boss, buy a real big ring for you instead of the ring made from straw now. "

Is a ring made from wild grass valuable?

In fact, it is worthless at all, but it is worthless.

But for the girls at the time, this was the most precious thing in the world.

As if this ring is the true diamond in the legend, no, it is more precious and cherished than diamond.

The girl's face was agitated, her face was flushed. Although she took the ring reluctantly, she put it tightly in her hand and held it tightly.

Under the sun shining, in this big mountain with green mountains and green trees, under the huge locust tree, a clearest first love takes place here. This is the purest love in the world, and the best love ...

This good memory can only stay in the memory in the end ...

Professor Lu Shaofang slowly opened his eyes, and a tear appeared from time to time.

"It is really accompanied by the increase of time, the older and the older, it becomes more and more touching. I thought that I had forgotten the past in the past, but now I completely think about it and appear again. In front of myself "

Professor Lu Shaofang sighed slowly, and carefully took out a box again from his arms.

This box is quite delicate, but after the box is opened, a small ring appears.

This is a ring that has obviously turned yellow. The only thing that can be seen is that the ring has been carefully treated.

Otherwise, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to maintain a straw-woven straw ring for such a long time. It will have decayed long ago, but now it is lying quietly in this iron box, as if it is the most precious thing. .

Professor Lu Shaofang stretched out his hand and carefully took the grass ring in his hand, with endless sadness in his eyes.

She has thought about it more than once, if time can go back in time and go back in time, will she make the decision like now?

If you didn't make that decision at that time, would the future change?

Will holding the straw ring in my hand become a real ring?

But unfortunately, there will never be an if in this world, and life can never come back.

Beats like a drum

While Professor Lu Shaofang was in his thoughts, the door knocked violently, which made Lu Shaofang feel strange.

After all, she had made it clear to the principal before the break that she was uncomfortable and didn't want anyone to come and bother. In this case, someone came to knock on the door, which made Professor Lu Shaofang very unhappy.

But even so, good practice made her stand up, came to the door, and gently opened the door.

She wanted to know who would come to find herself regardless of President Huang ’s orders. Who was the student? For Professor Lu Shaofang, 57 years old, she had seen a lot of exquisite egoists. The purpose is to use the power of the system to use the greatest resources to retain benefits for themselves.

Professor Lu Shaofang has experienced it more than once

Although I will feel uncomfortable after each discovery, it is undeniable that this is human nature.

Opening the door did not appear to be any student of Tanaka University, but a strange man.

He looked puzzled

"Hello, may I ask, is you Professor Shaofang Lu? I would like to introduce myself as Cheng Yiping. I came to seek your help."

Cheng Yiping?

Looking for my help?

Professor Lu Shaofang showed a startled expression, some of whom did not understand.

Night came slowly, and Cheng Yiping, who was sitting in the cafe, was drinking coffee leisurely. He didn't know how many glasses had been refilled, and even the waiter on the side looked at him with a vicious look.

After all, they are a coffee shop here, Cheng Yiping was drinking coffee here alone, drinking a whole afternoon.

The main thing is that he ordered a coffee that can be refilled indefinitely. It can be said that he spent the most time here for the least money.

As far as the waiter or owner of this coffee shop is concerned, these coffees are really not worth much, but you occupy a cafe position, which really gives the boss and waiter some helplessness.

After all, things like this are rare.

They never thought that someone would order the simplest and cheapest cup of coffee that can be refilled indefinitely. Stay in this cafe for a whole afternoon or even look like it will be until after work. This allows the waiter to follow The boss is really a little crying.

Cheng Yiping was drinking coffee leisurely, but his brain was turning fast.

Through the soul avatar in my mind, I can clearly see Professor Lu Shaofang's every move.

After identifying the place where Professor Lu Shaofang's rest was, Cheng Yiping raised his head slowly.

"Professor Shaofang Lu is now alone, and it seems that it is time to look for Professor Shaofang Lu"

Just as Yiping made a decision, raised his head, stretched a long waist, and was about to get up and leave.

I saw the waiter at the coffee shop on the side walked out, but his face was quite displeased, forcing a hint of smile.

"Hello customer, it's time for our coffee shop to close"


Why, has it been so long?

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