Super Finding App

Chapter 1814: photo

"What the **** do you want to do here? I don't seem to talk to you."

Liu Fengqi watched Cheng Yiping vigilantly, and his pupils looked puzzled.

"Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu, calm down. You are much older than me. I call you Grandpa. This is totally reasonable, but there are some things that I do n’t quite understand. I hope you can tell me."

Cheng Yiping stretched out his hand and patted it twice in the air, showing that he did not have any hostility, then entered the room, looked around, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"You have something to ask me, what exactly do you want to do? I have nothing to say to you"

Liu Fengqi looked at Cheng Yiping in front of him, and suddenly had an ominous feeling. Although the person in front of him was not aggressive, he always felt that this person was very strange, as if he had an inexplicable look in his eyes See it for yourself.

"Uncle Liu, I'm just very curious. Why don't you recognize Professor Lu Shaofang? Although I don't know what happened to you 30 years ago, Professor Lu Shaofang is still looking for you after 30 years. You even have you in your heart, don't you think that this love alone is quite precious? Why reject her, even ridicule? Don't you think it's too much? "

Into a flat single pole straight into.

"What are you talking about? When Lu Shaofang came here, I already spoke very clearly to her. Thirty years ago, I just talked to her about her and broke up peacefully, nothing more, nothing to say, I don't understand what you mean by this "

Liu Fengqi shook his head like a rattle, revealing a look of doubt.

"Is this really the case? If that's the case, then why all the furniture in your home are single and not even a woman's belongings, don't tell me you never found any woman."

Cheng Yiping chuckled, looking at the whole house clearly like a knife. It can be clearly seen that the entire room contains only men's items, not even a woman's item.

"This has nothing to do with you, it seems that my life has nothing to do with you, yes, 30 years ago, I really did because other women broke up with Lu Shaofang, but who can guarantee that I and other women must To marry, I'm not in a relationship with her, so I'm separated. I'm alone now. Is this a problem? "

"What the **** do you want to do? Leave me now, I don't want to talk to you. If you stay here again, I'll call the police."

Liu Fengqi immediately issued a guest order, and he felt that Cheng Yiping in front of him really was not good and the good did not come.

"Don't be so excited, Uncle Liu, the more you do this, the more I doubt it. Indeed, it is a very normal phenomenon for people to divide and merge together now. Whether men change their hearts or women change their hearts, this is entirely reasonable, It is very understandable, but I do n’t know about these things. Since you really do n’t have any concerns about Professor Lu Shaofang, why do you keep her photos? ”

Cheng Yiping said slowly as he walked to the front of the room counter. This is a table full of objects.

Obviously, there are many decorations on it, bowing his head flatly, and easily taking out several photo albums from the cracks behind the table.

This photo is a young girl with two ponytails.

"Uncle Liu, if I'm not mistaken, this is the picture of Lu Shaofang and you in the mountains, I did not expect that you can save such a good picture of the photos thirty years ago."

Cheng Yiping looked down and looked down at the picture framed in the frame.

Although Huang has already committed a crime, it is still possible to imagine how concerned and valued this party is with this photo, and it was framed by special treatment very early.

"It has nothing to do with you. It's just my thoughts and thoughts on the past. That's all. What's wrong? Isn't it illegal? It doesn't seem to break the law."

Liu Fengqi said from the gritted teeth, there was a hint of strangeness in his eyes.

How did he know that he had put the photo in the gap between the tables?

Seeing him looks like he knew in advance, how could this be possible?

"Yes, yes, Liu Fengqi, what you said is absolutely not wrong. After all, people are thinking, especially as people get older, they will remember more clearly the past things, and they will think more about the past things. , Keeping this photo is also of commemorative value, which is completely speaking of the past "

"It's just a past picture, what about the other pictures?"

Cheng Yiping smiled and shook his head, looked at Liu Fengqi in front of him with a playful look, and looked at Liu Fengqi uncomfortably, his body was awkward, and even his face was a little frightened, as if he was clearly seen by Yiping It's unusually thorough.

Talking teeth are snoring

"What are you trying to say?"

Cheng Yiping shrugged his shoulders. In Liu Fengqi's surprised look, Qingche came to the edge of the bed, then squatted down, and stretched out his hand to pull out a box under the bed.

Liu Fengqi split his hair instantly. Don't look at him being in his fifties, but he was angered and hit into a level like an angry Mengniu.

But unfortunately, Cheng Yiping, who had been prepared, had no dynamics at all. Liu Fengqi bumped into Cheng Yiping's body, rebounded, and sat on the ground with his buttocks, wearing a panic on his face.

"What exactly do you want to do? Put things back quickly, put things back quickly. This is my home. You are not qualified to turn things. You are not qualified to turn things."

"Please, please, Uncle Liu, you are already in your fifties, do you need to be so excited? This is not a very good thing, and it makes me even more curious."

Cheng Yiping opened the box and took out the contents little by little

Liu Fengqi's face continued to change, gnashing his teeth

"Hurry up and put things in, or I'll call the police, you belong to theft, and you belong to the robber, and the police will let you go to jail"

Looking at things in a flat motion, slowly raised his head, slightly raised the things in his hand

"Okay, it doesn't matter at all, just Uncle Liu, if the police came over, how would you explain to the police what's in your box? Although it is said that shooting is your freedom, it has been these thirty years for many years Shooting all of them alone, is this considered a voyeur? Or if Professor Lu Shaofang knew, what would you think of her? "

Cheng Yiping said as he swayed the objects in his hands, and that was one picture after another.

The girl in the photo smiled brightly.

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