Super Finding App

Chapter 1815: Please leave her

Liu Fengqi, with a garland on his face, seemed to be sifting with sieve medicine, sweating all over, sitting on the sofa with a buttock, looking pale, looking at the coffee table first, and stacking photos like hills, his complexion was extremely complex.

Opposite him, Cheng Yiping sat up leisurely, took out the mobile phone calmly, opened the camera function, set the mobile phone aside, and said

"Uncle Liu, you say that you don't know Professor Lu Shaofang at all, and you also say that you don't have any thoughts about Professor Lu Shaofang, but I'm afraid it's wrong to look at these photos. Let me take a look. The number of these photos has reached at least Hundreds, with the year behind it "

Cheng Yiping said as he picked up a photo. The bottom corner of the photo had time to take the photo.

"Looking at this time seems to be 30 years ago, you have begun taking photos of Professor Lu Shaofang, and have been taking it till now. In other words, you have been by her side all the time. You have always cared for her, watched her silently. Looked at her, but I didn't understand it, so why don't you come out and recognize Professor Lu Shaofang? "

This is what Cheng Yiping feels very strange and confused. Liu Fengqi in front of him clearly cares about Professor Lu Shaofang, and even loves his bones. But why should he refuse to be far away?

Cheng Yiping is very clear. If it wasn't for him to use the search function of the Super Finding App, the soul avatar in this room saw Liu Fengqi collecting all the photos of Lu Shaofang in the family, even what he took. The photos about Professor Lu Shaofangfang's itinerary were all put away.

Maybe Cheng Yiping would really believe what Liu Fengqi said like Professor Lu Shaofang.

After all, for people today, the era of split-up and split-up is a very normal phenomenon.

Like this kind of thinking for decades, this plot can only appear in the novel!

Liu Fengqi exhaled a long breath, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, looked up, looked at Cheng Yiping and opened his mouth and said

"I don't know exactly how you found these photos, but what I just want to tell you is that sometimes there are things that you don't know better than know."

"Since you already know, I hope you don't tell Lu Shaofang all this"

"Why? Why can't you tell? This is the strangest thing for me. Uncle Liu, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I don't think I will help you hide it all."

A pair of pupils flashed coldly, opened his mouth and said

Liu Fengqi took a long breath and reached out to pick up a photo. The **** the photo is exactly what Lu Shaofang looked like when she was at Tanaka University. Although she still has two ponytails, she looks quite equivalent. Beautiful, young and beautiful, exuding a lively temperament.

"Of course I want to meet Lu Shaofang, and I also want to be with her. Do you think it is a very happy thing for me to see her get married? No, you don't know, I was drunk on the day she got married, drink I had to sleep for three full days, not even months, but I knew she was the right choice for me to leave, and the right choice for me to leave. "

"She wouldn't have the glory of today with me. She would be with me like she is now, nothing, not even a house, and she would not be a professor at Tanaka University like she is now, Living, the villa life has taste, and the days are worry-free, instead of being messy like me. When I was young, I worked hard for my livelihood. Do n’t you know? There is a saying that is a poor couple in a hundred days. ”

Liu Fengqi said slowly, his tone was unusually husky, and he spoke these words with whiteness. The words contained endless thoughts and deep sadness.

This made Cheng Yiping open his mouth, as if he would say and want to speak, all swallowed in his stomach and said

"What happened 30 years ago?"

"what happened?"

Liu Fengqi looked up, and his wrinkled face seemed to remember what happened 30 years ago, saying word by word

"The day 30 years ago completely changed my destiny."

Liu Fengqi worked very hard. He knew very well that they did not have a diploma and did not have a degree to work hard in the society. Fortunately, they have caught up with a good era, and the opening up of the economic reform has led to the emergence of individual businesses.

For the vast majority of people, working in the factory and becoming a worker's life from nine to five is a normal real office worker and a normal job.

For those vendors outside, the mobile stalls are called unproductive.

In the glorious era when chicken feathers can fly to the sky through the waves, only the people in the city can work in the factory, or have a unit school as a distribution

And like Liu Feng, who came out of the mountains to study and did not graduate at all, he can only find a way out by himself, but if Liu Fengqi knew that working in this factory after 30 years would become a most useless term, it would be like them. The boss who worked hard to do business has become a boss. He doesn't know if it will take turns.

But it is undeniable that working in the factory for 30 years is the most suitable and the best choice.

After a long time outside, they were regarded as bad elements in the society, even speculation.

Even so, Liu Fengqi is working hard to make money. He is Lu Shaofang who came out of the mountain together.

For Liu Fengqi, Lu Shaofang is really her favorite woman.

The two of them walked out of the mountains with their longing for the future and the most innocent feelings in the mountains. They came to the vast city, looking for their own lives and future.

Countless times Liu Fengqi and Lu Shaofang sat on the grass and looked up at the starry sky, talking about their future ideals.

Every time at that time, Liu Fengqi always stood up and patted his chest, with a bright smile on his face.

"I will definitely make a lot of money and bring a good life to Lu Shaofang"

Every time at that time, Lu Shaofang's bright smile would be flushed.

Imagine that I graduated from college and stepped into a work unit to be a city guy and spend my future with Liu Fengqi.

At that time, they were full of innocence, full of longing for the future, longing for a better life.

All this happened when Liu Fengqi sent Lu Shaofang back to Tanaka University, and the next day after the dormitory suddenly stopped.

A person appeared in front of Liu Fengqi, she was Bao Jiayi, Lu Shaofang's mentor!

"Do you really like Lu Shaofang? If you really like her, then please leave her"

"You're just dragging her down with you, you can't give her what she wants"

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