Super Finding App

Chapter 1832: memory

"Come, come, have Yang Yang Shuwen come here? Yang Shu Wen called the teacher over?"

Qiu Yuyun showed a surprised look, listening to the sound of the door of the utility room being opened, and quickly ran out from behind the utility object.

next moment

With a smile on her face, she freezes for a moment.

What appeared in front of her was not Yang Shuwen and the teacher, but the three bad girls who were chasing her everywhere and bullying her.


"Yang Shuwen, what's wrong with you? Nothing? Yang Yang Shuwen, what's wrong with you?"

Within the newspaper, Yang Shuwen squatted her head in pain, holding her head tightly with both hands. She could feel that her brain seemed torn apart, and she was in pain, as if there was something to break out of the cocoon, but she was Suppressed, his face pale and bloodless.

Qiu Yuhong's complexion was unusually complex. Looking at the painful Yang Shuwen in front of her, she bit her teeth gently, then got up and Cheng Yiping to help her aside, and poured her a glass of water by the way.

After a long time

Yang Shuwen then calmed down slowly, her tearing pain slowly receded, but there seemed to be some memories in her brain.

Raised his head, grabbed Qiu Yuhong's hand and said urgently

"Qiu Yuyun" I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's my fault, it's my fault, everything is my fault, "

Yang Shuwen remembered it, although she only remembered the clip, but she still remembered that sealed memory

Looking up, looking at Qiu Yuyun's tears like the Yangtze River bursting in front of him, hugging Qiu Yuhong and sighing exhaustedly

"I was wrong, I was wrong, it was all my fault, that thing was all my fault, it was all my fault, if it was not my timidity, if it was not my cowardice, this would not have happened I will never forgive myself in my life "

"Qiu Yuyun, all this is my fault"

Qiu Yuhong's complexion was unusually complex. Looking at Yang Shuwen's tears and tears in front of her, tears flowed and her eyes were red.

When she saw Yang Shuwen's first glance, she seemed to have seen her past, the forgotten, even the past that could never be sustained,

"Why, why, why did you betray me?"

"Because I'm really too scared ..."

For many people, disputes between children in the school is a very normal thing, and it is also called children.

Even if some disputes occur, adults will be said to be involved in it. All of this is a problem between children. Do n’t let your adults get involved and let the children solve it by themselves.

This sentence does make sense, but in many cases, such small disputes will gradually be amplified and eventually become large disputes.

People care about children's disputes, but who can think about bullied children's rights and interests, and who is responsible for their psychological burden?

Is it something that can be solved with just a warning from the school?


Yang Shuwen desperately ran towards the teaching building with a flustered look on her face. As long as she found a teacher, she would be able to let the teacher teach the group of bad students.

But she did not expect that when she was about to run to the teaching building, three bad students rushed out and pushed her to the ground.

One of the leading elder sisters said

"Sure enough, Yang Shuwen, what do you run so fast, do you want to find a teacher?"

While talking, three people approached Yang Shuwen slowly, and the leading elder sister said down.

"I know Qiu Youyun has a very good relationship with Qiu Yuyun, now tell me exactly where Qiu Yuyun is"

"You are wrong to do this. You are wrong to do this. Why do you always bully Qiu Yuyun, I am going to tell the teacher"

"Less to give me nonsense, Yang Shuwen, I used to look at you unpleasantly, and now I will give you a choice, you can either tell me Qiu Yuyun, it doesn't matter if you don't tell me, then we will bully you specifically "

"Think about it, I remember what you are most afraid of is bugs and cockroaches. If you want to, I will put more bugs in your textbook on your desk or come to you every day to talk to you after class. Of course you also You can tell the teacher, but do you think it is useful? "

Yang Shuwen's face was abnormally pale. At this moment, he finally felt the pain and frustration that Qiu Yuyun felt when he was facing bullying, and he felt helpless.

It's as if a person is in the darkness and there is no way to escape.

He wanted to fight, to escape, to ask for help, but there was darkness all around.

The three bad girls in front of me looked like three demons with their teeth dancing, with horns on their heads, and tails behind them, threatening with fangs and grinning, approaching Yang Shuwen slowly, as if to pull her into the abyss.

Yang Shuwen was scared, she was really scared ...

It's completely different to see others being bullied than they are being bullied.

He made a decision that he would never forgive in his life.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I was really too scared at the time, I was really too scared, and the moment I wanted to achieve what they did to you, if it appeared to me, I was terrified, I I do n’t know what to do. ”

"They hit me and scolded me. They were going to bully me. They really couldn't accept it. I was really too small at that time. I was scared by them."

"Everything is my fault, really, really all my fault, please forgive me, please forgive me"

Yang Shuwen finally remembered everything, she remembered everything she was forgotten, even unbearable

She looked up at Qiu Yuyun, who had become Qiu Yunyun in tears, and burst into tears, and fell to her knees tightly, holding her thighs tightly in her hands, crying

She knew exactly why she would forget this, and why in her dreams Qiu Yuhong and the three bad girl incarnations who bullied her had become demons and the incarnations had become monsters.

In Yang Shuwen's subconscious, she could not forgive herself at all.

She and Qiu Yuyun are good friends and true friends.

She also regards Qiu Yuyun as a good friend, but now she pushes Qiu Yuyun to the edge of danger and into the abyss of hell.

She really can't accept

The inner self-blame and guilt swallowed her like a tsunami, making Yang Shuwen completely unacceptable and unbearable.

She couldn't bear that she would become the kind of person he hated, the kind of person who pushed her best friend into the abyss.

Especially after the second day, Qiu Yuyun dropped out of school completely, this matter has become a permanent pain in her heart.

She couldn't believe everything she did, and the only thing she could do was to escape and to forget it all.

It seems that only in this way, she can make herself easily, and her guilt and guilt are gone.

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