Super Finding App

Chapter 1833: Sorry

"Remembered, remembered, all the things I forgot are remembered, all are remembered"

Yang Shuting burst into tears, raised her head, and looked at Qiu Yuhong, a mature professional woman with glasses in her eyes, as if she was back in high school.

Qiu Yuhong turned into that bullied girl in front of her again.

Yang Shuting and Qiu Yuyun are friends, not only because of Qiu Yuyun's good study, but also because of Qiu Yuyun's temperament.

She likes to feel with Qiu Yuyun and is empathetic. This is a friendship between girls.

Yang Shuwen also thought many times that although Qiu Yuyun would be bullied, she would definitely protect Qiu Yuyun. She would go to the teacher to teach those bad students, and she would become the best and best friend with Qiu Yuyun.

For Yang Shuwen, she really wanted to be friends with Qiu Yuyun.

She does the same

She felt that it was more meaningful to talk with Qiu Yuyun than to talk to other classmates without nutrition.

But Yang Shuwen never thought that she would be more cowardly than she thought.

Yang Shuwen knows that Qiu Yuyun is being bullied by bad students, but she is not afraid. She thinks that she can protect Qiu Yuyun. Just tell the teacher and tell the parents to stop these bad students and stop them from bullying Qiu Yuyun, and she can also Help to Qiu Yuyun.

But when she was really facing three bad students, Yang Shuwen was scared, she was really scared.

She has not been bullied. She has no idea of ​​the powerlessness and terror of the bullied when facing bullying.

Many times she will think, why don't you resist when you are bullied?

As long as you resist, others will not bully you.

But this is easy to say, but it is more difficult to do it.

You can't bear the feeling of being bullied every day and every day, there is a truth that there are only thousands of miles to catch thieves and no thousands of miles to prevent thieves.

In particular, you told the teacher that after telling the parents, you only got the so-called punishment which was not serious.

And she also has to face more revenge. Fear and fear are shocked in Yang Shuwen's mind. She never thought that she would become the kind of person she always hated.

But she was really scared.

She is really timid

When she provided Qiu Yuyun's location, what Yang Shuwen insisted on in her heart was broken.

She couldn't believe it, or she couldn't bear that she would become a person who betrayed her girlfriends, a person who betrayed her best friend!

This psychological burden and guilt were suppressed in his mind

When Qiu Yuyun completely disappeared the next day after transferring to school, this burden and guilt became even heavier. He followed Yang Shuwen out of breath.

Until she completely forgot Qiu Yuyun.

In the subconscious it all turned into a never-ending nightmare.

The nightmare awakened today.

Yang Shuwen watched Qiu Yuyun's tears flow in front of her, suppressing the nightmares in her heart for decades and the recovery of memory.

Accompanied by the tsunami-like guilt.

"Sorry, sorry, really sorry, really sorry, Qiu Yuyun sorry, really sorry"

"I am too weak, I am really too weak"

Yang Shuwen cried hysterically, tears bursting out like a flood.

This is the biggest secret hidden in her heart, accompanied by the resurgence of memory, the guilt, the indelible pain sweeping through.

That's it.

Although Cheng Yiping wasn't quite sure, looking at Yang Shuting in tears and crying in front of him, he seemed to have some understanding.

As people say, things don't happen to you and you simply don't understand the suffering of the parties.

Perhaps Yang Shuwen really wanted to be good friends with Qiu Yuyun and become a girlfriend.

But when the danger really comes, how many individuals can truly be in a stalemate?

Can we really go hand in hand?

Evil and evil are always human instincts.

This cannot be said to be Yang Shuwen's fault, she was protecting herself at the time.

But it is undeniable that her every move did find Qiu Yuyun indelible pain.

Perhaps for Qiu Yuyun, being bullied by a bad girl is far from being scarred by the betrayal of the most trusted girlfriend.

This is what people call the closest person is often the one who hurts the most.

Qiu Yuhong stood up straight and looked at Yang Shuwen, who was lying on the ground. Her face was unusually complex, and she slowly started, closing the office door and pulling the shutters, making the entire office a closed place.

Then turned to Yang Shuwen's side.

Are you going to drive? Got a slap?

Cheng Yiping moved in his heart and moved the steps unconsciously. If Qiu Yuyun really beat Yang Shuwen, should he stop or pretend not to see it?

Cheng Yiping has some hesitations. After all, he will compare his heart to his heart. If he changed himself, he would meet the person who betrayed himself and hurt the deepest person, and he would definitely fight.

After all, some things are not so easy to be forgiven.

But what was unexpected was that Qiu Yuhong didn't take the shot. Instead, she pulled Yang Shuwen up, pressed her onto the seat, raised her head, and the eyes with crystal tears were flowing. Word by word

"I didn't blame you. I didn't blame you from beginning to end. I'm sorry for you."

"If you really want to say forgiveness, it should be me asking for forgiveness."

What does it mean?

What is this routine and development?

Cheng Yiping's eyes widened, heaven and earth conscience, he really did not think that the development of things would turn out to be like this.

According to Qiu Yangshuwen's memories, Qiu Yuyun was not bullied by the bad students on campus when he was on campus, and finally escaped to the utility room in the backyard.

However, Yang Shuwen ran to the teacher for help, but met a bad girl halfway, and gave Qiu Yuyun's hiding place for self-protection.

According to the ordinary plot development, Qiu Yuyun should be so resentful to Yang Shuwen, why should he ask Yang Shuwen's forgiveness instead?

And also said she never blamed her?

What exactly is going on?

Cheng Yiping felt strange in Bhutan, and Yang Shuting, who was crying and recovering her memory, was also calmed by Qiu Yuhong's words.

Lifting his head, tears kept flowing and he said

"Don't comfort me, don't comfort me, Qiu Yuyun, you should hate me, you should hate me, it's all my fault. If it weren't for me being too weak, or if I was too scared, or if I betrayed you, you would not be Forced to transfer, you will not be found by them, all of this is my fault, all my fault. "

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