Super Finding App

Chapter 1834: friendship

"No, no, it's not your fault, it's all not your fault, it's all my fault, it's all my fault"

"If I had known that my departure would cause you so much damage, Yang Shuting, then I should have left without saying goodbye."

Qiu Yuhong raised her head, tears flowing in her eyes.

As a strong woman in a newspaper, she has always been known for her strength, but at this moment he was crying like a weak girl.

"No, no, I betrayed you, I betrayed you. If it wasn't for the time I betrayed you, you would not leave school and you would not transfer. We said yes, we are friends and I will protect Yours, but I did n’t do it, I really did n’t do it, I was too weak ”

Yang Shuwen burst into tears.

With the recovery of her memory, she had already remembered everything she had experienced with Qiu Yuyun in high school.

The two walked together, and she once patted her chest to ensure that Qiu Yuyun would be protected, and she would be her best and best friend.

But the reality was that she sold Qiu Yuyun, who she trusted most, that day, and what she had always adhered to was broken like glass.

"No, no"

Qiu Yuhong raised her head slightly, and pressed Yang Shuwen onto the chair again, and said,

"Yang Shuwen is all my fault, it's all my fault. It has nothing to do with you. In fact, I have been very grateful to you since high school. Even after the incident, I also I really appreciate you "

"Because you are the only friend I have in high school. You are my only girlfriend and my only friend."

Qiu Yuhong said, wiping the tears in the corner of her eyes, raised her head, her eyes seemed to recall the distant past.

"When I was in high school, I wanted to study hard, but I did n’t know why there were always bad girls to bully me. At that time, I was alone no matter where I was. In the whole school, only you except the teacher Do n’t hate me, only you are willing to be my friend. At that time, I really appreciate you very much, really appreciate you, think you are the best friend of my life, and I want to be with you forever. ”

"But since that happened, I know it's all my fault"

While talking, Qiu Yuhong touched the tears in the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand, and gently stroked her wrist.

She has a wrist glove on her wrist, and one long scar after another

"Yang Shuting, before you didn't know me, you were a man in the school. Those bad students would never bully you, but you just suffered from it because you knew me and because you were with me. Because you have to protect me, you have to go to the teacher for me to meet bad students and be threatened by their intimidation. It's all my fault. If it weren't for me, you would not have endured it all. "

"It's because of this. After that incident, my parents transferred me to school, and I didn't contact you, because in my opinion, because you know me, I have suffered so many difficulties. I will encounter so many dangers before I will be targeted by the bad young students. If you are entangled with me again, you will be even more miserable and you will become the target of bullying. "

"You are my friend. You are my only friend. I hope you are good and not implicated by me. All of this is my fault. If you did n’t know me, you would n’t experience it. This one, so I will leave "

"I hope my departure will be helpful to you, and will not be the object of bullying by other bad students because of being with me."

It turned out to be this way.

this is okay too?

Chen Yiping's eyes were round and round. Looking at Yang Shuwen and Qiu Yuhong who were hugging and crying in front of each other, some really felt their brains muddy.

I thought this would be a scene of complaining and hating each other, but did not expect that it would be two true friends, considerate and even guilty.

"Sure enough, Longsheng Nine Sons, they all have different ideas. Everyone's thoughts are really different. If it is normal development, Qiu Yuyun will definitely hate Yang Shuwen because she thinks she has betrayed herself, that she betrays them Friendship, betrayed her hiding place, just to protect herself, and even turn her head against her. "

"But Qiu Yuyun doesn't think so now. What she thinks is because she is with her. Yang Shuwen will become the target of bullying. Because of herself, Yang Shuwen will become the target of bullying by the bad students. Together, Yang Shuwen will suffer from all this. "

These are two kind people.

But because of kindness, it will eventually become guilt.

Cheng Yiping sighed sighily, suddenly his mood became very good, raised his head, looked at Yang Shuwen and Qiu Yuhong who were hugging and crying together, picking at the corners of their mouths

Yang Shuwen really cares about Qiu Yuyun. Otherwise, it is impossible to have a psychological burden. Eventually, the brain forms self-protection measures and becomes selective amnesia.

Even so, there were even monsters in the subconscious, reminding Yang Shuwen not to forget Qiu Yuyun in the form of nightmares.

And Qiu Yuyun is the same. In order to prevent Yang Shuwen from being bullied because of himself in the school, even at transfer.

The two of them really value each other's friendship.

However, it is precisely because of the importance that misunderstandings are caused, and it is because of misunderstandings that it has caused several years of invisibility.

I have to say that their relationship is really shocking.

"Okay, don't cry, both of you are doing this for each other. All this can only be said to be a misunderstanding, or you were too young at the time, and it's not yours. wrong".

Yang Shuwen and Qiu Yuhong glanced at each other, wiping tears, showing bright smiles.

In this smile, the two seem to be back in classmate high school.

"Qiu Yuyun, I always thought that I had hurt you, I have always been very guilty, but if you really did not blame me, really forgive me, why did you just not recognize me?"

Yang Shuwen asked as she wiped her tears

"That's because I don't want you to be hurt because I got hurt. In high school, because you knew me, I was bullied by bad students. Now I don't want you to be hurt again. I don't want you because I meet again. Bad things."

Qiu Yuhong shook her head gently and said that tears were flowing in her eyes.

"Why do you say that, why do you think so? We are friends. It was indeed my fault at the beginning. I promised to protect you, but I ended up betraying you because I was afraid of bullying. All this is me. It ’s my fault, I ’m the culprit. ”

Yang Shuting pounced on her chest, and tears flowed. This was the deepest guilt in her heart.

"No, no, I never blame you, I never blame you, if you really want to say guilt, then it should be me, if you really want to say wrong, then it should be me, if it's not too much for me Weak, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have encountered all of this "

Qiu Yuhong raised her head, her eyes red

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