Super Finding App

Chapter 1837: Fenglongshan

Fenglong Mountain is located in a deep mountain. The most famous one is Fenglong Mountain which has a huge water pool named Fenglongtan.

It is said that there is a river **** in Fenglongtan. This river **** can fulfill the wishes of all people and is a place to worship and worship in the whole village.

During the Chinese New Year each year, people in the village will come to the Fenglongtan for sacrifices and memorial services, and pray for good weather in the coming year.

Compared with the development and development of outside science and technology, people are quite resistant to the feudal superstition, and even no longer believe it. The Fenglong Village in the mountains still retains its previous feudal thoughts and ideas.

For the things they can't understand, it's all blamed on the gods above.

They think that everything is good for the gods.

Although it is closed here, although stupid, people in modern times seem even ridiculous, but it is undeniable that the people living here in Fenglong Village live almost an indisputable life here.

In Fenglong Village, compared to the outside, it is very closed. Every day, children are playing in the fields besides classes, and they are playing everywhere. They do not have endless tutoring classes for children in the city. There are no such weird and fun toys as children.

But the children here also have their own fun.

They can climb trees in the mountains to dig out birdhouses, go down to the river to fish, and they can play mud. As boys, the most favorite is to throw sandbags and play football.

A group of children are playing happily, wandering around the fields in the village, and even if they are found by some people in the village, they will slam them away with a smile and a drink, so as not to destroy the crops.

This group of children was running and playing, and ran to a remote mountain peak in the village. They were about to go up, but saw one of the boys shaking his head like a rattle.

"I ca n’t go up, I ca n’t go up. My parents told me that this mountain is forbidden, and it is absolutely impossible to go up. There are demons in this mountain. I heard that anyone who climbs this mountain will suffer. And, if you meet a witch, you will even bring bad luck to your own home, so that your family will be unfortunate, and we will never dare to go up. "

This is a little boy with a dirty muddy face, looking at the low peaks in front of him and the dense jungle above, showing a look of fear, shaking his head like a rattle.

The other little boys around talked about and talked.

"Yes, yes, that is, I heard that a witch can live on this mountain. This witch is very scary. Anyone who sees a witch will suffer misfortune. My parents said that Zhao San, who is next door in our village, is When I entered the mountain and met Miko, I became ill the next day, and my family died in a traffic accident. It was just terrible. "

"Your parents and the villagers told me that I would never go to this mountain again. I would never go."

"Yes, yes, yes, this is really terrible. It is said that there is a witch living there. The witch must be very dangerous. If you meet it, it will be unlucky. Let's go to some other place to play."

This group of children talk to me word by word. For ignorant children, their most information comes from the teachings of their parents and villagers.

Neither the parents nor the villagers will no longer tell them that the terrible devil lives in this mountain.

With a witch, as long as you meet the devil and the witch, you will be unlucky. Not only will you be unlucky, but you will even reach your family.

This is the scariest thing for children.

"Yes, yes, we can't go up. Let's go to other places to play. Let's go to other places. Never go to this mountain. Never go to this mountain."

The children talked to each other, then turned around and raised their heads, looked at the fan in front of them with a little horror, turned around, and quickly ran to other places. The little boy with a peaked cap walking in the last two steps seemed to run He noticed something was wrong and turned his head to look at the taboo mountain.

There seemed to be something in the dense jungle. He couldn't help but snored, shook his head, turned around, and left.

Not far from where they left, in the dense jungle of the mountain peak, a little girl in a shabby dress leaned on a tree trunk with one hand and raised her head to watch the group of young boys leave happily, Zhang After opening his mouth to say something, he didn't make any sound in the end.

For children in the mountains, there are not many facilities for real entertainment, but they can find their own fun.

Boys love to play more than water rafting. From the perspective of adults, water rafting is a very boring thing. It is not just throwing stones into the water, splashing water, or playing a few water rafts.

But for young children, this is a very enjoyable game.

There was no problem at all even playing in the afternoon.

Especially in the case of competition, and the children are also very clear, it is not so simple to really want to take a dive.

First of all, the stone you are looking for must be flat, thin, and projected with speed and force, and even at an angle. Only in this way can the water drift far, fast, and more.

"Three water floats, three water floats, ha ha ha, Zhu Wanjun can't, can't. I didn't expect that you've only hit three water floats for such a long time. This time you are the last one "

"That is, that is, Zhu Wanjun, your technique of water drifting is really bad. We have already told you how to fight. I didn't expect that you could only hit three water drifts at most. It is too bad."

"That's right, girls can play four water drifts now, but you can only play three. No, no."

"If I want to say that Zhu Wanjun's technique of running water is simply too bad, even if we teach him again, he won't be able to play at all."

At the edge of a stream in Fenglong Mountain, several boys were having a playful conversation with each other. One of the boys took out a stone they had found and threw it into the stream.

The stone quickly crossed the river, slamming four or five water drifts, and the little boy smiled with satisfaction.

Turning his head, he said to the boy in the peaked cap.

The boys around you talked with me.

Obviously, for them, the weakest person in their hearts is the worst.

"That's enough, isn't it just a draught? Can there be any great things, there is no use at all, okay?"

"This is just something that can only be played by children. I have grown up and I will not play these childish games."

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