Super Finding App

Chapter 1838: Zhu Wanjun

"I understand, I understand"

Zhu Wanjun took a sip of the coffee in his hand, placed it gently on the table, and raised his head. The whole body exudes a mature charm, saying it word by word

"If someone else told me such a thing, I would be furious, or even drive him away, thinking that he had a bad heart, but it was you Qiu Yuhong who said that, and I naturally knew that you were good for me. But I can also tell you that she is absolutely fine. She promised that I would wait for me, so even if it ’s hard or hard, she will be waiting for me. She will never be in trouble. I am absolutely Believe her "

Qiu Yuhong sighed quietly and stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples.

"If it hadn't been our relationship for more than ten years, I would really think that you would have a mental illness. After all, it was something that happened more than ten years ago. Now I still remember that when I was more than ten years ago, I just arrived at this There are no relatives in the city. If it weren't for meeting you, I would not be the editor-in-chief of the newspaper. I will certainly help you, but I really have reservations about what you say. "

Qiu Yuhong seemed to remember that she had just arrived in the city 10 years ago, and she had no face to face. If not by chance, she also came to this city, but she has a little basic Zhu Wanjun, I ’m afraid it ’s with fate. It will be totally different.

"Understand, understand, of course I understand what you mean, but Qiu Yuhong you don't know her magic. When you were in the mountains, if you hadn't met her, there would not be me now. I promised she would Going back to her, I promised her things would be done, and she promised to do my things. "

Zhu Wanjun said word by word that the tone was filled with incomparable hardness, and even the unclear person could clearly feel the firmness in Zhu Wanjun's tone.

Obviously, he believed in everything he said.

"Okay, okay, but Zhu Wanjun, this time I also heard the last solution. After all, you also know that you are looking for it in the newspaper. Even if you have invited a private detective, there is no news at all. This time I also happened to meet my old girlfriend by chance and thought of the Super Find App. This time, if even the Super Find App can't find the woman you are looking for, then there is really no way. "

"A super finder app?"

Zhu Wanjun nodded slightly, and frowned tightly. As a successful CEO, he knew very well about anything new.

The Super Hidden App can be said to have one person. As long as you purchase a smart phone, as long as you download anything on the Internet, it may be bound to the Super Hidden App forcibly.

He also used it, but the effect was not satisfactory

"This Super Hidden App appears very strange. It is said that until now, no one knows the source of the Super Hidden App, and how it exists on the Internet. Some even say that it is a technology belonging to aliens, but regardless How, since it can find the person I am looking for, I will naturally use it, but it requires belief points, but the strange thing is that this belief point is very difficult to obtain. "

"Zhu Wanjun, do you also use the Super Hidden App? If I remember correctly, the belief points of this Super Hidden App require daily prayers in the Super Hidden App. As long as you pray for two hours a day, you can get different Faith points, if you have enough faith points, you can find the requirements for the items you want to find. "

"For this super-hunting app, our newspaper has also reported on it in detail. Some people do have enough faith points to find what he is looking for."

"Zhu Wanjun, haven't you tried?"

Zhu Wanjun shook his head gently and frowned.

"I did try this Super Hidden Object APP, but the two hours of pious prayers are too long for me, and I have received very few faith points, which is very strange, there are Some people get quite a lot of faith points after praying, while others get very little. There must be some reason for this. "

"This is of course. According to our research, this so-called faith point is the prayer of the seeker to the **** of the find of the super-app search app. The higher the belief of the **** of the find, the higher the number of faith points obtained The more. "

Qiu Yuhong shook her head and said with a weird look on her face.

"Like Zhu Wanjun, if you don't believe in the so-called God at all, how can you get a lot of faith points?"

Zhu Wanjun opened his mouth and seemed to understand something.

As a successful CEO, how could he believe in the so-called God?

Rather than believe in God, he believes in himself!

Thinking of this he took a long breath

"Well, I don't have any way, but this time the person you are looking for can really use the Super Finder to find me the person I am looking for? If you can, it does n’t matter if you spend more money . "

Zhu Wanjun said eagerly

"I'm not so sure about this."

Qiu Yuhong hesitated.

"I also said what should be said, I'm not afraid to tell you, I can know that he also found me because of my girlfriend, and my girlfriend Yang Shuwen hasn't seen each other for more than 10 years. This time I can meet It's really unexpected. "

"It was also through Yang Shuwen that I knew that this person could use the Super Find App, and his belief points should be quite a lot."

"I have talked with him yesterday and invited him to our newspaper to negotiate. If he wants to, I remember that using the Super Find App should be able to find the person you are looking for."

Qiu Yuhong said verbatim, there was some shortness of breath in the end, hesitant to say

But there is one thing you have to think about, even if this super finder app can really find the person you are looking for, but it is dead or alive. I'm afraid that's true. "

Zhu Wanjun shook his body, and seemed to understand what Qiu Yuhong said, and nodded.

"I understand, but what I want to tell you is that she will definitely be fine. Even if I die, she will definitely be fine. No, or even if she dies, I will have to see people and die to see corpses."

"Is she really so important to you? It's so important that you haven't forgotten her for ten years, it's so important that you can refuse to be any woman. Is it all worth it?"

Qiu Yuhong opened her mouth and finally could not bear the inner question and said

This is her biggest doubt

"It is worth it, of course, because she is my most important person"

Zhu Wanjun raised his head and showed a bright smile

This smile is even brighter than the sun.

"Yes, you are right. Many of the women I met were more beautiful than her, and many were more **** than her. They were better than her and even more understanding. , Even 10 times better than her, 1000 times better, but no matter how good and wonderful those women are, it will never be better in my heart than her. "

"As long as I can find her, it's worth the wait no matter how many years."

"This is my agreement with her."

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