Super Finding App

Chapter 1849: Incident (4)

"Witch, witch, this is really a witch, this is a witch, I really didn't expect this witch to grow so big. This witch looks pretty and looks pretty."

"Fart, what are you looking for? Didn't you see it? A big birthmark on her face, so ugly, ugly, it's just too ugly, this is the curse of heaven."

"This is the curse of heaven. Only those who, like a witch, have killed their mother and then killed their father will be punished last time, with such a large birthmark on their face, This tells everyone that those close to her will get bad luck. No wonder Zhu Wanjun has become so abnormal recently. It turned out that she was cursed by a witch. All these are curses of a witch. This witch is really terrible. , This witch is simply terrible. "

The villagers of Fenglong Village talked arrogantly. When they saw the witch at first sight, they still felt that the witch was more handsome, like an ordinary little girl.

But when I saw the huge birthmark on the right face of the witch, the attitude immediately changed 360 degrees, and the disgusting words blurted out.

The witch lowered her head, and quickly blocked her right face with her hair. Her body shivered, showing a look of fear.

He felt that his sunlight had disappeared, and a ray of light that he had hardly caught disappeared completely.

Next will be darkness and fear that are colder than cold.

If a person has never been exposed to the sun and is always in the dark, he will never feel how cold and gloomy darkness is, nor will he feel lonely.

Only those who have experienced the sun first understand that darkness is terrible. Only once you have it and then lose it will you know how precious it is to have it.

Something is more heartbreaking than losing it.

Facing the fierce people in Fenglong Village and his parents and village chief, Zhu Wanjun quickly raised his hand and waved his arm.

"Let go, let go, you let go of me, you let go of me, do n’t talk nonsense, the witch is not a curse, she is a good girl, she is a good girl, you have misunderstood, there is no curse at all in this world, Without any curse "

It is a pity that no matter how desperate Zhu Wanjun struggled and shouted, it was of no use.

For the villagers of Donglong Village, it is clear that Zhu Wanjun's performance at this moment has completely confirmed their thoughts.

"Pull away, pull away, and quickly pull Zhu Wanjun away. He has been completely deceived by the witch. The witch is so terrible that she can even brainwash people's thoughts. You must pull Zhu Wanjun away. Otherwise, if you let Zhu Wanjun go, Infected by the sorceress, infected with mold, and even the mold was spread to the entire village. By then, our village will be in bad shape. "

The village chief shouted angrily

The village chief, he will never allow anyone to destroy his prestige.

With the voice of the village chief's reprimand, Zhu Wanjun's parents immediately pulled Zhu Wanjun, and many villagers held up a torch.

The witch trembled with horror, looking at Zhu Wanjun who was desperately struggling, and then looked at the villagers who were filled with indignation. At this moment, she was completely without God.

As a teenager, she couldn't face such oppression. She turned around and hurriedly escaped into the depths of the silent mountain peak.

"You let go of me, you let go of me, I'm going to find a witch, I'm going to find a witch, she is a good person, she is a good person, she is not the one who brings the curse, she is not the one who brings the curse at all There is no curse at all in this world, you are foolish, you are foolish, you are foolish. "

Zhu Wanjun, who was confined in his room, desperately knocked on the door of the room, bumped his body, and glared. Such an action was equivalent to a crazy beast. He was really worried about the witch. He didn't know what the witch was doing now.

But one thing he knew very well is that now the witch must be a person worried and afraid, and the thought of Zhu Wanjun was anxious.

But he never expected that such an action would fall into the eyes of his parents at home like a demon, making them frightened, but without fear and at a loss.

"What to do, what to do? Our son is completely obsessed. He is completely deceived. What should we do now? We are such a son, we are such a son"

The tears of middle-aged women are going to flow down, while the middle-aged men on the side are gritting their teeth but are at a loss as to what to do.

The village chief came over and said solemnly.

"This witch has now entered the depths of the taboo mountains. I have talked with the witch's grandma. They will not come down the mountain. Zhu Wanjun is really quite complicated now. He is bewitched by the witch. There is no way, I will ask the big immortal in the village to come and jump to the great god, and see if Zhu Wanjun can be rescued from the witch's confusion. You have to be optimistic in the future, don't let him go to the taboo mountain again Go, his study is very good now, it is impossible to delay his study because of the witch. If he fails to enter the university, it will be a major loss for our village. "

"Okay, okay, village head, you are right, you are right, we listen to you, we listen to you"

Middle-aged women and middle-aged men have nodded like chicks pecking, and they have no God.

After a while

The village chief invited Daxian to jump up the big god, but the result was still useless.

"Hurry me out, hurry me out"

Zhu Wanjun was struggling alone in the room, and then fell weakly against the corner of the door, his hands holding his knees and crying.

"Hurry me out, hurry me out, I'm going to find the witch, I'm going to find the witch"

As a teenage boy, he really didn't know how to cure himself. lake


The door was creaked and Zhu Wanjun lifted his head. His father and his mother walked in complexly, raised their heads, and looked at Zhu Wanjun's words.

"Do you really want to see the witch? You can do it if you want to see the witch, but you have to promise us one thing. As long as you promise one thing, we agree to let you see the witch."

Zhu Wanjun said urgently

"I promise, I promise, I promise whatever I ask"

The parents looked at each other, their expressions were extremely complicated.

"That is to enter the university. As long as you can enter the university, we will not prevent you from meeting the witch, but you will never be able to see the witch before you enter the university. As long as you agree to this condition, we will talk."

"But again, if you do n’t go to college or enter the taboo mountain again before the exam, and see the witch, then our conditions will be completely void, and you will never see the witch later."

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