Super Finding App

Chapter 1850: Villagers (1)

On the road leading to Fenglong Mountain, the black off-road vehicle was still advancing rapidly and was bumpy.

"So it turned out that such a thing happened before, Zhu Wanjun, this is something you have never mentioned to me before"

Qiu Yuehong shook his head slightly, hesitated, and said

"If you really say that, then you were admitted to university as early as a dozen years ago, you should be able to meet with the witch and be with the witch, why now you do n’t even have the witch's face Seeing, I do n’t even know where the witch is, what happened to you after that? ”

"It's true. Although it ’s true that the people in your village are foolish now when you listen to Mr. Zhu, it is undeniable that under the circumstances, your parents’ actions were correct. Separate you from the witch, but at least make a deal with you, so that you can concentrate on studying to enter the university, I believe that after entering the university, you should no longer prevent you from interacting with the witch. This is not entirely true. Mistake, what happened to you and the witch later? "

Cheng Yiping was interested. After all, according to normal development, it should be that Zhu Wanjun was admitted to the university, and then he could enter the forbidden mountain to meet the witch, and then the two of them developed a romantic, singing and crying love. story

Obviously, looking at Zhu Wanjun in front of him, Cheng Yiping knows that the subsequent development is completely different from that in the novel.

as expected

Zhu Wanjun showed a bitter smile and shook his head gently.

"It's true. Since I reached an agreement with my parents, I have been studying hard at home. I thought that if I could go to college, I would see Miko again, and I could teach her everything I learned. So I have been working very hard, but I never thought that when I was admitted to the university, I would never see a witch again. "

"People in the village said that the witch had followed her grandmother to leave Fenglongshan a long time ago, and left here far away. I have never seen a witch since then."

As Zhu Wanjun said, he looked up, and showed a bitter smile.

Every time he thinks of this scene, there is a kind of heartbreaking pain.

He still remembers that his first thought when he got the college notice with joy was to rush to the taboo mountain to find the witch, and tell the witch the good news thoroughly.

But when he rushed into the taboo mountain, he came under the big locust tree where the witch often stayed, waiting for him not a witch at all but nothing.

Zhu Wanjun waited there for three days and three nights, but no one was there.

It has been more than ten years since then.

"So it turned out that such a thing happened, it seems that all stories do not end with happiness"

Cheng Yiping shook his head gently and said

"Although there are some elements of conjecture, maybe after this incident, the witch really couldn't stay in Fenglong Village, especially after the incident with you, if it was me, I will leave here like her, if it was a child, it would be fine. After all, I ca n’t leave. I can only live in the village. When I grow up, I will definitely leave this excluded village. After all, there is always a big world. In the corner of her own body, I am afraid for the witch, this is a painful memory in her life. "

Cheng Yiping sighed sighily, remembering the many unfortunate people encountered in his childhood.

They ca n’t leave when they are young, they can only bear the burden of humiliation, and once they have the ability, they can leave this sadness that they ca n’t wait to leave, and eventually leave their hometown, or even do not want to mention their hometown where.

If it is said that she is the witch of this Fenglong village, she is said to have killed her father and mother, and it will still bring misfortune. Once you have grown up and have the ability to survive, you will definitely want to To leave this place, people in Fenglong Village will never be connected again.

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he sighed, and suddenly frowned slightly.

"No, there is something wrong. If this is the case, then if you use the Super Hidden App to search, the result of the search should not be in Fenglong Village, and this witch is indeed here right now. In Fenglong Village, this makes things a little strange. "

Cheng Yiping raised his head while thinking, watching the off-road vehicle driving on the mountain road, and slowly entered the 100,000 mountains.

"The Super Hidden Object App will definitely not have any errors. In other words, this witch is definitely within this Fenglongshan, then there can only be two results."

"The first type of witch has always been in Fenglongshan and has never left, but she avoided the villagers of Fenglongshan Village, and even the private detectives sent by Zhu Wanming and Zhu Wanming lived quietly life."

"The second kind is that the witch has indeed left the Fenglong Mountain. It is because of this situation that Zhu Wanjun did not find the witch at all, but it is a coincidence that the witch returned to the wind from the outside because of something. In the middle of Longshan, the Super Finding App will find that the witch appears in Fenglongshan and Fenglong Village. If this is the case, then everything is really a coincidence, and even the coincidence has a doomed feeling. "

"Okay, okay, Zhu Wanjun, don't think too much. I believe that since Mr. Cheng has already said, he has found the place of the witch by using the Super Find App, no matter why the witch has not contacted you for more than ten years Without saying goodbye, I believe that after the meeting, everything will have an answer. "

Qiu Yuehong shook his head gently.

She didn't know that at this moment, Cheng Yiping thought so much in his mind.

But she was really curious about what happened between Zhu Wanjun and the witch. As the editor-in-chief of the newspaper and as a friend of Zhu Wanjun, she was originally trying to help her friends, but now she is keenly aware of the news.

Perhaps the important news value can be discovered from Zhu Wanjun and the witch.

Zhu Wanjun opened his mouth, closed it again, and looked at Cheng Yiping in front of him. He no longer needed it, turned his head, and looked complexly at the road ahead.

For him, it was no use talking about it, and now his heart fell completely on the witch.

With the memory, it seems that I can go back to the past.

He really wanted to know where the witch was and how he was doing.

"Are you really in the middle of Fenglong Mountain?"

"If it's true, why avoid it?"

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