Super Finding App

Chapter 1851: meet

Many villagers gathered at the village gate of the Wind Control Village, their faces filled with bright smiles and talked to each other.

Some children were wearing new clothes, holding candy in their hands and running fast back and forth on the road in Xinpu's village, with silver bell-like smiles.

"What's the matter, husband, why all the people in our village have come to the village entrance. Is there any big man coming to the village?"

The prosperity of Fenglong Village makes it easier for men in Fenglong Village to marry their wives and have children than people in other villages.

Everyone has the instinct to avoid evil and evil, and the girls in the nearby villages also hope to be able to marry into Fenglong Village and live a wealthy life.

This is not, there is a newly married daughter-in-law who has joined the Fenglong Village at this moment is standing behind her husband with her child. She has some strangeness. The husband who was just watching TV at home was excited immediately. He rushed outside, and not only that, the people, men, women, young or old, who were in the entire risk-control village gathered together and walked towards the village entrance.

Everyone's face was filled with bright smiles, chattering, and seemed to be waiting for someone to come.

Even the village chief was waiting in front.

"This is of course, wife, don't you know? Zhu Wanjun is back. Zhu Wanjun is going back to the village. Of course, people in our village will meet him at the entrance of this village."

"Don't you always want to meet Zhu Wanjun? You didn't meet him the last time he came back. This time you can finally see it."

"Really? Really? What you said is that Zhu Wanjun is the university student you went out of in your village when you talked to me. Now it is the CEO of a listed company group. This is really a legendary recognition. When I was working outside, I often saw the news of Zhu Wanjun in the newspaper. His company is really very big, but the country is one of the top 500 companies. "

"This is of course, this is of course, because Zhu Wanjun is one of the CEOs of the top 500 companies, so, he can give some of the business within their company to our village, even with the help of their company's sales Channel to help our village to sell, get rid of poverty and get rich

"You don't know. In the past few years, our Fenglong Village was really very poor. Now you can see that every house has built a small foreign house and can drive cars. All of them are the blessings of Zhu Wanjun. According to the words of Li Village Chief, Zhu Wanjun is a golden dragon flying out of our village. Tell me, now he is rare to return to the village. Can we not meet him? "

"Go, go, of course go, of course go, but the CEO of a listed 500 company, if we have a friendship with him, a little oil and water will be enough for us to eat delicious and spicy."

Many villagers inside the village entrance of Fenglong Village talked enthusiastically. Whether it was the villagers who originally belonged to Fenglong Village or the outsiders who were married in, there were bright smiles on the faces.

They are all clear that after Zhu Wanjun's return, as long as everyone treats him well, he may be able to make the economy in his hometown better through the friendship of his hometown.

"Zhu Wanjun's **** mother, Zhu Wanjun's **** mother, I didn't expect Zhu Wanjun to come back to our village with the child, they will be back today, they must come to see you."

"Zhu Wanjun is really filial."

"That is, that is, when I was young, I saw that Zhu Wanjun is a very productive child."

"Yes, yes, we have the same idea. When Zhu Wanjun was a child, he liked to learn. Where can he let him learn like the dog egg in my house, he would not learn. I knew that if I was studying as well as Zhu Wanjun at that time, maybe I would be in the limelight now. "

"Yes, yes, yes, but we are also good. Zhu Wanjun is now standing outside with mixed wind and water. Our Fenglong Village is also sticking light behind. Zhu Wanjun's **** mother, your family really has a blue smoke. It ’s now Guangzong Yaozu. "

There is a way for the mother to level her child.

Zhu Wanjun's mother and father originally belonged to the middle and low grades in the village. The family was not considered to be very good, and occasionally they were looked down upon.

However, it never occurred to them that since Zhu Wanjun's departure, the status of the two of them in the village can be described as rising, rising straight, and even surpassing the village chief.

Fortunately, Zhu Wanjun's parents are not the kind of intriguing people who want to compete for the authority of the village head. They have always maintained considerable respect for the village head.

Therefore, Zhu Wanjun's father and mother can be said to be beloved in the village, and the flowers are blooming. With the help of Zhu Wanjun's standout, the two of them can be regarded as people in the village.

Originally, the two were not used to the changes in the village people, but they got used to it over time.

At this moment, the two were standing anxiously waiting at the entrance of the village.

After a while

I saw a black off-road vehicle gradually appear in front of everyone.

The village chief said with joy.

"Here, he comes. Zhu Wanjun is really back. He is really very filial. He just came back in the past few days. I didn't expect to come back in a few days. This time I heard he brought a friend. come"

"Yes, yes, are Zhu Wanjun's friends ordinary people? That is certainly not the case. We are well-known in the old saying, things are grouped together, people are grouped. Since they are Zhu Wanjun's friends, they must be rich people. It ’s important to note that if you let him eat and drink in our Fenglong village, look at the great rivers and mountains and landforms in our Fenglong village. In case of investing in any project, people in our village can initiate it. Our Fenglong Village can become more affluent again, do you know or not? "

The village chief stood at the entrance of the village and turned to the numerous villagers.

Of course, as a village head, he considered more than ordinary people.

For ordinary villagers, what they considered was that Zhu Wanjun returned to the village and brought his friends over. It can be said that it was Guangzong Yaozu

And the village chief considered more, that is, Zhu Wanjun's friends must also be rich.

When he came to Fenglong Village together, would he bring more projects to the village workers and villages, so that the people in the village would be richer, and at the same time he would be able to get richer.

The villagers around them reacted when they heard this, their heads were the same as chicks pecking.

When I heard that it was good, I was really excited and cooperated actively.

"Village chief, we know, we know"

"The village chief is right. Why didn't we think of it? Zhu Wanjun's friends must be rich."

"Yes, yes, if Zhu Wanjun's friends see that the environment here is good and we invest, we will be able to get rich again."

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